

1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre



The Tiananmen Square protests, known in China as the June Fourth Incident, were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, lasting from 15 April to 4 June 1989. After weeks of unsuccessful attempts between the demonstrators and the Chinese government to find a peaceful resolution, the Chinese government declared martial law on the night of 3 June and deployed troops to occupy the square in what is referred to as the Tiananmen Square massacre. The events are sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement, the Tiananmen Square Incident, or the Tiananmen uprising.

Tiananmen Square

#VIIV #eight-squared #六四鎮壓 #六四屠殺 #may-35th #8964 #tiananmen-square #tiananmen-square-massacre #june-fourth-incident #自由 #中国 #beijing #china #北京 #freedom #liberty #democracy #民主 #1989 #massacre


China: Das Massaker auf dem "Platz des Himmlischen Friedens"

China - Das Massaker auf dem "Platz des Himmlischen Friedens"

In Peking wird am 4. Juni 1989 eine friedliche Protestbewegung blutig niedergeschlagen. Soldaten töten vermutlich mehr als 1.000 Menschen.#PlatzdesHimmlischenFriedens #PEking #CHINA #Todesurteil #MASSAKER
China: Das Massaker auf dem "Platz des Himmlischen Friedens"


Hong Kong: Quash Baseless Convictions of Activists


The Hong Kong government should immediately quash a court’s groundless national security law convictions of prominent pro-democracy activists, Human Rights Watch said today.\
On May 30, 2024, three judges handpicked by the Beijing-controlled Hong Kong chief executive convicted 14 activists and former elected lawmakers under the draconian National Security Law. Two were acquitted. Earlier, 31 other defendants had pleaded guilty in hopes of more lenient sentencing. The court will announce sentences, which could amount to life in prison, at a future date.

#hong-kong #freedom #liberty #democracy #china #中国 #香港 #自由


#ukraine #Putin #Gaza
The U.S.-led #NATO axis whose neocon foreign policy was drawn up by Victoria #Nuland finds itself embroiled itself in conflict after conflict, and as Ukraine has fallen apart it has invested everything into Israel's quagmire in #Gaza.
Journalist Pepe Escobar joined to provide initial comments on how #Russia and #China are changing everything on the world stage, and Danny Haiphong concludes in an analysis you don't want to miss.


Deutsch-Chinesische Kulturarbeit in der Auslandsgesellschaft – SERIE (2) – 75 Jahre Auslandsgesellschaft Dortmund: Ein Interview mit Christa Frommknecht

Am 28. März 1949 fand die Gründungsversammlung der „Gesellschaft der Freunde des Auslandsinstituts“ – der heutigen Auslandsgesellschaft.de statt. Das Ziel lautete damals wie heute Völkerverständigung im Geist von Humanität und Toleranz.#Auslandsgesellschaft #China #ChristaFrommknecht #Deutsch-ChinesischeGesellschaft #Deutsch-ChinesischeKulturarbeit #Dortmund #DrHaraldKoch
SERIE (2) - 75 Jahre Auslandsgesellschaft Dortmund: Ein Interview mit Christa Frommknecht - Nordstadtblogger