

Exclusive Breaking: Explosive claims from Pfizer #Whistle-blower after shock post to say she isn't suicidal.

Pfizer CEO Adam Bourla and the #shocking things going on at the #vaccine manufacturing plant and what was put in the #vaccines!!!!!

This could provide #evidence that could strip Pfizer of its indemnity and lead to criminal prosecution.

Please share far and wide.

#Luciferase in the Vaccines! Pics shown of the vaccines show something extremely concerning. Luciferase has been used before.

Pfizer internal database shows a $20,000 or $200,000 payment received from none other than Bill Gates.

#Why would Bill #Gates be #paying large sums of #money to Pfizer.

Strange boxes of #ingredients were arriving from #China and they were being mixed into the vaccines.

The quality control and those who were trained to mix the ingredients did not know what was being mixed into the vaccines by the compounding department.

This is shocking beyond belief.

Wuhan China appeared to be the epicentre of the Covid outbreak but then we heard about the Wuhan lab and the connection to Fauci in the United States and the Gain of function funding from the NIH.

However it gets stranger.

Pfizer has a #research and development lab in China and its address happens to be 666. I'm sure that this is completely coincidental right !!? Wrong. This information is from within Pfizer's own internal database.

Many of the documents contained within the Pfizer database were written in Chinese.

Pfizer employees told to "hide from them" during visits to the Pfizer manufacturing facility by the FDA.



Konflikt um Taiwan: China beendet Militärübung

Bei zweitägigen Manövern hat Chinas Armee eine Blockade und Übernahme der demokratischen Inselrepublik Taiwan simuliert. Die EU wagt leise Kritik an China.#Taiwan #KPChina #China #EU #Asien #Politik
Konflikt um Taiwan: China beendet Militärübung


Taiwan: Amtseinführung von William Lai

Taiwan - Neuer Präsident fordert von China Ende der Drohungen

William Lai Ching-te ist neuer Präsident Taiwans. Seine liberal-progressive Partei DDP setzt den Wandel des Landes zu einer vollwertigen Demokratie fort.#WilliamLaiChing-te #TAIWAN #CHINA #Asien #Präsidentschaftswahl
Taiwan: Amtseinführung von William Lai


Präsident Lai in Taiwan: Mann mit Aufstiegsgeschichte

Taiwans neuer Präsident William Lai will den China-kritischen Kurs seiner Vorgängerin weiterführen. Auch innenpolitisch sind die Aufgaben groß.#PräsidentschaftswahlTaiwan #Taiwan #China #Staatspräsident #Asien #Politik
Präsident Lai in Taiwan: Mann mit Aufstiegsgeschichte


Tsargrad: The assassination was “organized at the highest level.” An “excruciating death” is a signal to Russia and China. “They are killing everyone who supports Russia and China.” — sources

It is reported that local authorities promptly sent 8 ambulances to the site of the alleged crash. Earlier, the IRIB TV channel reported that the situation is seriously complicated by weather conditions, which prevents rescuers from reaching the scene of the incident, said Tsargrad columnist Ilya Golovnev.

According to the latest information, the location of the helicopter of Iranian President Raisi was found, rescuers are approaching the scene. This is reported by Press TV.

Immediately after the incident, Israel was quick to deny its participation in the crash of the helicopter, on board which was Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Earlier in the Arab media, there was a version that the crash of the helicopter was an attempted assassination of Raisi, carried out as a result of sabotage by Israeli security services in collusion with Azerbaijan, with whose leader the Iranian leader had met not long before the crash.

Azerbaijan is a latent ally of Israel. If it turns out that Raisi was killed, all this will end in a big Transcaucasian war,

  • says war correspondent Alexei Zhivov.

Ayatollah Al-Hashem, the governor of Eastern Azerbaijan, was also present in the helicopter. According to some reports, the vehicle made a hard landing near the village of Uzi. The area is inaccessible, making it extremely difficult for rescue services to operate.

The Mehr publication initially reported that Raisi was alive, but the news was hastily deleted afterward. Later, the US publication Politico wrote that the incident involving the Iranian president is “serious” and “there is a high probability of injuries.”

The Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) also reported that “some unofficial sources say that some companions of the Iranian president died an agonizing death” at the crash site.

Assassination versions

At the same time, a security source in Iran believes the helicopter may have been shot down:

“This puts us in front of a very serious and dangerous security event. We are facing the possibility of a “major assassination attempt” or an actual assassination.

Political scientist Sergei Markov points out that if it is indeed a terrorist attack, Israel could be behind it. It could also be radical Sunni Islamic groups. And, of course, there is always a threat of a terrorist attack from the three main terrorist organizations in the world: ISIS*, the SBU, and the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s GUR. For all of them, #Iran is an enemy.

In turn, US officials believe that Iranian President Raisi has been assassinated. Biden was informed about the situation with the helicopter. A short time later, journalist Arash Azizi published an article for The Atlantic, where he also claimed that his sources had reported the death of the Iranian president.

If so, we should remember who killed IRGC General Qassem Suleimani. And it was done by the US,

  • reminded military blogger Sergei Kolyasnikov.

He also recalled a series of “coincidences” that have occurred recently: on May 15, 2024, an assassination attempt on Robert Fico; on May 15, 2024, media reports about the prevention of a plot to overthrow President Recep Erdogan in Turkey; on May 16, 2024, Serbian police in the north of the country detained a man for threatening President Aleksandar Vucic; on May 19, 2024, a helicopter crash with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and the Foreign Minister. And the assassinations of General Suleimani and IRGC generals during an Israeli strike on the Iranian Consulate General.

The #US and #UK have opened a new chapter of #terror in their #history. All pro-Russian and pro-China politicians in the West should double their caution and security,

  • writes Kolyasnikov.

Chinese scholar Nikolai Vavilov holds a similar opinion:

They have moved to the last stage - they are #killing everyone who supports #Russia and #China, apparently, things are not good at all and the failure of the West’s strategy after Putin’s visit to China has become as obvious as possible.



Ermittlungen gegen Krah und Bystron - schwere Zeiten für die AfD

Krah und Bystron - Keine guten Wochen für die AfD

Gegen die zwei AfD-Spitzenkandidaten für die Europawahl, Krah und Bystron, laufen Ermittlungen. Die Partei erhebt Vorwürfe gegen den Rechtsstaat.#AfD #China #Europawahl #Ermittlungen #Immunität
Ermittlungen gegen Krah und Bystron - schwere Zeiten für die AfD


Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them

In some of his most hawkish comments to date, the head of Canada's intelligence agency is warning Canadians — including teenagers — against using the wildly popular video app TikTok.

"My answer as director of [the Canadian Security Intelligence Service] is that there is a very clear strategy on the part of the government of China ... to be able to acquire ... personal information from anyone around the world," said CSIS director David Vigneault in an interview with CBC's The House airing Saturday.

"As an individual, I would say that I would absolutely not recommend someone have TikTok."

Vigneault said it's "very clear" from the app's design that data gleaned from its users "is available to the government of China."

"Most people can say, 'Why is it a big deal for a teenager now to have their data [on TikTok]?' Well in five years, in 10 years, that teenager will be a young adult, will be engaged in different activities around the world," he told host Catherine Cullen.

"If you are, for whatever reason, getting in the crosshairs of the [People's Republic of China], they will have a lot of information about you."

#CBC #CSIS #China #news


US-Strafzölle: Droht ein Handelskrieg mit China?

Konflikt USA-China - Was bedeuten die neuen US-Zölle für den Welthandel?

Protektionismus gegen Subventionen im Welthandel: US-Präsident Biden erhöht massiv Einfuhrzölle auf Produkte aus China - darunter Elektroautos und Solarmodule.#E-Auto #China #USA #Wirtschaft #Strafzölle #Zoll #Handelskrieg #US-Wahlkampf #Biden
US-Strafzölle: Droht ein Handelskrieg mit China?


I Have Added Censored Videos to My Minus Library

[minus://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4](minus://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4) 3.73 MiB

If you don't have MinusBrowser, you can download this by starting Tor Browser and then typing this in a terminal window.

curl --socks5-hostname -O gopher://envbba6qz5rq36kkt7ipo6oqtj7glvz6hhkescpxb3m6zx2jnmo6zmad.onion:1990/9/Glory-to-Hong-Kong---Anthem-of-The-Hong-Kong-Protests-Pe1gTPcWyds.mp4

Freedom for Hong Kong!

my library


Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

YouTube agrees to remove videos of banned Hong Kong protest song

by VOA News

YouTube says it will block access in Hong Kong to videos of
performances of a banned protest song.

Hong Kong's Court of Appeal ruled last week that "Glory to Hong Kong,"
which emerged as an anthem for protesters during the massive
anti-government protests in 2019, is illegal to sing or play in the
city. The ruling said the song's composer intended for the song to be
used as a "weapon."

There was no immediate comment from the government in Hong Kong.

The ban covers anyone who either broadcasts or distributes the song
with the intention of promoting Hong Kong's independence or
misrepresents it as the city's official anthem. Hong Kong is a
semi-autonomous city.

YouTube said in a statement Wednesday that it will block access in the
Chinese city to 32 videos of the song, which the court deemed was
"prohibited content."

"We are disappointed by the Court's decision but are complying with its
removal order," the online video sharing service said. The company said
it shared concerns with human rights organizations about the chilling
effect the ban would have on free speech online, and that it is
considering options to file an appeal.

A search for the 32 videos in Hong Kong resulted in a message saying
they were "not available on this country domain due to a court order."

The song has mistakenly been played at sporting events as the official
anthem of Hong Kong. The city does not have its own anthem, instead
using mainland China's official anthem "March of the Volunteers."

The appeal court's ruling overturned a previous decision issued last
year by the High Court, which cited free speech concerns. The
government went to court last year to have the song banned after Google
and other internet service providers refused to remove it from their
search results.

YouTube and Google are owned by California-based Alphabet.

The ban is the latest action taken by the government to silence
dissenting voices since Beijing passed a sweeping security law for Hong
Kong in 2020 in response to the protests. The law punishes anyone
believed to be carrying out terrorism, separatism, subversion of state
power or collusion with foreign forces.

Since the law took effect, hundreds of pro-democracy advocates have
been arrested, tried and jailed, and the city's once-vibrant civil
society has been stifled.

George Chen, the co-chair of digital practice at the Washington-based
business and policy consultancy Asia Group, said the ban could hurt
Hong Kong's reputation as a global financial hub if officials pressure
online platforms on a daily basis to remove content, as it could raise
questions about its willingness to allow the free flow of information.

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press,
Reuters, Agence France-Presse.

The Voice of America provides news and information in more than 40
languages to an estimated weekly audience of over 326 million people.
Stories with the VOA News byline are the work of multiple VOA
journalists and may contain information from wire service reports.

#hong-kong #hongkong #china #youtube #censorship #google #alphabet #anthem #hong-kong-anthem #anthem-of-hong-kong #香港 #中国


US President #Biden: We raised tariffs on Chinese goods in order to help American companies

The new US tariffs targeting Chinese goods are strategic and targeted

We need fair competition with #China, not conflict

Funny is that US paying billions of dollars to American companies and farmers doesn't count as unfair business practices when they dump the price of American made food and agriculture products in developing countries that kills local business and agriculture. And if those countries put tariffs on American products, they face severe punishments from the #IMF and the world bank.

#Capitalism #US #Economy #Hypocrisy #Protectionism