

#Rencontre avec #Olivier Grall, le #patron du #synthé en #France


#Musicien et #ingénieur du #son, Olivier #Grall a rassemblé, à force de #passion comme de patience, l'une des plus grosses #collections au monde de #claviers #électriques. Des #Rhodes au #Mellotron en passant par tout ce qu'on peut trouver de plus rare dans l' #histoire du #synthétiseur, son temple regorge de merveilles qui ont fait, font et feront l'histoire de la #musique. Inutile de vous dire qu' #Audiofanzine ne s'est pas fait prier pour aller lui poser quelques questions et visiter son antre...

#music #story #synthesizer #synth


#Best #Amiga #Mega #demos 2017 - 2022 #Music #Mix - #Weena_CN


The best Amiga #Megademos from 2017 to 2022

Beam Riders by Haujobb Ghostown
Brutalism by Capsule
Elude - Rise And Shine
Focus Design - Storm Rider
#Haujobb - Signals
Kick The Sofa by Focus Design
PEEK by Spaceballs
#Spaceballs - Makt
The Electronic Knights - Hologon
Transhuman_Pachinkoland - The Electronic Knights
Unique - Origins
Unique - singularities
Zener Drive - Amiga 500 by Altair

You can #download all #Demos here:

#Commodore Amiga 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 #CDTV and #CD32
Commodore Amiga #Monitor 1930 1935 1936A 1940 1942 1950 and 1960

What is a Amiga Demo or Megademo

The Commodore Amiga was a popular #personal #computer that was known for its #advanced #graphics and #sound #capabilities. One of the ways that users of the Amiga #demonstrated these capabilities was through the #creation of #demos, which were short #programs that #showcased the system's #audio and #visual capabilities.

MegaDemos, also known as demo #collections, were a type of Amiga demo that combined multiple smaller demos into a larger #package. These collections typically included several different demos with varying #themes and #styles, and were often designed to be impressive showcases of the Amiga's capabilities.

MegaDemos were usually created by groups of demo #programmers and #artists who collaborated to create the demos, and they often competed with other groups to see who could create the most impressive demo. These #competitions were known as demo parties, and were popular among Amiga enthusiasts in the 1980s and 1990s.

Some famous MegaDemos include the "Unreal" and "State of the Art" demos by the demo group "The Silents," and "Hardwired" and "9 Fingers" by "Spaceballs." These demos were known for their impressive visuals, music, and animations, and were popular among Amiga users and demo enthusiasts.

MegaDemos played an important role in the early demo scene and helped to showcase the power of the Amiga's advanced graphics and sound capabilities. Today, they are still enjoyed by retro gaming enthusiasts and are seen as an important part of the history of the Commodore Amiga computer.


#SMEM - Le #musée des #synthétiseurs de #Fribourg


Une archive vivante

Le smem, MusĂ©e #Suisse et centre des #instruments de #Musique #Électroniques, possĂšde l'une des plus grandes et des plus importantes #collections au monde de #synthĂ©tiseurs, d' #orgues, de boĂźtes Ă  rythmes, d'Ă©quipements d'effets, de consoles de mixage, d' #amplificateurs et d'Ă©quipements de #studio.


Environ 5000 #instruments et #appareils sont stockĂ©s dans son Schaulager dans le centre d'innovation #BlueFactory Ă  Fribourg, en Suisse. ConsidĂ©rĂ©e par son Ă©quipe comme une archive vivante, la collection se veut accessible aux #artistes, au grand #public et Ă  la #recherche. Une sĂ©lection d'instruments de musique Ă©lectroniques importants peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©couverts et employĂ©s dans #Playroom du smem.

#synth #synthesizer #music


How Collections Work After Latest Kindle Update – Nice Options, But As Usual Confusion Sown By Amazon

Now that Amazon has started rolling out the new user interface to all Kindle ereaders dating back to the Kindle Paperwhite 3 that was released in 2015, there’s some confusion about changes made to the collections feature.

There’s now different ways to view collections on Kindles, and it can be rather confusing initially. With two separate menus to filter content, the new UI isn’t very intuitive, and there’s no explanation about how things are supposed to work now, so I can see why some people are having problems with it.

There are two different ways to sort collections, and the filtering option for collections doesn’t appear with the default option selected in settings (brilliant). If you want to view your collections in list view, try using a different viewing option in settings. One will show all your collections and all the books added to those collections in one long list, or you can select to just show collections that you’ve marked as favourites in the main list.

See https://blog.the-ebook-reader.com/2022/03/22/how-collections-work-after-latest-kindle-update/

#technology #kindle #ereader #collections
#Blog, ##ereader, ##kindle, ##technology