

#Best #Amiga #Mega #demos 2017 - 2022 #Music #Mix - #Weena_CN


The best Amiga #Megademos from 2017 to 2022

Beam Riders by Haujobb Ghostown
Brutalism by Capsule
Elude - Rise And Shine
Focus Design - Storm Rider
#Haujobb - Signals
Kick The Sofa by Focus Design
PEEK by Spaceballs
#Spaceballs - Makt
The Electronic Knights - Hologon
Transhuman_Pachinkoland - The Electronic Knights
Unique - Origins
Unique - singularities
Zener Drive - Amiga 500 by Altair

You can #download all #Demos here:

#Commodore Amiga 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 #CDTV and #CD32
Commodore Amiga #Monitor 1930 1935 1936A 1940 1942 1950 and 1960

What is a Amiga Demo or Megademo

The Commodore Amiga was a popular #personal #computer that was known for its #advanced #graphics and #sound #capabilities. One of the ways that users of the Amiga #demonstrated these capabilities was through the #creation of #demos, which were short #programs that #showcased the system's #audio and #visual capabilities.

MegaDemos, also known as demo #collections, were a type of Amiga demo that combined multiple smaller demos into a larger #package. These collections typically included several different demos with varying #themes and #styles, and were often designed to be impressive showcases of the Amiga's capabilities.

MegaDemos were usually created by groups of demo #programmers and #artists who collaborated to create the demos, and they often competed with other groups to see who could create the most impressive demo. These #competitions were known as demo parties, and were popular among Amiga enthusiasts in the 1980s and 1990s.

Some famous MegaDemos include the "Unreal" and "State of the Art" demos by the demo group "The Silents," and "Hardwired" and "9 Fingers" by "Spaceballs." These demos were known for their impressive visuals, music, and animations, and were popular among Amiga users and demo enthusiasts.

MegaDemos played an important role in the early demo scene and helped to showcase the power of the Amiga's advanced graphics and sound capabilities. Today, they are still enjoyed by retro gaming enthusiasts and are seen as an important part of the history of the Commodore Amiga computer.


#Amiga #Dream #Magazine ( #French) : #Internet #Archive


#AmigaDream est la première #publication du groupe Posse Press (également éditeur de PC Team). Elle a été créée à l'époque par #RomainCanonge, ancien #journaliste d' #AmigaRevue, #FrancisPoulain, ancien membre du service technique de #Commodore #France et #ChristineRobert, ancienne rédactrice en chef d' #AmigaRevue. Le premier numéro est sorti en novembre 1993 simultanément à l'arrivée en France de l'Amiga #CD32, troisième console de la firme Commodore #International après le #C64GS et le #CDTV. Le titre ...

#pdf #ipf #dms


#Amiga - #Hombre, la mort de l'Amiga était écrite - #AmigaFrance


Le #chipset originel de l’Amiga 1000 a évolué en #ECS sur la génération suivante puis en #AGA ou AA sur nos #A1200, #A4000 et #CD32. Dans les labos de #Commodore on travaillait bien évidemment sur la suite de ce chipset AA/AGA, le fameux #AAA. Seulement entre temps la concurrence avait bien évoluée et les retards pris sur l’AAA poussent Commodore à se rendre à l’évidence. Le AAA n’est plus aussi ambitieux qu’il y paraissait quelques années plus tôt. Les finances n’étant pas au meilleur de leur forme il est décidé d’abandonner le chipset AAA au profit du chipset Hombre (Comprenez « Homme » en espagnol) bien plus ambitieux qui était lui aussi en développement mais plutôt destiné à être l’après AAA. Doc PDF

#retrocomputer #histoire


#Downfall #Amiga, After #Commodore ( #Documentary) - #RaviAbbott

This video is a Long Cut of my videos about the downfall of the Amiga #Computer and what happened with Commodore UK’s future plans, and the period of time #Escom and #Gateway2000 owned the #AmigaComputer. This period of time has hardly been covered on YouTube and I hope this becomes a great resource for people interested in the Amigas Later Life.

0:00 Intro
0:12 PCBWay
0:42 Amiga #CD32
1:49 Commodores Future Plans
2:33 Hombre #Chipset
3:19 #CD64 & Hombre
7:45 Commodores Secret Meeting
8:10 Who were Escom
9:13 Escom Retail
10:30 First Amiga Buyout
12:03 IBMs Connection
12:43 Why Escom brought Amiga
13:52 Escom redesign Amiga
15:59 Commodore Assets
16:40 Amiga #Technologies
17:03 Repackaging Amiga
18:30 Escom Floppy Drive Fix
18:57 Amiga #4000T
19:26 Escom Memories
20:20 Licensing Amiga
12:50 New Star Technology
22:24 Lotus Pacific
23:54 Escom Bankruptcy
24:12 Extended Warranty
25:16 #OS2 Deal
25:45 #Viscorp
27:54 #Quikpak
29:03 Second Amiga Buyout
29:39 Gateway 2000 Buys Amiga
30:04 Last minute trouble
31:40 Who were Gateway 2000
33:37 Who are Gateway 2000
35:08 Amiga Subsidiary
37:21 Amiga International
38:41 Amiga Marketing
41:02 Amiga Revival Plan
42:17 Amiga OE
43:43 Amiga MCC
44:44 New architecture
44:59 #QNX
45:54 #Linux based #OS
46:39 Gateway kills Amiga
47:13 Dark Days
47:43 Amiga the #Survivor

#retrocomputr #history