

A quotation from Goethe, Johann von

But heard are the voices,
Heard are the sages,
The Worlds and the Ages:
“Choose well: your choice is
Brief, and yet endless.”

[Doch rufen von drüben
Die Stimmen der Geister
Die Stimmen der Meister:
Bersäumt nich zu üben
Die Kräfte des Guten.]

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman, scientist
“Symbolum” (1815) [tr. Carlyle (1843)]

#quote #quotation #choice #choosing #consequences #impact #long-term #decision #commitment
Sourcing and notes: https://wist.info/goethe-johann/55474/


A very cool song and video. Not understanding the language I was not expecting to enjoy it so much, but I watched and enjoyed the music and animation. Then I translated (I hope roughly correctly) and found a very deep song about relationships, commitment, time, beer…

I will share what I could re-create using the lyrics on the YouTube description. Something like this.
Thanks for this, @Hans Wolters


Racoon - Het Is Al Laat Toch (It Is Getting Late, Anyway)

What an idea, what a plan,
oh damn man Why am I so nervous
Go in, sit down anyway and have a drink then
Maybe she’ll like you
And you her, so each other,
and you can laugh a little there

There’s always a choice
She looks at you, the atmosphere suddenly becomes so serious
It’s getting late anyway
It’s getting late anyway
What are we still doing here It’s getting late anyway It’s getting late anyway Do you still want your beer
Come on let’s go to my house

I don’t get it, it was so beautiful, not normal anymore How time can break so quickly My whole life is up and running, looking for a dream story And I search for it and I feel bad
Did I lose something, or did I leave something somewhere? Tell me where We continue to grow, as far as you can call it that
We are growing further apart

But now the door has closed, and your presence disappears My world only gets smaller, soulful only by stubbornness
What we forget when cursing, on the grind of so many years Is that we whine, that we whine, but in the same language

We grow by, as far as you can call it We grow further apart It’s getting late It’s getting late What are we still doing here It’s getting late It’s it’s too late You stay here Then I’ll go home

But now the door has closed, and your presence disappears

My world only shrinks, soulful only through stubbornness What we forget in the cursing, in the grind of so many years Is that we whine, that we whine, but in the same language

It’s already late anyway It’s already late anyway What are we still doing here Come let’s go to my house It’s getting late anyway It’s getting late anyway What are we still doing here It’s getting late anyway It’s getting late anyway So drink your beer And then we’ll go to our house.

#music #Nederlander #musica #musique #Racoon #keus #musique #muziek #relationships #commitment #love


Our next Comics Workshop at Regenbogenkombinat Cottbus: “Volunteers at
AIDS-Hilfe”. Let´s observe the many aspects of voluntary work in this field,
and draw sequences about it. This workshop will be completely online -join us!

Freitag, 13. November 2020 von 16:00 UTC+01 bis 20:00 UTC+01
Öffentlich · Gastgeber: AIDS-Hilfe Lausitz e.V. und CSD Cottbus

Liebe Mitmenschen, wer sagt „ICH KANN NICHT ZEICHNEN“ ist hier genau richtig.
Dieser Workshop findet per Videokonferenz statt.
Wir laden herzlich zu unserem nächsten Comic-Workshop mit Elke Renate Steiner ein.
In diesem 4-Stunden-Workshop könnt Ihr Euch mit ein paar grundsätzlichen Techniken
des Comics vertraut machen, z.B. dem Entwickeln von Figuren, dem Zeichnen von
Gesichtern und Gefühlsausdrücken sowie der Verwendung von Schrift. Nach dem
Kennenlernen dieser Werkzeuge werden individuelle Kurzgeschichten rund um das
Thema „Ehrenamtlich bei der AIDS-Hilfe" entwickelt und gezeichnet. Dabei unterstützt
Euch Elke Renate Steiner in Einzelkorrekturen. Zum Schluss würdigt und betrachtet
Ihr die entstandenen Sequenzen.
Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.
Notwendiges Material: Weißes Papier, Bleistift, Radiergummi, schwarzer/dunkler
Filzstift und einige Farben
Kosten: die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei
Plätze digital: max. 12
Videokonferenzplattform: Remo (https://remo.co/conference) Zugang ist kostenfrei
Anmeldung: http://veranstaltung.aids-hilfe-lausitz.de

#aidshilfe, #aidsawareness, #volunteers, #ehrenamtliche, #comicsworkshop,
#comicworkshop, #cottbus, #lausitz, #lusatia, #onlineworkshop, #online, #drawing,
#comics, #comic, #comicbasics, #aidshilfelausitz, #kompaktworkshop, #ehrenamt,
#gesellschaftlichesengagement, #volunteerwork, #commitment, #engagement,
#brandenburg, #niederlausitz, #joinus, #shortstories, #onepager #freiwillige