
Where does YOUR country stand?

World survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service

War Resisters' International maintains the World survey of #conscription and conscientious objection to #military service - a database of country profiles and information on the situation for conscientious objectors (COs) and #conscripts around the world. This unique resource exists to assist #activists, #researchers, lawyers and other interested parties to find out more about both trends in conscription worldwide, and specific information on individual #states. It has been used to assist COs seeking #asylum, to give #solidarity activists #information in planning campaigns, to give campaigners against conscription examples from other states to put pressure on their own #governments, and in academic #research.

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Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra:

El correo electrónico de Alertas OC

El correo electrónico de Alertas OC está destinado para casos de objeción de conciencia o acciones #antimilitaristas. Se envían Alertas OC por correo electrónico en cuanto la oficina de la IRG recibe la información sobre el #encarcelamiento o el juicio de un/a objetor/a de conciencia. Esta es una herramienta poderosa para movilizar #apoyos y #protestas. Proporcionamos un formulario de contacto por email para que podáis contactar de manera simple con las autoridades en apoyo a un/a activista #noviolento/a que esté sufriendo #represión.

En muchos países, la #cárcel continúa siendo el destino de los objetores de conciencia (OC). Miles de OC continúan en #prisión – en Corea del Sur, Israel, Finlandia, Colombia y muchos otros países. A pesar de que muchos países han introducido leyes sobre la objeción de conciencia, muchos OC siguen enfrentándose a penas de cárcel porque no se ajustan a los criterios de las autoridades o porque se niegan a realizar un servicio alternativo. La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra apoya a los objetores de conciencia que están encarcelados debido a su #objeción o a aquellos que se enfrentan a la represión del estado o de entidades estatales.


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War Resisters International:

Die Liste für CO-Alarmnachrichten

Die Liste für CO-Alarmnachrichten ist besonders für solche Fälle gedacht, die Aktionen von #Kriegsdienstverweigerern oder #Antimilitaristen betreffen. CO-Alarmnachrichten werden per Email versandt, sobald das WRI-Büro Informationen über die Inhaftierung oder das Gerichtsverfahren eines Kriegsdienstverweigerers erhält. Sie sind ein mächtiges Werkzeug, um Unterstützung und Protest zu mobilisieren. Wir stellen ein Email-Kontaktformular zur Verfügung, damit Ihr schnell und einfach die Behörden kontaktieren könnt, als Unterstützung eines gewaltfreien Aktivisten, der Repressionen ausgesetzt ist.

In vielen Ländern ist das Gefängnis immer noch das Schicksal der #Kriegsdienstverweigerer (COs). Tausende von COs sind immer noch im Gefängnis – in Südkorea, Israel, Finnland, Kolumbien und vielen anderen Ländern. Obgleich viele Länder Gesetze über die Kriegsdienstverweigerung eingeführt haben, werden immer noch viele COs inhaftiert, weil sie entweder nicht in die Kriterien der Behörden passen oder sich weigern, Ersatzdienst zu leisten. Die War Resisters‘ International unterstützt Kriegsdienstverweigerer, die aufgrund ihrer Verweigerung inhaftiert werden oder Repressionen durch den Staat oder staatsähnliche Instanzen ausgesetzt sind.


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War Resisters International can keep you informed about conscientious objectors:

CO Action alerts

The CO-Alert email list is specifically for alerts in cases of conscientious objection or #antimilitarist action. CO-Alerts are sent out by email as soon as the WRI office receives information on the #imprisonment or trial of a conscientious objector, are a powerful tool to mobilise #support and #protest. We provide an email contact form, so you can quickly and simply contact the authorities, in support of a #nonviolent #activist who is facing #repression.

In many countries, #prison is still the fate of conscientious objectors (COs). Thousands of COs are still in prison -- in South Korea, Israel, Finland, Colombia, and many other countries. Despite many countries having introduced laws on conscientious objection, many COs still face imprisonment, because they either don't fit into the authorities' criteria, or they refuse to perform any substitute service. War Resisters' International supports conscientious objectors who are imprisoned because of their conscientious objection, or face repression by the state or state-like entities.

Sign up here: https://wri-irg.org/en/programmes/co_alerts

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A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System

Empowering conscientious objectors to take advantage of human rights mechanisms

WRI hosts 'A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System'. This is an update of 'A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the UN Human Rights System', published in 2000, and covers the multitude of developments that have taken place in terms of #HumanRights and #ConscientiousObjection since then. The various human rights systems are complicated and can be off-putting. Different mechanisms have their own processes, requirements, and potential outcomes. In addition, it can be difficult to choose which system might be the most effective, or most promising, to use. The main purpose of this Guide is to help individuals and organisations who wish to raise issues and cases about conscientious objection to work out what the possibilities are, how to use them, and the likely advantages and disadvantages of the different procedures. We hope that, in breaking down the steps involved, these mechanisms become more approachable.

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As we approach International Conscientious Objectors’ Day, I hope you will read:

South Korean NGOs: Stop the War in Ukraine! Give Peace a Chance!

On February 28, more than 390 South Korean NGOs held a press conference in front of the #Russian Embassy in South Korea calling on #Russia to stop its invasion of #Ukraine and calling for peace. Following their press conference, the NGOs representatives delivered their statement to the Russian Embassy.

#solidarity #SouthKorea #SouthKorean #Korean #SouthKorean #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection

Here is another way to observe International Conscientious Objectors’ Day, if you are around Chicago.

May 15th, 2022--Teach-In: Ending the War in Ukraine

Join us for this teach-in on SUNDAY, MAY 15TH, 2022 at 12:00 NOON CST, in-person at the DePaul University Quad…

…as we discuss the context of the #war in #Ukraine, harmful actions being taken by various sides, and #peaceful ways to end the war.

Co-sponsored by #Codepink, Chicago Area Peace Action, CCAWR (Chicago Committee Against War & Racism), Gay Liberation Network, Neighbors for Peace, and more!


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As we approach International Conscientious Objectors’ Day, I hope you will read:

Thoughts of a Russian peace activist

Ilya Kurtsev, a 20-year-old #Russian pacifist, has been in touch with the Peace Pledge Union about protests in #Russia against the #war in #Ukraine. Ilya offers #solidarity to people in all countries who are challenging war and #militarism. We are pleased that he supports the PPU's campaigns. He told us, "Your work against British government militarism is incredibly important".

Here, Ilya has written about the anti-war movement in Russia, along with his thoughts on why it is not stronger. This is his article.

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Here is another way to observe International Conscientious Objectors' Day, if you are in the northeast US.

The East Bay Citizens for Peace (EBCP) in Rhode Island holds ongoing peace vigils on the second Saturday of every month from 11 AM to noon outside the Bristol Post Office.

This Saturday May 14 their vigil would fall on the same weekend as International Conscientious Objectors' Day.

Here is their stated mission:

We are a #grassroots organization made up of individuals from #RhodeIsland’s East Bay area that are committed to #peaceful #solutions to conflict and to social and economic #justice through the promotion of open, respectful #dialogue. We strive to accomplish these #goals through public forums on topics relevant to our mission, publication of position papers and #community #activism. We also seek to promote changes in U.S. policy by lobbying our representatives in Washington DC on issues of concern. EBCP operates by consensus and does not as a group subscribe to any one political ideology or party.

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Ukraine: No to war! Resist all militarism!

The Peace Pledge Union stands in #solidarity with #peace campaigners in #Ukraine, #Russia and throughout the world who are resisting the #war in Ukraine. Renouncing all #war and condemning the #invasion of Ukraine, we stand against both #Russian #militarism and #NATO militarism.

The PPU is the British section of War Resisters' International. We are pleased to support the #Ukrainian #Pacifist Movement, the Russian Movement for #ConscientiousObjectors and other groups who resist militarism in their own countries and seek to tackle the causes of war.

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Counseling hotline for conscientious objectors and deserters of the Ukrainian war established

"In order to be able to give the best possible support right from the start, we have set up an #counseling #hotline in #Russian, #English and #German languages for initial information for #deserters and #ConscientiousObjectors who refuse to go to #war in the various countries. They need #assistance in a language they can understand. At the same time, we have put basic information online in Russian, English and German," says Rudi Friedrich.

More information at: https://www.Connection-ev.org/get.out.2022

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Peace activists demand for Germany to: Support war resisters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Broad alliance calls for protection/asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from #Russia, #Belarus and Ukraine

In a joint appeal to the German parliament, a broad civil society alliance calls on the #Bundestag and the #German #government to grant #protection and #asylum to #Russian and #Belarusian as well as #Ukrainian #ConscientiousObjectors and #deserters. #Germany and all other #EU countries must take in these people fleeing the #war effort without red tape and allow them a permanent right to stay – and also ensure that the human right to conscientious objection is recognized.

“Our goal is to ensure that conscientious objectors and deserters from the #Ukraine war are granted uncomplicated protection and asylum,” reads the letter to the members of the Bundestag, which is supported by Connection e.V., the human rights organization PRO ASYL and around 40 other peace, #HumanRights and #refugee organizations from all over Germany. The alliance is urging the members of the Bundestag to pass a corresponding motion – if possible as intergroup – to mandate the government to provide this protection for deserters and conscientious objectors. Unfortunately, this protection has not been guaranteed so far.

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From GI Rights Hotline:

Conscientious Objection Fact Sheet

After you read this fact sheet, please call the Hotline (877-447-4487) to talk over your options with a counselor.

Conscientious Objection Discharge
Everyone has a conscience. Few people wrestle with their conscience as much as members of the #military, especially those in #combat. Counselors with the GI Rights Hotline talk with military personnel every day who are questioning the #morality of the orders they have received or jobs they are expected to perform.

If you are one of those people, you came to the right place. You should know that you are not alone. In fact, every year hundreds of military personnel apply for #ConscientiousObjector status. #ConscientiousObjectors have been with us as long as there have been wars.

Click here to see the fact sheet: https://girightshotline.org/en/military-knowledge-base/topic/conscientious-objection-discharge

Please share with anyone you know in the US military!

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Please mark your calendars:

International Conscientious Objectors' Day - May 15th

I will be posting links and information leading up to the day.

One of the most active organizations for this event is Peace Pledge Union in the UK, and you can livestream their vigil online from anywhere in the world.

You can also look for local #activism closer to home if you are outside the UK. I will be posting additional events in other places.

In addition to joining in events, you can also take time to learn about #peace activism and the plight of #ConscientiousObjectors in militaristic places. I will be posting educational links.

Be sure to save this link if you would like to live stream the Peace Pledge Union observance on May 15: https://www.ppu.org.uk/international-conscientious-objectors-day-may-15th

#ConscientiousObjection #pacifist #pacifism


December 1st - A Day to Write To Prisoners!

Prisoners for Peace Day

December 1st is Prisoners for Peace Day. On this day (and every day) we encourage you to show #solidarity with the #activists and #ConscientiousObjectors imprisoned due to their #peace work and their refusal to take #arms and perform #military service.

This year we want to highlight and denounce how countries like #Singapore, the Republic of #Korea, #Eritrea and #Tajikistan continues to prosecute and imprison conscientious objectors.

Find a list of #prisoners for peace here, download the list here or below.

As we get closer to this day, what can you do?
We have been told repeatedly by people who have been sent messages of solidarity while in #prison, either via #letters or solidarity actions, that the moral support of like-minded people has been invaluable. Your solidarity is crucial to remind the #imprisoned refusers and peace activists that they are not alone and that we are aware of the significance of their #resistance. On this day,

  • Join many others from across the world and write to those imprisoned for their peace work and conscientious objection.
  • Encourage your friends, peace group, student, faith or community group to organise a card-writing session (online, or if the Covid-19 regulations allow, physical).
  • Help us spread the word on social media. Use the hashtag #PfPday21 and post your messages of solidarity with prisoners for peace on social media, and invite others to write to those in #jail.

If you have details of other prisoners for peace not yet listed, please write to info@wri-irg.org.

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New Publication: Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Conscientious Objection in Turkey

#War Resisters' International, together with Connection e.V. and Union Pacifiste de France, released a new publication, #ConscientiousObjection in #Turkey.

The booklet, published in English, Turkish, French and German, includes articles on the situation of #ConscientiousObjectors (COs) in Turkey, the #history of conscientious objection movement in the country, as well as the experiences of COs from Turkey who sought asylum in other countries.

You can download its English edition here.

In der #Türkei hatten Anfang der 1990er Jahre die ersten öffentlich ihre Kriegsdienstverweigerung erklärt und sind gegen Krieg, Militär und Zwangsdienst aufgestanden. Weit über 1.000 haben sich ihnen inzwischen angeschlossen und öffentlich ihre Kriegsdienstverweigerung erklärt. Darüber hinaus haben sich Hunderttausende auf andere Art und Weise der Wehrpflicht entzogen oder sind untergetaucht. Einige Hundert haben aufgrund der drohenden Verfolgung im Ausland Asyl gesucht. Die Türkei ist inzwischen das einzige Mitgliedsland des Europarates, das das Recht auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung nicht anerkennt.

Diese Broschüre erscheint zum Internationalen Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung 2021 in viersprachiger Ausgabe 30 Jahre nach den ersten öffentlichen Verweigerungserklärungen. Sie zieht Resümee, beschreibt die Solidaritätsarbeit für die Kriegsdienstverweigerungsbewegung aus dem Ausland und sie lässt Verweigerer zu Wort kommen, die zum Teil über Jahre hinweg in der Türkei aktiv waren und nun ins Exil gegangen sind.

Download: https://www.Connection-eV.org/pdfs/kriegsdienstverweigerung-tuerkei-2021.pdf

La Internacional de Resistentes a la #Guerra, junto con Connection e.V. y Union Pacifiste de Francia, lanzaron una nueva publicación llamada #ObjeciónDeConciencia en #Turquía.

Este folleto, publicado en inglés, turco, francés y alemán, incluye artículos sobre la situación de los #ObjetoresDeConciencia (OC) en Turquía, la #historia del movimiento de objeción de conciencia en el país, así como las experiencias de los OC de Turquía que solicitaron asilo en otros paises.

Puedes descargar su edición en inglés aquí.

Click here to download the booklet in Turkish.

Click here to download the booklet in French.

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Please mark your calendars!

International Conscientious Objectors' Day - May 15th

#Remembering all those who have refused to bear #arms and participate in #war, throughout #history and today.

Every year on May 15th we #remember those who have established and are maintaining the right to refuse to kill, both in the past and today. Hundreds of people across the world are imprisoned or forced to flee their home countries for refusing to join the armed forces. On May 15th we stand in #solidarity with them, as well as celebrating the #memory of all those throughout history who have resisted #conscription.

Due to Coronavirus restrictions this year's National Ceremony will be online, with a live stream from Tavistock Square where the event usually takes place. Simply visit this page at 4.30pm on Saturday 15th May to watch the live stream.

The event will be streamed live via Youtube on this page. There is no need to register in advance, but if you want you can register here for email updates.

The time appears to be UK time zone, so you may need to check what time it will be in your local area :)


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