

Europas Börsen geraten erneut ins Taumeln | DW | 15.03.2023

Die Papiere heimischer Banken stürzen ab, Händler halten die Sorgen um SVB-Pleite nicht für ausgestanden. Die Schweizer Credit Suisse leidet ganz besonders. Die EZB scheint aber an ihrem Zinsschritt festhalten zu wollen.#Banken #Börse #Bankenkrise #Crash
Europas Börsen geraten erneut ins Taumeln | DW | 15.03.2023


#Exchange #Online and #Microsoft #Teams go down across #Asia

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/12/02/microsoft_teams_exchange_apac_outage

"Our service availability remains at a stable level and we are still focused on understanding the underlying source of the issue and ensuring the problem does not reoccur," the update states.

That's marketing #bullshit. They know nothing and hope the best.

#cloud #software #Problem #crash #stability #fail #news


But how would he pay the guards once even his #crypto was worthless? What would stop the guards from eventually choosing their own leader?

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff

Not even the Cryotobillionaires believe that their crypto #money will still be worth anything after the end of the #world. Do you seriously believe that someone will trade you some bread for a USB stick in the end time?

#apocalypse #wealth #cryptocurrency #btc #bitcoin #crash #collapse #finance #armageddon #fail #humanity #future #problem


The #Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a #Trillion #Dollars Everyone trusted the two guys at Three Arrows #Capital. They knew what they were doing — right?

source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/three-arrows-capital-kyle-davies-su-zhu-crash.html

So far, liquidators have recovered only $40 million in #assets. “It became clear that they were insolvent but were continuing to borrow, which really just looks like a classic #PonziScheme,” says Kasselman.

#finance #money #economy #fail #crash #scam #technology #software #news #blockchain #bitcoin #bitcoins #btc


Oh My Freaking God, That was the most #fun hour I ever had on the internet.

I joined a dating site 'Earthy Soul Mates' not because i am looking for a man to disturb my peace but because they are throwing a mega weekend do practically next door to me. Half of my friends are part of this group and I want to #crash #the #party
The group consist of permaculture freaks, Tai chi teachers, Midwifes, Shamans and their ilk. After much trepidation I entered an outrageous profile (something about wresting down a majestic eagle with my bare hands, thus averting the end of the world in 2012), but then I had to write something of my preference, the kind of mate I am (supposedly) looking for of course. So I wrote:

Thought I join this group for the craic. I like men of course, age doesn't matter, someone with proper ZZ Top kind of a beard and a wicked sense of humour will do for me.

And what a #hoot, beardies with a mean sense of humour crawled out of the woodwork instantly.

#brilliant #fun


#Louisiana’s #insurance #market is collapsing, just in time for #hurricane season

source: https://grist.org/housing/louisiana-homeowner-insurance-hurricane-season/

A few months earlier, a major insurance company called Lighthouse had gone bankrupt, leaving almost 30,000 homeowners in the state without storm coverage. The company went under thanks to last year’s Hurricane Ida, which led to $400 million in damage claims, far more money than the company had on hand. It had been up to Donelon to find a new company to take over these abandoned policies, but no other #company wanted them. In fact, other companies were fleeing the state en masse.

#usa #capitalism #finance #security #problem #money #news #economy #environment #damage #crash #weather


#Ethereum miners spent $15 billion on GPUs in the last two years

source: https://www.techradar.com/in/news/ethereum-miners-spent-dollar15-billion-on-gpus-in-just-over-one-year

But now with its value tanking, many cryptoinvestors have found themselves unable to recoup the losses from spending so much money on GPUs and other parts. One such story, as outlined in the Bloomberg article, has one man who invested $30,000 in #cryptomining #hardware in mid-2021 but has only made about $5,000 so far through crypto.

That’s not even considering the environmental impact of all this mining, as the level of #carbon #emissions has always been a major #problem with cryptocurrencies. And it could be argued that between the waste of the GPUs purchased for #mining coupled with the environmental #damage, the value of Ethereum alone declining so steeply has made this all for nothing.

#news #environment #climate #crypto #cryptoCurrency #co2 #gpu #money #profit #crash #eth