


#INTERVIEW: Hollywood star Rob Schneider on the #Election #Cycle Variant, how Big Pharma buys TV and politicians and RFK Jr, the man who cleaned up the Hudson River, will do the same with the pill pushers.

Interesting chat between George #Galloway and Rob #Schneider, who seems refreshingly well informed on current affairs.

#RobSchneider: The Best Interview You’ll Hear This Year | MOATS with #GeorgeGalloway Ep 269


Last week, we had a day trip to #Torquay but rather than drive or take the train, we decided on a different route. The first leg was a #cycle trip to #Exmouth, about 17 km, followed by a boat trip around the #Devon #coast. The weather was a bit changeable but there were only prospects of short showers.

Well the first shower- didn't take long to arrive and here you can see the drops falling into the #EnglishChannel in the #wake of the #boat. An interesting combination of periodicity and irregularity on the water's surface.
Rain falling on the sea

But soon the rain cleared up and the Sun poked through the broken clouds.
Sunshine filtering through clouds

The first part of the #coast travelling #west is primarily #sandstone with its distinctive orange colour. You can see the layers tilted through geological action. #Erosion is always evident at the surface but on the action is the sea. The rocks are dated at about 250 million years.
Sandstone cliff
Sandstone cliff with erosion

On to a bit of #EngineeringGeology and #GeotechnicalEngineering, the erosion is a serious problem for any structures built on or near the coast and there is a mainline railway track on the route to London which runs along it on this stretch. #NetworkRail is busy trying to stabilize and strengthen the cliffs using #RockAnchor, #RockBolts and #meshing to retard the process. Here you can see workers #abseiling as part of their work.
Workers working on cliff face to stabilize the slope
Train going past a sandstone cliff

The erosion causes all manner of interesting irregular shapes in the rocks which make ideal place for #Seabirds to live. These include #Cormorants, #Shags and #Gulls.
Eroded sandstone cliff with a large void
Cormorants on a sandstone cliff
Sandstone cliff
Sandstone formation with large void

As you travel further west, the stratum abruptly changes to #limestone which is over 300 million years old. The form of erosion is also different as limestone is also chemically eroded by slightly acidic water. You can also see that the colour of the sea here is a very deep green.
Limestone cliffs
Limestone eroded to resemble a giant seat
Limestone with brightly coloured vegetation
Limestone with brightly coloured vegetation
Titled layers of limestone in a cliff

The #limestone also forms small #islets just off the #coast, again on which birds alight.
Cormorants on a limestone islet
Larger islet

A close approach to an islet reveals the beautiful detailed patterns of #rock and #vegetation.
Limestone islet
Bright vegetation at the waterline
Limestone cliff edge

Approaching our destination, some brave souls were clambering over this islet and perhaps were preparing to dive into the water.
People on a jagged islet

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer #Devon



#Saqsaywaman ou #Sacsayhuamán (mot #quechua signifiant « rapace content » ou « repu ») est une forteresse #inca ou un centre religieux dédié au Soleil et à d'autres dieux incas, située à deux kilomètres de la ville de #Cuzco, au #Pérou.

https://planet-terre.ens-lyon.fr/ressource/Img749-2022-05-30.xml (+source image du post)

Constructions résistantes aux #séismes en giga-pierres de taille assemblées sans ciment, et surface « en dos de baleine strié » certainement liée à la mise en place d'un pluton ou sill visqueux dans son encaissant.

C'est ce genre de vestiges, qui me fait parfois penser qu'on n'a pas de #progrès #scientifique.
On se développe dans une certaine voie en fonction des #ressources, pierres ou #pétrole, puis on devient extrêmement expert, jusqu'à ce que la #civilisation en question disparaisse, ou la #ressource qui a permis un tel développement, et donc la civilisation qui existait du fait de l'exploitation de cette ressource...
Puis la technologie est oubliée, et l' #humanité perd ce savoir.

Je me dis la même chose avec la machine d'Anticythère ... appelée également mécanisme d'Anticythère, est considérée comme le premier calculateur analogique antique permettant de calculer des positions astronomiques.
Il a fallu plusieurs scientifiques, pendant des mois, avec du matériel de pointe, rayons X, ordinateur puissant etc etc... pour arriver à retrouver ce que faisait cette machine de ... l'Antiquité !

Je crois en l' #évolution, qui consiste à s'adapter à un milieu naturel. Le milieu naturel étant changeant, il faut s'adapter ou disparaître. On évolue ou on disparaît.
Mais je ne crois pas au progrès technologique infini.
#Nature #Sciences #Philosophie #Cycle #Empire #Finitude #Collapse #Effondrement


@Kathryn Barr and I did a little #bike ride today to try out the new The Chief William Commanda Bridge from Ontario over to Quebec. This is actually a old railway bridge built in 1900 and formerly called the Prince of Wales Bridge. As you can see in the #video people have been waiting a long time for this bridge to be reopened and it is popular, at least on a sunny Sunday in August.


#bicycle #biking #cycle cycling #Ottawa


@Kathryn Barr and I did a 30 km bike ride today to try out the very western end of the Prescott Russell Pathway, which used to be a #railway. We went to Mile Zero and found the old tracks still there.

The shots are all from the 4 km segment of the old #train track we biked on. I won't describe Kathryn's route to get to the start and home again...

#bike #biking #bicycle #cycle #cycling


I had to go and buy something and so I hopped onto my #bike and made sure that I had my #BikeLock with me. Got to the shop, only to realize that I'd forgotten the bike lock keys! They're on the same keyring as my car keys and separate from my house keys. I could have risked popping into the shop and hoping that it would be ok but there was a fellow #cyclist who had also just arrived. I asked him if he wouldn't mind just looking after my #cycle while I was away for two minutes. Happily he agreed and we parted with a friendly farewell. It is nice to have #civility confirmed in daily life now and again. #CyclistsHelpCyclists


We had a #cycletrip to #BudleighSalterton today, which is a nice round trip of 48 km. It was a very pleasant day, not too hot and with a refreshing breeze to keep you cool. Those of you in the know will be glad that I wore short trousers and so my pump could not get stuck in my trouser leg.

The #beach is made up of pebbles of various sizes ranging from the size of your hand (15-20 cm) down to less than a centimetre. The colours vary from #purple and #pink to #grey and #blue. Here's a typical assortment.
Pebbles on Budleigh Salterton beack

Looking out to #sea (the #EnglishChannel), you can see that the water is various colours too ranging from marine #blue and #green to #brown near the #shore where #sediment gets churned up. (Note, it is nothing to do with the current notorious practices of private water companies.)
Budleigh beach and the English Channel

Looking #west and #east respectively, you can see the #sandstone and #mudstone #geology of the #cliffs
Western view from Budleigh beach
Eastern view from Budleigh beach

Right up by the #sea, you can sea the small #waves lapping the #shore. I suppose this #photograph is technically a #selfie.
Waves lapping on the shore

Finally, on the way home, I took a picture of the #cyclepath between BudleighSalterton and #Exmouth which stretches about 6 km and avoids motor traffic altogether. I can't think of many more pleasant routes to #cycle on.
Cycle route between Budleigh Salterton and Exmouth

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #Android #Summer #Bike #Biking #Cycling