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Court Date Set For Julian Assange’s Final Appeal To Avoid US Extradition

Imprisoned publisher Julian Assange will face two High Court judges over two days on Feb. 20-21, 2024 in London in what will likely be his last appeal against being extradited to the United States to face charges of violating the Espionage Act.


#JulianAssange #Date #FinalAppeal #Extradition


Court Date Set For Julian Assange’s Final Appeal To Avoid US Extradition

Imprisoned publisher Julian Assange will face two High Court judges over two days on Feb. 20-21, 2024 in London in what will likely be his last appeal against being extradited to the United States to face charges of violating the Espionage Act.


#JulianAssange #Date #FinalAppeal #Extradition


Blind Date?
Rendez-vous Ă  l'aveugle?

Ich suche eine unkomplizierte Frau die bereit ist nach Schweden zu ziehen um mit mir gemeinsam das Leben zu gestalten. Alternative wĂ€re der Aufbau des gemeinsamen Lebensmittelpunkts an einem naturnahen, ruhigen Platz in Europa. Ich bin handwerklich und Technisch autark. Intressen: Musik, Fotografieren, Angeln, MTB, Naturschutz und Pizza😁.

Je recherche une femme simple qui souhaite dĂ©mĂ©nager en SuĂšde pour façonner sa vie avec moi. Une alternative serait d'Ă©tablir le centre de vie commun dans un lieu naturel et calme en Europe. Je suis techniquement et techniquement autonome. IntĂ©rĂȘts : musique, photographie, pĂȘche, VTT, conservation de la nature et pizza😁.

I am looking for an uncomplicated woman who is willing to move to Sweden to shape life with me. An alternative would be to set up the common center of life in a natural, quiet place in Europe. I am technically and technically self-sufficient. Interests: music, photography, fishing, MTB, nature conservation and pizza😁.

#date #blinddate #Rendez-vous #reise #travel #trip #voyage #mut #zukunft #future


Der Moment, in dem ein vielversprechendes #Date katastrophal scheitert:

"Und was arbeitest du?"
"Pflastern und so."
"Pflastern und so."
"Und du?"
"Ich Àh -"



Today's date is a palindrome - and so is the time!

What some people have missed about today's date is that not only is it completely palindromic:
22222 or 22/2/22 -OR- 22022022 or 22/02/2022
but it's especially so if you wait until 20 minutes past 10 at night:
2220220222 or, parsing it to a date and time: 22:20 22.02.22

And then there's 22:22:22 on 22/2/22 

#date #palindrome #PalindromicDate #SorryUSA


#Honda Clocks Are Stuck 20 Years In The Past And There Isn't A #Fix

source: https://jalopnik.com/honda-clocks-are-stuck-20-years-in-the-past-and-this-mi-1848306970

There is no fix for the current issue. Honda says it’s investigating and if it does not find a fix, the clocks should correct themselves sometime in August.

The year 2022 bug D:

enter image description here

#bug #technology #car #fail #economy #software #news #clock #date