

"...and the only battle is not even that hard. just stop giving them your identity."



"just imagine what they know"

639,849 views 28 Aug 2022 David Bombal Podcasts
The machines are already tracking and watching you. And they're influencing you. The future looks bleak. Do you really want to live in a Skynet world?

I interview Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy. He's a public interest hacker and technologist. He uses his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and tech to serve the public good. He cares about privacy. He warns you of digital manipulation, disinformation, mass surveillance.

#interesting #curious #listen #and #understand
#awareness #thisisnotjustaboutyou #everyoneafteryou #now
#facethehorror #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis
#singularity #artificialwisdom #areyoudegoogled? #skynet
#bigbrother #bigbank #bigbarron #bigbully #bigbot
#america #australia #uk #nz #canada = #5eyes
#google #apple #facebook #amazon #microsoft = #GAFAM
#stalinsdream #phonesspy #thephoneshaveears #privacy
#whyobeycrooks #dontobeycrooks #stopobeyingcrooks
#whowatchesthewatchers #cancerspyware

#nocancerspyware #idontcarrypsycho

#doyoucarrythepsychopath? #thecorporation
mass surveillance is fundamentally incompatible
with basic human rights and democracy. ... phone listening.

Listen! And understand...
That terminator is out there.
It cant be bargained with.
It cant be reasoned with.
It does not feel pity, remorse, or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop,
until you are dead.

-- Kyle Reese to Sarah Conor, warning from the future to stop it in the now. Terminator 1984

It is everybody's responsibility to poke big brother in the eye.

This video, interviewing Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy, discusses some of the situation, the reason, and the methods.


#webbrowser #websearch #fingerprinting #profiling #privatebrowsing
#analytics #tracking
#startpage #duckduckgo #bravesearch

#youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftyranny #youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftotalitarianism

#makebettermedicine #makingbettermedicine

this is not just about you, everyone after you, now.


feels good, every little move mendwards.




If They would Just #Listen They Would #Know The #Truth!

( #EMF #PROTECTION) Fix the #World Project Maroc S.A.R.L. specializes in handmade Home Decor products for EMF protection as well as online technology education. https://ftwproject.com/ref/512 . 6G and Bey

If They would Just Listen They Would Know The Truth - #SabrinaWallace


#listen #consider


#whitneywebb #mercola

#cbdc #voluntaryfirst #involuntary #totalcontrol #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #massrejectcbdcs #whitneywebb #mercola #convenience #trap #wakeup #compromises #complicity #dependence #disempowerment #independence #duress #massadoption #foodstamps #forced #uptake #reduced #standardofliving #controlsystem #controlsystemdisguisedasamonetarysystem #monetarysystem #fakechoice #fightit #fightback #sayno #voluntaryphase #tradeandbarter #massadoption #massrejection #parallelsystems #community #supporteachother #remainoptimistic #getwise #wearenotaminority #speakout #ispytotalitariantiptoe #ifweallnarutoruntogether #accounts #censorship #nudgeunit #psyop #perceptionmanagement #problemreactionsolution #rememberwhenwesaidno #ifyoucanbetoldwhatyoucanseeorreadthenitfollowsyoucanbetoldwhattosayorthink #socialmedia #propaganda #socialmanipulation #intellectualphaselocking #groupthink #riggedpsychgelogicalmanipulationuserinterface #theeverythingapp #musk #datamining #wifi #biologicalcost #privacy #profiling #precrime #harpa #advertisingormarketing #arpa-h #biotech #bigpharma #siliconvalley #nationalsecurity #cia #hhs #fda #googlehealth #normalisedregulatorycapture #bigactors #agenda #transhumanism #theneweugenics #eugenics #ARPA-H #borg #totalinformationawareness #masssurveilance #glaxosmitklien #galvanibioelectronics #palanteer #fascbook #pentagon #terroristinformationawareness #corporatarchy #scamarchy #aipredictive #scam #scamdemic #powergrab #racketeering #robberbarons #biosecurity #coinflip #arbritrary #corruption #insanity #agi #gpt3 #gpt4 #plans #thehourislaterthanyouthink #aimarketing #aisingularity #leadbyfools #kissinger #skynet #theworkofman #themanbehindthecurtain #themonkeyinthemachine #trustmeiamanai #thegreatergood #notnormal #deskkillers #scapegoatai #externalities #normalisedattrocities #totalitarianism #dataism #croneyism #cantgettherefromhere



#watchthemcollapse #isitsowndestruction


Mirror Ubuntu Pro packages to be used on VMs

Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. The site also states:

Server with unlimited VMs*

The * is interesting here. Its says:

  • Any of: KVM | Qemu | Boch, VMWare ESXi, LXD | LXC, Xen, Hyper-V (WSL, Multipass), VirtualBox, z/VM, Docker. All Nodes in the cluster have to be subscribed to the service in order to benefit from the unlimited VM support

I use Proxmox and also i could not find any information on how the VMs would actually find the host's license. So i decided to mirror the packages myself and use it in my VMs.

I use nginx to proxy the requests and authenticate with Ubuntu Pro token.

I only provide the basic nginx config part and the script to setup the sources. You have to take care of any security to prevent an open proxy here. Please do not blindly copy & paste this :) . I use SSL. But that is optional of course.

You can get your authentication token from /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage after you enabled Ubuntu Pro on the host.

To generate the Basic authentication for the config file you can use:

echo "bearer:YOURTOKEN" | base64 -w0


resolver ipv6=off;
server {
    #listen [::]:80;

    server_name YOURHOSTNAME;
    #access_log /tank/steam/access.log main;
    error_log /tank/esm/error.log;
    access_log /tank/esm/access.log main;

    location / {
        proxy_cache esm;
        proxy_max_temp_file_size 1509600m;
        proxy_set_header Host esm.ubuntu.com;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        add_header X-Upstream-Status $upstream_status;
        add_header X-Upstream-Response-Time $upstream_response_time;
        add_header X-Upstream-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;

        proxy_ignore_client_abort on;
        proxy_redirect off;

        set $endpoint esm.ubuntu.com;
        proxy_cache_lock on;
        proxy_cache_lock_timeout 1h;
        proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
        proxy_cache_valid 200 90d;
        proxy_cache_valid 301 302 0;
        proxy_cache_revalidate on;
    proxy_cache_methods GET;
    proxy_cache_background_update on;
        proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic YOURAUTHTOKEN";
        proxy_pass https://$endpoint$request_uri;


    listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURHOSTNAME/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURHOSTNAME/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot


server {
    if ($host = YOURHOSTNAME) {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot
    listen YOURIP:80;
    server_name YOURHOSTNAME;
    return 404; # managed by Certbot


function list_include_item {
  local list="$1"
  local item="$2"
  if [[ $list =~ (^|[[:space:]])"$item"($|[[:space:]]) ]] ; then
    # yes, list include item
  return $result

if [ ! -f /etc//os-release ]; then
   echo "Could not find /etc/os-release"
   exit 1

. /etc/os-release

codenames="bionic focal jammy"
if ! `list_include_item "$codenames" "$UBUNTU_CODENAME"` ; then
   echo "Codename $UBUNTU_CODENAME is not suppported"
   exit 1

wget -qO /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-AB01A101DB53907B "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xe8a443ce358113d187bee0e6ab01a101db53907b"
rm -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-AB01A101DB53907B.gpg
gpg --dearmor /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-AB01A101DB53907B

wget -qO /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-4067E40313CB4B13 "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x56f7650a24c9e9ecf87c4d8d4067e40313cb4b13"
rm -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-4067E40313CB4B13.gpg
gpg --dearmor /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-esm-4067E40313CB4B13

cat > $ESM_FILE <<EOF
deb https://YOURHOSTNAME/apps/ubuntu $UBUNTU_CODENAME-apps-security main
deb https://YOURHOSTNAME/apps/ubuntu $UBUNTU_CODENAME-apps-updates main
deb https://YOURHOSTNAME/infra/ubuntu $UBUNTU_CODENAME-infra-security main
deb https://YOURHOSTNAME/infra/ubuntu $UBUNTU_CODENAME-infra-updates main

apt update

echo ""
echo "Added Ubuntu $UBUNTU_CODENAME ESM sources to $ESM_FILE"

#ubuntu #ubuntupro #linux #opensource #mirror #nginx


A psychosis can be defined as a detachment from reality, or the loss of an adaptive relationship to reality.

yep. rather reaffirms these two old advisory sayings:

listen to those who seek the truth. run from those who claim to have found it.

the map is not the terrain.

#epsitemology #adaptive #learning #humility #curiosity #receptivity #reality #truth #map #terrain #claim #certainty #listen #run #psychosis #masspsychosis

quote from this page


‘This new snow has no name’: Sami reindeer herders face climate disaster


“Our #livelihoods #depend on a #planet that is not on #fire. We are an #Arctic #people and our #culture is written in #snow. But #climate-change means the snow will get less and less. We must realise we can’t #overconsume our planet. This is #urgent. We need to #listen to all the #indigenous people in the #world who know how to #live in #harmony with the planet.”

#sami #reindeer #herders #polar #region #europe #norway #finland #sweden #russia #climate #disaster #environment #ejf #nature #extreme #weather #farming #animals