

Die Stadt Dortmund verleiht Preis an junge Künstler:innen – Der Förderpreis geht in diesem Jahr an das Duo Jana Kerima Stolzer und Lex Rütten

In der Sparte „Bildende Kunst und Design“ des Förderpreises für junge Künstler:innen gewannen Jana Kerima Stolzer und Lex Rütten. Das Duo will das Preisgeld, von 15.000 Euro, für die Weiterentwicklung seiner bisherigen Formate nutzen. „Der …#BildendeKunst #Design #Dortmund #FörderpreisKunst #HardwareKunst-undMedienvereienHMKV
Der Förderpreis geht in diesem Jahr an das Duo Jana Kerima Stolzer und Lex Rütten - Nordstadtblogger


Smashing idea: how East Germany invented ‘unbreakable’ drinking glasses

One factor that may have hindered Superfest’s competitiveness in a unified Germany was its functionalist, austere look. Especially in southern parts of the country, drinkers like to swig their beer from glasses decorated with gold edging or engraved coats of arms. “Baroque decoration on a Superfest glass wouldn’t work,” says Höhne. “It would violate the design itself.”

But the main reason for its decline, paradoxically, was its strength. Glass retailers who play by the rules of the market live off the fact that their products break, so they can sell more. A glass that didn’t break was a threat to profits. “It turned out that Superfest is not suited for the market,” says Höhne. “The glasses are too good for pure market thinking.”


#DDR #germany #design #engineering #capitalism is #fail #market #history


#TristanHarris is a former Google #design #ethicist, co-founder and president of the Center for Humane #Technology, and co-host of the Center for Humane Technology’s "Your Undivided Attention" podcast with Aza Raskin. Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue.
This is long form, about 3 hours
#JoeRogan Experience 1736 - Tristan Harris & Daniel Schmachtenberger