

#Books | Last of the Mohicans

'"The Spirit that made men colored them differently," commenced the subtle Huron. "Some are blacker than the sluggish bear. These He said would be slaves; and He ordered them to work forever, like the beaver. You may hear them groan, when the south wind blows, louder than the lowing buffaloes, along the shores of the great salt lake, where the big canoes come and go with them in droves. Some He made with faces paler than the ermine of the forests: and these He ordered to be traders; dogs to their women, and wolves to their slaves. He gave this people the nature of the pigeon: wings that never tire; young, more plentiful than the leaves on the trees, and appetites to devour the earth. He gave them tongues like the false call of the wild-cat; hearts like rabbits; the cunning of the hog (but none of the fox), and arms longer than the legs of the moose. With his tongue, he stops the ears of the Indians; his heart teaches him to pay warriors to fight his battles; his cunning tells him how to get together the goods of the earth; and his arms inclose the land from the shores of the salt-water to the islands of the great lake. His gluttony makes him sick. God gave him enough, and yet he wants all. Such are the palefaces.' ~ "Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757" by James Fenimoore Cooper


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Jetzt muss ich einfach ganz die stolze Mama sein und etwas angeben:

Meine Tochter wurde veröffentlicht, heute kam das Buch an, druckfrisch.Es erscheint auf Dezember, und als Buchhändlerin kann ich Euch nur sagen: Das ist ein wirklich schönes Vorlesebuch (kann ich mir jetzt gut vorstellen auch als Gutenachtgeschichten-Buch) Meine Tochter hat mitgemacht, da sie, um von "richtigen" Verlagen ernstgenommen werden muss, Veröffentlichungen von Kleinverlagen vorweisen muss. Egal wie man diese Geschäftspraktik findet, sie hat es geschafft.
Die Geschichten sind kurz, beziehen sich auf den Jahresverlauf, und die Geschichten beziehen sich auf die jeweiligen Bilder zum Monat. Ilonas Geschichte ist im Juni zu finden. Gibt es als e-book und gebunden (wobei ich ja das Gebundene vorziehen würde). Es sind kindliche Bilder, die Autoren sind in allen Alterskategorien zu finden.
Ich finde, hier gibt es ein sehr schönes Advents- Weihnachts- und Gutenachtlesebuch für Kiddies und Menschen, die auch mal Reisen in der Phantasiewelt ganz schön finden...
Titel: Wünsch dich ins Märchen Wunderland, Märchen für Herz und Seele im Jahresreigen, Band 3
Vlg: Papierfresserchen, ISBN: 978-3-99051-044-5 (Taschenbuch)
ISBN: 978-3-99051-045-2 (E-Book)

Und ja, sie bekommt Autorenhonorar. Und ja, logisch könnt ihr das weiterteilen und weiterempfehlen ;-)

#geschichten #kindergeschichten #vorlesen #lesebuch #kurzgeschichten #märchen #geschenk #weihnachten #weihnachtsgeschenk #kinder #junggebliebene #buch #ebook #papierfresserchen #büchermitdemdrachen


"Hilda the Wicked Witch", the very first short #ebook I published (for free) is still being downloaded almost daily, after 11 years. (Published at July 23rd 2010.)

Hilda 1

Over 101.000 downloads.

I am honoured.


Several years ago, my oldest prompted me to enter a writing contest on Reddit. The end result was Wolf Block. Readers often complain about the ending being too abrupt, a lesson I have tried to learn and apply in later work. I'm considering continuing the story via Kindle Vella, the new/upcoming serial fiction platform that Amazon is rolling out.

If you would like a free copy of Wolf Block, despite knowing the ending is abrupt, you can grab a free copy via BookFunnel. That offer is valid for the rest of this month (April 2021).

#sciencefiction #science-fiction #scifi #sci-fi #free #freebie #freebies #ebook #books #ebooks


The PEMF Book is out now! The PEMF book contains research review articles about the current research and application of PEMF therapy. It is meant to be an essential reference for practitioners and researchers who wish to learn about PEMF using authentic published research. Learn more and get the eBook on PEMF-devices.com
#PEMF #ebook #biohacking #physiotherapy #wellnessresearch #painmanagement #electrotherapy #chiropractic #functionalmedicine #integrativehealth #wellness #fitnessmotivation


Open Libraries: How Long Will They Last

I noticed this article at Torrent Freak. https://torrentfreak.com/brein-cracks-down-on-open-directory-piracy-but-what-is-it-201115/

Seems there's a coming crackdown on Open Libraries. These are libraries you discover by searching for "index of" epub. For example


It works with other types of files as well: e.g., "index of" mp4.

If these are going to start disappearing, we might want to save what we can first. Here's a library with a fair amount of SF and crime fiction.


Libraries on the Internet overlay networks are less easy to censor, as are torrents.
- http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/search/?q= The Imperial Library of Trantor
- zeropub
- http://ebooks.i2p/

#library #ebook #ebooks #books #sf #crime-fiction #downloads #file-sharing