

Wind Power Was Second-Largest Source of U.S. Electricity Generation on 3/29

On Tuesday, March 29, wind turbines in the Lower 48 states produced 2,017 GWh of electricity, making wind the second-largest source of electric generation for the day, only behind natural gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Hourly Electric Grid Monitor.
#eia, #generation, #electric, #hourly, #monitor, #grid, #development, #u.s.


#quote from #pa
Ukrainians don’t have much to be thankful for, but they may be a little thankful they’ve not all got #electric #vehicles

Over 100 strikes on #Ukrainian power facilities carried out in 20 days — energy company

#Ukraine a President Vladimir Zelensky said at a meeting with European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson on Tuesday that about 40% of the country’s energy infrastructure had been damaged
KIEV, November 2. /TASS/. More than a hundred strikes have been carried out on Ukraine’s energy facilities since October 10, when #Russia launched attacks on the country’s infrastructure following a terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, says the Ukrainian company YASNO, one of the country’s major electricity providers.

“Russia has attacked energy infrastructure 103 times <…>. Only shelling after October 10, whose consequences have been made public is taken into account,” says the infographic on the company’s Facebook page (a social media site banned in Russia since it is owned by Meta Corporation, which has been deemed extremist by Russia’s authorities).

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said at a meeting with European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson on Tuesday that about 40% of the country’s energy infrastructure had been damaged.

YASNO supplies electricity, gas and energy solutions in Ukraine. According to the company, it serves about 3.5 million customers.

On October 10, two days after Ukraine’s terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a massive attack on Ukrainian military, energy, and communications facilities with the use of long-range smart weapons. According to him, the Ukrainian authorities have long been using terrorist methods, including an attempt to blow up a section of the TurkStream gas pipeline, strikes on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and three terrorist attacks against the Kursk NPP. The Russian president then warned Kiev about a tough response to such actions.

Strikes against facilities in Ukraine were to a certain extent a response to the attack in Sevastopol, President Putin said on October 31. On Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported about a terrorist attack in Sevastopol, which was carried out by the Kiev regime with the participation of British specialists against the Black Sea Fleet and the commercial vessels involved in ensuring security of the grain corridor.

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Nord Stream AG Says Completed Initial Data Collection From First Line of Nord Stream Site

MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - Nord Stream AG said on Wednesday that it completed initial data collection from the site of damage at the first line of the Nord Stream in Swedish exclusive economic zone, having found man-made craters and a completely destroyed section of pipeline at the site.

As of 2 November 2022, Nord Stream AG has completed initial data gathering at the location of the pipeline damage on Line 1 in the Swedish exclusive economic zone," the statement read.
According to preliminary results of the inspection at the damage site, man-made craters with a depth of 3 to 5 meters (9-16 feet) were found on the seabed and a damaged section of the pipeline, the operator said.
“The section of the pipe between the craters is destroyed, the radius of pipe fragments dispersion is at least 250m,” the statement said.
Experts will continue to analyze the findings, according to Nord Stream AG.
Explosions occurred on September 26 at three of the four strings of Nord Stream 1 and 2 underwater pipelines built to carry a combined annual 110 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to Europe.
The bombing halted gas deliveries to Germany ahead of the cold season, prompting a gas price hike and a scramble for alternative sources in the European Union.
Moscow has blasted the Nord Stream as an “obvious terrorist attack.” The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova has recently said the world needs to know more about a text message allegedly sent by former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss to US State Secretary Antony Blinken minutes after the attacks on the Nord Stream pipeline network.
Earlier, Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload file-sharing website and an internet entrepreneur, tweeted that Truss used her iPhone to send a message to Blinken saying “It’s done” minutes after the pipeline explosion. According to the entrepreneur, the text Truss sent is well known to the intelligence service of Russia and it is the reason Moscow believes that the United Kingdom was involved in the bombing attack.


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But back in 1951, #JulianSchwinger, one of the founders of #quantum #electrodynamics and a 1964 Nobel Prize-winning physicist, suggested that creating #matter from #empty space should be possible, even if there is nothing there to begin with, as long as you perturb that empty space with a strong enough #electric field. Since then, this completely theoretical concept has been known simply as the Schwinger effect. Now, a team of researchers has shown this effect is real by essentially creating something out of pure nothingness.See less

Physicists Prove You Can Make #Something out of #Nothing by #Simulating #Cosmic #Physics - The Debrief


Donald E. Scott: #Quintessence of #Solar #Winds | #Thunderbolts
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Sjc5iZx6dIM
#Electric #Sun proponent Donald Scott rages against the status quo as usual. I would swear I was listening to Joe Montegna.

#Quote In 1962, the Mariner II space probe travelling toward Venus detected electrically charged particles moving through interplanetary space. Then the Ulysses solar probe, launched in 1990, discovered the solar wind came in two varieties—an irregular slow flow of 400 km/sec, and a fast one up to 800 km/sec. The slow solar wind typically comes from the Sun’s equatorially located 'streamer belt', while the fast type is from the relatively peaceful surface seen when looking down through coronal holes at the surface of the photosphere.

Author and electrical engineer Donald E. Scott, PhD, details the intricacies of the dual nature of solar winds, and how his Electric Sun Model solves the mystery of the extreme temperature of the lower corona—which has baffled astrophysics for decades.
Published 4th September 2022 (17:00)