

Es gibt nicht den Ossi, aber gemeinsame Erfahrungen

Fokus Landtagswahlen - Es gibt nicht den Ossi, aber gemeinsame Erfahrungen

Westdeutsche müssten "den Osten" viel differenzierter betrachten, finden Alex Derno und Danny Frede. Sie sind Hosts des Podcasts "Ostkinder 80/82".#Thüringen #Ostdeutsche #Ostkinder #DDR #Herkunft #Generation
Es gibt nicht den Ossi, aber gemeinsame Erfahrungen


Geht Demokratie im Osten anders?

Fokus Landtagswahlen - Geht Demokratie im Osten anders?

Johanna Weinhold sieht in der Wiedervereinigung eine Erzählung voller Widersprüche. Und daraus müssen jetzt eine Identität und eine Geschichte geformt werden.#Sachsen #Ostdeutsche #Handwerker #Journalistin #Demokratie #Osten #DDR #Herkunft #Generation
Geht Demokratie im Osten anders?


An #image needs 40 bytes instead of 196,608

source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.07550

The Chinese company #Bytedance, which includes #TikTok, has developed a series of transform models for image #generation and #compression with up to 307 million parameters in collaboration with the University of Munich. It can reconstruct a square image with a length and width of 256 pixels largely correctly with just 32 tokens. That is 40 bytes of the original 196,608 bytes. The model can be used both for compressing image data and for pure image generation and is said to be up to 410 times faster than conventional diffusion models.

#news #software #ai #technology #picture


Interesting, long read about #GenZ, #smartPhones and adolescent #MentalHealth.

"They spent far less time playing with, talking to, touching, or even making eye contact with their friends and families, thereby reducing their participation in social behaviour that is essential for successful human #development.

"The members of gen Z are, therefore, the test subjects for a radical new way of growing up, far from the real‐world interactions of small communities in which humans evolved. Call it the Great #Rewiring of Childhood. It’s as if they became the first generation to grow up on Mars. And it has turned them into the #Anxious #Generation.

"There was little sign of an impending mental illness crisis among adolescents in the 2000s. Then, quite suddenly, in the early 2010s, things changed. In just five years between 2010 and 2015, across the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond, the number of young people with anxiety, #depression and even suicidal tendencies started to rise sharply... The increases were similar for both sexes and happened across all races and social classes. And among a variety of mental health diagnoses, #anxiety rates rose diagnoses, anxiety rates rose the most."
