

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlcWTHZ3pPA #economist #dannydorling points out the falling #lifeexpectancy (and rising #infantmortality )

"What happened before which I'm simply going to call Austerity, was far more devastating than the pandemic, and the pandemic was probably not quite as devastating, we have a record which is similar to other European countries, partly because so many elderly people died early before the pandemic occurred. so that's the context."

" #austerity " = #averybritishgenocide

#pandemic #uk #headstart #firsttheycame #context

falling since #2010, since the work capability assessment frauds, and the rest.

funny how we have paid with our lives, to pay for the crimes of bankers, and now we have bankers in parliament...

#poorest #inequality #stillgreat #greatbritain #hungryBritain #facethehorror #deregulatedbanking
#consider #wecanstillmendthis #itisgoodtoknow
#equality #socialsolidarity #socialstructure #organisecollectively

some other quote snippets:

"huge rise [in inequality] in the 80s, those who had most got more"
"and it plateaued"
"worst in europe and stayed there".

"imagine if we did that. imagine if we spent more on the quarter of children doing worst at school, what the result would be."

"enormous scope for how we can do things differently"


ps, #SaveOurNHS #RestoreOurNHS

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Video's blurb:

3,137 views Premiered on 4 Dec 2023 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE
The UK had the highest life expectancy of the world's larger countries from 1950 to 1955. But every year from 2012 onwards, projections for life expectancy in the UK have been revised downwards by the ONS. What happened? The answer is austerity. Its impact was far deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life expectancy at birth is a key measure of the health of any given population – and Britain's is getting worse.

Other high-income countries also experienced falls or stalls in life expectancy between 2014 and 2015. However, when trends for 18 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries were examined, researchers found that all countries except the US and UK recovered with “robust gains” in 2015-16. The United States is very poor company to be in when it comes to public health.

In a talk given at the Royal Society of Medicine in London during the colloquium ”Recent advances in medicine and surgery” on Thursday 30 November 2023, Professor Danny Dorling looks at what happened – and who paid the price.

This is an audio-only recording of Professor Dorling's talk.

Visit https://www.dannydorling.org/?p=8871 to read the British Medical Journal editorial that this talk draws on, "The end of great expectations?" by Lucinda Hiam and Danny Dorling.

#health #happiness #anxiety #politics #elections #economics #decenthomes #qualityoflife #purchasingpower #humanrights #debt #deregulation #alwaysabetterway

& his book recommendation at the end: gavin francis free for all https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=gavin+francis+free+for+all&_sacat=0


Brits, watch this.
#dannydorling #shatterednation
#inequality #geography #failingstate

"50 years ago [1973] Britain was the second most equal large country in western Europe.

Now it is the second most unequal country in the WHOLE of Europe,

with the highest foodbank use, the highest university fees, the least affordable housing, and a life expectancy falling since 2014"

" #austerity " [ps #averybritishgenocide ]

worth watching for the rest of the picture given, and the positive possibilities beyond the delusion.
#statistics #uk #equality #precarity #facethehorror #wecanstillmendthis


“Half of Mexico’s Congress is #female. The cabinet is #gender-balanced. And now, #women have won the primaries of the two leading political blocs—making it likely that this traditionally macho nation will elect its first female president, ahead of the United States…

#Mexico ranks fourth in the world in female participation in national legislatures, according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The US ranks 71st—just below Iraq.”

#equality #WomensRights #voting #feminism



The Satanic Essence of Globalism

The #Archbishop explains the nature of modern Babelism and why it seeks to #erase every aspect of #Christianity from #society:

The essence of #globalism is #satanic, and the essence of #Satanism is #globalist. Because #Satan’s plan is to establish the #reign of the #Antichrist, allowing him to parody #Christ’s earthly life, to imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, to lead crowds not with the simplicity of #Truth but with #deception and #lies. Globalism is, so to speak, the staging, the script and the scenario that must prepare humanity for the political ascent of the Antichrist, to whom the leaders of the world – his servants – will cede #national #sovereignty so that he becomes a kind of global tyrant.

But the kingdom of the Antichrist is not created out of nothing: it is first necessary to erase what remains of the kingdom of Christ in the institutions, in the culture and in the daily life of the citizens. Moral dissolution is one of the simplest means of subjugating the masses, encouraging them to vice, ridiculing virtue; and, of course, by destroying the natural family, the fundamental cell of society. Once the family is demolished, the children become commodities, products that those with money can order over the Internet, fuelling the vast and growing criminal network, not to mention the surrogacy industry. #Divorce, #abortion, #euthanasia, #homosexuality and #pansexualism, #mutilation for #gender #transition have proven to be effective tools for eliminating not only the revealed #Faith, but also the most sacred principles of #NaturalLaw.

And it is indeed a #religion, the one that is being established with the #Woke ideology; a religion which, like the true Religion but with diametrically opposed goals, intends to impose itself in society, to imbue its #dogmas into the #institutions, the #laws, the #education, the #culture, the #arts and human activities. The globalists apply the Catholic principles of “social kingship,” but proclaim Satan king of society: Te nationum præsides honore tollant publico: colant magistri, judices; leges et artes exprimant. May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee; May teachers and judges reverence Thee; May the laws and the arts bear Thy mark. These are the words of the hymn of Christ the King, but we see them applied blasphemously by the priests of the #NewWorldOrder to their king, the prince of this world, and to the Antichrist in his time.

Beware though: globalism, as an emanation of #Masonic and revolutionary thought, apparently proclaims #democracy and condemns #absolute regimes; but in fact, it knows very well that the #Monarchy of #DivineRight is the best possible form of government, because it subjugates everyone – including the king himself, who is the #Vicar of Christ in temporal things – to a #transcendent law to which everyone owes #obedience.

It’s a hard thing for many #Americans to accept that the revolutionary concepts of #freedom and #liberty and #equality around which the original #Republic was founded were #evil #philosophical #seeds planted during the #Enlightenment. But the #wicked #nature of their fruits, and the #bitter #harvest they have entailed, can hardly be denied.


Those without power want equality, freedom & peace, but when they have those things, when they disproportionately inhabit the upper echelons of power in the halls of politics & commerce, their appetite for equality, freedom & peace quickly wanes.

Equality, freedom & peace have their time, place, proportion & value. They are also used as tools to attack, dismantle, infiltrate & usurp power. History shows us that those without power, once in possession of it, almost always misuse it as much or more than those they displaced to obtain it.

#equality #freedom #peace #power #usa #uk #westerncivilization #migrationcrisis #politics #neoliberalism #romanempire #ideologicalweapons #eu #europe
