

A quotation from Chamfort

In great actions men show themselves as they ought to be, in small actions as they are.

[Dans les grandes choses, les hommes se montrent comme il leur convient de se montrer ; dans les petites, ils se montrent comme ils sont.]

Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794) French writer, epigrammist (b. Nicolas-Sébastien Roch)
Products of Perfected Civilization [Produits de la Civilisation Perfectionée], Part 1 “Maxims and Thoughts [Maximes et Pensées],” ch. 1, ¶ 52 (1795) [tr. Hutchinson (1902), “The Cynic’s Breviary”]

#quote #quotes #quotation #appearance #character #expectations #facade #importance #insight #moralcharacter #personality #event #challenge
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/chamfort-nicolas/69612/


A quotation by Mauldin, Bill

Law and order is like patriotism — anyone who comes on strong about patriotism has got something to hide — it never fails. They always turn out to be a crook or an asshole or a traitor or something.

Bill Mauldin (1921-2003) American editorial cartoonist
Interview by Donald R. Katz, “Bill Mauldin: Drawing Fire,” Rolling Stone (4 Nov 1976)

#quote #quotation #conservative #facade #hiding #law-and-order #patriotism #pretence
More notes and sourcing: https://wist.info/mauldin-bill/2729/

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An Anatomy of Shock

When a person tries to interact with another, there is usually one or more behaviours involved. This can involve physical and emotional behaviours. In order to apply the interaction one, or both, people (we’re talking about only two people to keep it simple) need to open themselves up and make themselves vulnerable to experience that interaction.

Chapter 1 – What Shock Is
Chapter 2 – How Shock Allows a Manipulator, or Unhealthy Person, to Gain Control and Influence
Chapter 3 – Where Manipulators Come In
Chapter 4 – Removing Shock and Unhealthy Behaviour Patterns

Full Article Here - An Anatomy of Shock

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#shock #manipulator #manipulation #abuse #abuser #abused #trauma #healing #heal #emotion #emotions #emotional #emotionally #connection #manipulators #behaviour #behavior #psychology #psychological #anatomy #facade #facades #fear #child #parent