

#TrumpVirus Trial take-away…

Most thought Don would plead the 5th (to avoid criminal exposure) or go with TrumpAmnesia plan B, “I don’t remember”.
Instead: verbal diarrhea! (“Like nobody’s ever seen before! Terrific! Perfect, really! All the best words!”)

Letitia James: What we saw was DJT “engaging in distraction and name-calling… Justice will prevail.” ⚖️

#justice #accountability #TrumpCrimeFamily #LetitiaJames #fraud #CivilTrial


Ah, here we go!

Highlights from Day 1 of the Trump fraud trial

Seeing it start to pop up in the online media and early "nightly news" reports... Guess all the action was early morning...

Afternoon stories included reports of new requests for gag order, Gaetz vs. McCarthy & #democracy, CA Senate appointment, COVID resurgence, Gaetz calling for McCarthy's head as others pursue HIS expulsion... and expulsion for setting off an alarm in an office building, seen as more criminal than say, #sedition....

In court, reports have Trump there, scowling mostly, and making his usual anti- #truth word-salad complaints about 'witch hunt'...

#justice #accountability #law #fraud #criminal #TrumpOrg #CrimeFamily


So, where is he?!

Where is Donald J. #TrumpVirus ?

Today's the day! But....

Looking all across the news channels, stories and chyrons ... and "here" too....

What happened to big tough Lord StableGenius' appearance, as he said would happen, in court?

Radio silence...

Did he lie? (Him?!)

Forget what he's been saying hours ago? (Hey, what's #truth ?)

Why are CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc, not even mentioning it? Did something happen? Not happen?

#justice #accountability #truth #fraud #TrumpCrimeFamily


Trump denounces civil fraud trial as “scam” | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

“No matter how much money you think you may have, no one is above the law.” Former US President Donald Trump appeared in a New York courtroom for the $250 mi...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #DonaldTrump #Fraud #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Trump denounces civil fraud trial as “scam” | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


#PigButchering #scam explained: Everything you need to know

source: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/Pig-butchering-scam-explained-Everything-you-need-to-know

The pig butchering scam, also known as a #romance scam, is a long-term fraud that combines #investment schemes, romance scams and #cryptocurrency #fraud. This scam originated in Southeast #Asia, and the name originates from the Chinese phrase "Shāz Hū Pán," meaning pig butchering. A ring of cryptocurrency #scammers search dating and social #media sites for victims.

#news #knowhow #internet #crime #cybercrime #crypto #btc


EV’s The Ticking Time Bomb


There is no way that EV’s are made for anything good, ie to save the planet

Anyone pushing the climate change bullshit, while they push the #EV is a #criminal #fraud - we have heard of Sadiq Kahn in the UK declare no to all ICE vehicles such as diesel and petrol, while push for the electric vehicle and we see other countries and the dickheads who claim to be government here in Australia.

There is no way anyone can claim they are safe, even if they went to the newer technology of lithium which is being declared safer, they still have the potential of thermal runaway.

While I do see uses of lithium in phones and other devices, having them in cars is like mentally insane.


Banana Republic USA

When the leading #opposition #candidate is repeatedly charged with made-up crimes, you know a country has neither the rule of #law or a #legitimate #democracy.

Former President #DonaldTrump’s legal woes deepened after he was hit with federal criminal charges linked to his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 election. Trump is facing four counts including #conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and obstruct the electoral count for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The 45-page indictment says he was ‘determined to remain in power’ despite ‘having lost.’

Special Counsel Jack Smith said in a televised public statement following the release of the indictment that the attack on the Capitol was ‘fueled by lies’ made by Trump ‘targeted at obstructing the bedrock function of the U.S. government – the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election.’ He pledged that his office will conduct a ‘speedy’ trial.

The former president has been summoned to appear before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan – an Obama appointee – on Thursday in Washington, D.C. There are also six unnamed alleged co-conspirators according to the indictment.

Trump and his co-conspirators ‘used knowingly false claims of election fraud’ to try to ‘subvert the legitimate election results and change electoral votes’ for Joe Biden, according to the indictment.

So, the #Establishment committed #electoral #fraud in order to put a #fake #President into office, then criminalized anyone pointing out that they did what they observably did.

Sounds legit.

The absurd thing is the fact that the only thing the #USA really had going for it vis-a-vis the challenges posed by #China and #Russia was the perception of it holding the moral high ground with regards to “freedom and democracy”. But the perceived moral high ground has now gone the way of its European majority and its industrial capacity.

Enjoy the #show. It’s unusual to have the chance to witness a #global #empire in the process of #collapsing.