

really really bad news !!! Surrender of sovereignty

System parties in the Bundestag in favor of WHO pandemic treaty - AfD against it

Einheitsparteien für Abgabe der Souveränität an WHO

Am Freitag fand im Bundestag eine Debatte über den geplanten WHO-Pandemie-Vertrag und die Verschärfung der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften statt. Wenig überraschend wurde der Entschließungs-Antrag „75 Jahre WHO – Stärkung und Reform der Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ von SPD, Grünen und FDP mit 497 Ja-Stimmen beschlossen . Die insgesamt nur 68 Nein-Stimmen kamen in der Hauptsache von der AfD und einigen Fraktionslosen. 25 Abgeordnete enthielten sich.

Unity parties in favor of surrendering sovereignty to WHO

On Friday, the Bundestag held a debate on the planned WHO pandemic treaty and the tightening of the International Health Regulations. Unsurprisingly, the resolution "75 years WHO - Strengthening and reform of the World Health Organization" by SPD, Greens and FDP was passed with 497 votes in favor . The total of only 68 no votes came mainly from the AfD and some independents. 25 members abstained.

... and all western countries' #idiotic #puppet-on-a-string #governments will go along... #oiyoiyoiy !!!
#FUCKING #WHO #BULLSHIT 🥵 ... our #freedom is declining...


yesterday I joined the boys forging... and tbh, online biz is that boring compared to e.g. forging... blogging etc is just #fucking #boring... I know, I know, one can't compare but still ... maketh me shmile!


Accelerating Downfall
I am so fucking #angry all the time. Everything is getting worse, and the rate is accelerating. The #price of #everything I #buy to live has gone up more than 100% in the last two years. The #pricegouging and #profiteering is #endless. #Inflation is 7%, not 50%, and everyone else is… I have always been human fucking garbage. I always will be. My life is getting worse every year. It's unrelenting. I have to fucking commit #suicide. There is no way out. It's all getting worse and accelerating. I am already behind. I am already a loser piece of shit. I am #fat. I am #old. I am #ugly. I am #poor. I am #worthless. And there is NO WAY OUT. I have to commit suicide. I #hate my life more and more every day. I hate everyone around me. I hate myself. There is no path away from this. Don't respond saying that there is a path, but it's not an easy path. All that is saying is that I could get out, but I am #lazy. And I have already established that I am #fucking #worthless #human #garbage who should kill himself. But I am too much of a #coward to kill myself. I have to go on pointlessly suffering for some reason. I just hope someone kills me. If you know who I am, please kill me. I deserve a slow, painful death, but I ask for #mercy, and that you please make my #death #quick and #painless. I won't fight. I mean, I won't fight if I don't know what's coming. Shoot me in the back of the head or something. I #hope you get away with it. But ultimately I don't fucking care (See? Worthless Human Garbage). There is no point to your fucking worthless life either. But for what it's worth I hope you succeed and evade #legal #problems for my #murder, which I #deserve, I assure you. Kill me, please. There is no point in this going on.


My Friend and Neighbour. (couple miles down the road)

As usual a newspaper article is vey nebulous.
She managed to get rid of two strange and drunk men at midnight in her home, she had to use some physical violence and luckily they did not retaliate, otherwise this could have easily resulted in rape and bodily harm. Good on you, Lizzy!

#fucking #bastards


#nsfw #hard #anal #fucking #fuck #hole #anus #fisting #FistFucking
C'est en me baissant profond que tu connaitras mon intime... Conviction. Cette intimité de dilatation anal que tu connaitras en me baisant bien profondément de ta grosse bite turgescente bien dure. Puis tu m'enfileras comme on enfile une aiguille de ton chibre si long et dure qui me fera dégouliner le cul de jouissance crémeuse, comme si du sperme sortait de mon fion. Cependant il ne s'agira que de mon jus anal sous les coups de boutoir de ton membre... Alors baisse moi profond et retourne-moi autant que tu veux en me claquant plusieurs fois les deux joues de mon petit cul en chaleur. Fait gonfler mon trou gourmand en limant les profondeurs de mon être, en alternance avec ton poing qui entrera dans mon cul ouvert comme les portes d'une gare prêt à laisser partir les trains de la jouissance. Je serais ta chienne qui couinera comme un sommier qui grince paracerque je serais au sommet de la montagne de la jouissance et, je prierais le dieu Anéros que d'autres viennent dans notre étreinte torride pour participer en groupe à cette orgie qui n'attend que de naitre... a suivre

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