

Meanwhile, in Twitter land....

Many people use and refer to it, many people ignore it or find it aversive...

But whatever one's relation to it, a regular source of info, social contact with large audiences, getting likes/follows, or seeing cartoons - Twitter has been a known entity, in its last glory days with layers of celebrities and power users and mere mortals selectively tuning in.

So now, while it's not my home turf and I'm just a speck of dust in the wind, I watch it as a social scientist and chronicler of social media. And my subjective filters include personal recollection of having a platform I and many actively used and loved for 8 years, exterminated by Google. Leaving a huge vacuum in Cyberspace and scattering people about, many 'homeless'.

This moment in time I feel bad both for employees, and for innocent users of the non-celebrity type, of which there are many, good people pursuing noble causes & topics (environment, animal rights, human rights, cooking tips, humor, sports, literature, etc.)
Some of these people worked for years, or just organically grew, large followings, just as many on Google+ did (communities, etc.)

And today across Twitter are posts like this, today being akin to the end days of Google+ (for me, anyway), watching the count-down clock to 'existential destruction' before are eyes as pieces went dead. At #Twitter, today remaining staff were unceremoniously locked out of work programs (some accounts of this, being signed off accounts etc.) Impacting employees, for sure. Upsetting many "on principle" with #Musk's inane, naive, and powered-by- #TrumpVirus posts and proclamations, tearing down the Town Square and then charging its star attractions for their name verification (rather than being paid, as suggested by King), and as people leave, talk of two tiers, changing its core functions/services, and otherwise driving "woke" people away. Maybe it's his intent (like 'catch & hold').

Anyway.... "just a thought". For many it's not set in, others are freaking and/considering "what next", "where now"....
Even the small fraction who rely on Twitter as a base for "social" more than informational/political/commercial uses - I feel bad for, having been there, done that. More than once. But Twitter, if I may quote the (real) President, is "a big f---ing deal". Sad to watch.

#communication #information #media #SocialMedia #truth #disinformation #GQP #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Oh, OK.... Trickster or Treat!... (tweet?)
I like this presenter from the git-go, as he describes the orange #TrumpVirus scourge. Via Meidas. Sad, pathetic #truth & anti-truth.

Trump holds DERANGED Texas Rally before TINY Crowd in TINY Town

This scourge is still out there? Spreading hate & evil freely, like the plague it is, sponsored by #GQP / #Fox
Hard to understand why he's not in prison or institution by now. Or why (some) people haven't yet 'woke'.


And this just in, literally... realtime, I just peaked at Twitter which I've not done in a bit, to see what is the buzz or dearth.
(Granted, it is middle of the night before workday Monday East Coast and latenight in the West, and I see most of Twitter is American users and some international news agencies and governments. So_ Twitter's been an institution_, though you can debate the type.

The buzz:

Elon Musk and Twitter - What's the Top of Twitter Feed, early Monday Morning?

#Musk #GQP #TrumpVirus #Twitter #SocialMedia #Cyberpsychology



On Russian state TV: Another translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard

A closer look at the wonderful alternative universe of #TrumpVirus, #TuckerCarlson, the #GQP and their #Fox #Disinformation

Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."

#TulsiGabbard #traitor #propaganda #espionage #Jan6 #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Wow. One minute of "no sh--" / duh! / hit you over the head with #Truth....

Question: Have foreign or domestic entities ever used business icons "to further their foreign policy"?

#TrumpVIrus #disinformation #sedition #treason #espionage #GQP #emoluments #fraud #January6


Are you awake/woke/sentient?
If you loved the party of #TrumpVirus, how about an MTG-fueled cult of hollowing out American integrity? Of lies & hate?
Where lunacy is accepted as reality, like Jewish space lasers and other MTG pearls? Welcome to the #GQP cult nee 'party'.

Future of the GOP: Party of election deniers?

As Marjorie Taylor Greene continues to spout the big lie, we learn more Republicans are “mimicking” her and they’re getting big money for it. David Plouffe and Mark McKinnon break down what makes her so appealing to Georgia voters and what it says about America.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #Vote



Crazy business as usual, among the #GQP / #Fox cult and friends.
As 'followers' en masse express anger at #democracy and especially #Cheney and the #Jan6Committee

Some #truth here in an article framing the closing words, warning of how narrowly We the People of USA dodged a bullet.

Breaking the Republic


"This man who shamelessly pounds his chest with protestations of patriotism, who literally wraps himself in the American flag, who demonizes his political opponents as haters of America is really the one who views our imperfect experiment in self-governance with disgust."

"The rule of law. Peaceful transfers of power. The will of the people. These are the pillars of our nation’s foundation. But for Trump, that’s all just for suckers. He had the presidency, & he didn’t plan on relinquishing it, no matter what the voters or the Constitution said."

"January 6 wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t a rally that spun out of control. It was a dangerous and violent storm threatening our nation’s core principles and our whole system of representative democracy."

And of course the reaction of her colleagues in the once "Republican", now solidly #TrumpVirus 'party. To applaud her honesty?
Right. Instead they double-down on the on the Dark Lord. Still waiting to see how low they can go - hopefully to Hell. Jail for now.

#tyranny #psychopathology #sedition #accountability #justice #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


And so, on the heels of the Jan 6 #sedition hearing wrap-up today, the talking heads and others are processing the fact that the Committee 9-0 resolved to subpoena "the center of it all". #TrumpVirus

And the most buzz seems to be along the lines of: "Would he?" Obviously, being a living lie machine with more guilt for more crimes than could be tried in 10 lifetimes, his lawyers will in unison say, "No way!" At the same time, some are noting Trump's love of cameras and microphones, and audiences in the millions.... would it tempt him? (Smart-money observers say: No) He won't testify.

Some fine arguments and impassioned pleas for #truth and #accountability to replace the lies, and #MakeAmericaSaneAgain

DO believe our eyes and ears, not the #GQP & media fiends #disinformation

"I just want to find 11,780 votes"