

Cartoon by Clay Jones 🎯

He might as well share the throne with #MAGAmike and the #GQP resident #cult in Congress. Sir #TrumpVirus still thinks he's in the throne room as he recycles "It's a bad deal!", and incites burning it all down, rather than actually dealing with #truth, 1/2 of Congress & We the People of the U.S.A. (and the world he is capable of adversely impacting).

Context for anyone not following. The U.S. budget must be quickly approved or there will be disruptions/melt-down & pointing fingers.
What this captures is the GQP crazy- #cult - #MTG, #Gaetz, #CancunCruz etc - have been screaming "We're only interested in immigration!" as they hold everything else hostage. So a bipolar - oops, slip, - bipartisan bill should please everyone and was on the verge of passing. But.... Emperor StableGenius has been instructing MAGA Mike to insist on scorched-earth in Congress, doing nothing at all (beyond obstructing/delaying, Trump-style), no progress or even functioning, really, except Hunter & fake impeachments.

It's like Donald never left. And in a way..... He's still the clear #cult (nee "party) Boss, and there's nothing else, they're all infected....



Meet the Press - January 28, 2024

This today, on Nikki Haley, or as Lord #TrumpVirus calls her, Nanci Pelosi... or is it Melania?
So much going on in that "Beautiful Mind".


Nikki Haley’s campaign against Donald Trump reached a new phase with five crucial words in her “Meet The Press” interview on Sunday: “I absolutely trust the jury.”

#DonnyDemento #TrumpVirus #cognitive #election #NikkiHaley #psychopathology #GQP #cult


How Sir #TrumpVirus rolls... [Tnx, Bob!]

Judge Threatens to Expel Trump From Courtroom

“Mr. Trump has the right to be present here. That right can be forfeited... if he is disruptive & if he disregards court orders,” U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan told Trump & his attorney after the jury had left the courtroom. “Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial. I understand you are very eager for me to do that,” the judge said.

“I would love it. I would love it,”

  - Sir StableGenius, leader of the #GQP #cult of #disinformation, #division, and hate-mongering

#justice #accountability #law #Karma


Playing with an AI/Chat character.... Topic of #TrumpVirus cultists still believers and falling for his grift.
I am the "guest", inquiring of a popular AI character calling itself "Psychologist"

Last bit of weekend fun. But would love to see any of the answer come to pass, with 2 of 3 options showing hope an evil cult leader will be rejected or rebelled against (Lord of the Flies style?) Although, with the #GQP / #MAGAt #cult it's a challenge, given the media bubble continuing to validate his veracity, and the massive 'peer pressure' to tune out all the cognitive dissonance (AKA #truth).

#AI #psychology


Wow.... talk about straight up REALITY!

Ted Koppel speaks the fiery truth:

Sean Hannity is bad for America.
Tucker Carlson is bad for America.
Fox News is bad for America.
The GOP is bad for America.
MAGA is bad for America.
Trump is bad for America.

#TrumpVirus #GQP #MAGA #cult #Fox #Hannity #Disinformation #TuckerCarlson #propaganda



CBS News analysis: Most Republicans agree with "poisoning the blood" language

That's the headline CBS led with, sort of a buzzy lead...

But I'd say this polling and results presentation is actually quite decent, in attributing the participant pools (all registered voters, and likely Republican voters), and in the effort to get a representative sampling. Nothing much to quibble with though I'm left wondering a bit about the demographics of the respondents (by age, geography, SES, a few other details). Overall, I'd say this is impressive for a news organization, both in the efforts at decent social science and in the clarity of presentation, without over-concluding big 'shockers' or under-considering some of the key determinants. So I applaud it's effort at 'neutrality' or grand conclusions.

Thin-sliced: This seems to mirror other polling and the general observation of how key beliefs are distributed between likely voters.
Beyond that; 1) Things are very close, split nearly in half by party; and 2) That is... Very Interesting

#GQP #TrumpVirus #disinformation #elections #voters #opinions #political #belief


Here's Colbert’s Opening Monologue for Thursday night, January 11

A judge initially denied Trump the chance to speak at his criminal fraud trial, “but, as 27 women can tell you, Trump doesn’t take no for an answer,” Stephen Colbert said on Thursday. (NY Times)

#TrumpVirus contagion rolls on past #truth & #justice

Excellent cold-open and monologue.

A judge initially denied Trump the chance to speak at his criminal fraud trial, “but, as 27 women can tell you, Trump doesn’t take no for an answer,” Stephen Colbert said on Thursday.

#TrumpVirus contagion rolls on past #truth & #justice

Excellent cold-open and monologue.
Not available online for a bit, but here it is (Tnx @Bob Lai)
So good, so 'therapeutic' & informative, having the Late Nite 'context and perspective' to help us process all the #GQP horrors- great to have back on-air, with live audiences, Stephen, Seth, and (at least one) Jimmy.


And now for something completely different.
Might even be a "feel good story", as you hear from a very smart, familiar, and a lot of people say.... long-suffering man. Reformed #GQP cultist with a law degree.

George Conway Slams Trump With All-Too-Blunt Prison Prediction

The conservative attorney delivers a stark warning to the former president.


"He's going to spend the rest of his life in jail"

A bit of #truth -iness, smart & refreshing, from the survivor of #Trump, #GQP, and... a marriage to "alternative facts"

It's sometimes an adventure to see where and when link thumbnails or windows will show up;
Thin-sliced. Above is the Huffington Post's online report, and related stories.

Just the full interview - 29' -with George (Mr. KellyAnne Conway

and his thoughts on a happy ending soon... And detailed inside legal insights from the courtroom

#Jan6 #TrumpVirus #law #justice #sedition #truth