

Correlative Trend Between Percentage of National Irreligiousness & National Mean IQ for 241 Countries & Dependencies, plus Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient demonstrating a 0.64 (strong) correlation.

Given the etymology of the word 'religion' being 'the repeated process of gathering & transitionally binding' minds to ideology, it seems to me that the higher the mean intelligence quotient expressed by a population, the less susceptible its minds are to being gathered & bound to ideology.

#correlation #intelligencequotient #ideology #religion #irreligion #irreligiousness #stats #data #analysis #pearsoncorrelation #usa #uk #abrahamism #judaism #christianity #islam #hinduism #buddhism #folkreligion #etymology #ontology #anthropology #un #religiousideology #info


Religious Belief Systems by Continent Region, 2023.

Due to there being no data for just over 900 million people, each figure given for each belief system should be considered as being around 89% accurate. This could, for example, swap the most prevalent religion position between Christianity & Islam, or could further extend Christianity's lead.

#religion #metaphysics #philosophy #belief #faith #ideology #dogma #beliefsystems #religiousideology #data #statistics #stats #information #demography #anthropology #culture #god #gods #spiritualism #spirit #ontology #abrahamism #judaism #usa #christianity #uk #islam #hinduism #un #buddhism #folklore #folkreligion #eu #irreligion #athiesm #agnosticism #hindu #christian #muslim #jew #buddist