

The West's governments have access to excellent #intel, #demography, national #statistics, #anthropology & other #info describing the people-groups, cultures & #societies of the #people they have imported into #Western nations.

The West's #governments used #NATO, #UN, #paramilitary & intel agencies to kick proverbial wasp nests in the Middle East, #Africa & South-West #Asia & then opened the West's borders to hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures.

None of the #political, #corporate, #academic, #plutocratic or #aristocratic #elites have been harmed. The #victims have been the peoples of the #West who had little to no say in #geopolitical affairs. The West’s elites are at #war with Western peoples.

#theelite #westerncivilization #thewest #middleeast #islam #uk


GDP & GDP Per Capita of all Muslim Majority Nations, 2023.

These 47 nations collectively represent:

7.51 trillion GDP in USD
10.67 million square miles of land
20.6% of the world's land area
1.61 billion population
19.95% of the world's population
1.27 billion Muslims
72.8% of the world's Muslims
518 mean population density
80 mean population IQ
2.64 homicides per 100k of pop.

#islam #muslim #muslims #ummah #gdp #gdppercapita #wealth #economics #stats #statistics #demography #anthropology #culture #religion #islamicworld #usa #uk #muslimworld #data #information #money #culturalanthropology #comparativereligion #population #land #landarea #homicide #iq #homiciderate #intelligencequotient #israel #palestine #israelpalestinewar #migrants #globalism #refugees #asylees


Religious Belief Systems by Continent Region, 2023.

Due to there being no data for just over 900 million people, each figure given for each belief system should be considered as being around 89% accurate. This could, for example, swap the most prevalent religion position between Christianity & Islam, or could further extend Christianity's lead.

#religion #metaphysics #philosophy #belief #faith #ideology #dogma #beliefsystems #religiousideology #data #statistics #stats #information #demography #anthropology #culture #god #gods #spiritualism #spirit #ontology #abrahamism #judaism #usa #christianity #uk #islam #hinduism #un #buddhism #folklore #folkreligion #eu #irreligion #athiesm #agnosticism #hindu #christian #muslim #jew #buddist


#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


Analysis of UK 2007 to 2019 fertility #correlation between ethnic groups.

Something happens around 2012 that negatively influences all group's fertility, some more than others.

The fact that each ethnic group's fertility rate change is so very highly correlated despite significant differences in geographic distribution suggests to me an external, society-wide influence.

#uk #britain #ukpopulation #ethnicity #demographics #ukdemographics #socialengineering #ethnography #ukethnography #england #white #black #asian #indoeuropean #data #african #multiculturalism #chemical #endocrinedisruptors #analysis #usa #graphs #charts #mathematics #eu #statistics #stats #ukgovernment #britishgovernment #fertilityrates #multiracialism #demography #gb #ethnicgroups #populationdata


#UK population share by #ethnicity 2007 to 2069, using UK government fertility & #population data 2007 to 2019 & projected to 2069 using linear #growth modified by #population growth #trends derived from the 2007 to 2019 #data.

When did the #British people #vote for demographic change? When was the #referendum? Which party ran on a platform of demographic change & was subsequently #elected to office?

#britain #ukpopulation #info #demographics #ukdemographics #ukethniccomposition #ethnography #ukethnography #england #white #black #asian #indoeuropean #african #multiculturalism #birthrates #demographicchange #analysis #graphs #charts #mathematics #statistics #stats #ukgovernment #britishgovernment #immigration #multiracialism #demography #ethnicgroups #populationdata