

oh to clear up all the BPA, soy, and the countless other hormone disruptors, especially the forever chemicals, to leave people be as they are, and no more of the attempting to recondition people to rethink who they are, and no more of the aggro. attacking a victim's two wrongs. loving the wound rather than the wounded compounds the harm. love everyone, accept where they are, inflame no egos.

#trans #gender #identity
#bpa #soy #hormonedisruptors #separation #violence #victimblaming #twowrongs #twowrongsdontmakearight #lovethewounded #ego
#cleantheworld #depolutetheworld #foreverchemicals

comment inspired by https://iviv.hu/posts/0e5896e0a0d4013bca9e723c915ba918 / https://dnext.societas.online/posts/0e5896e0a0d4013bca9e723c915ba918
