

[edit, oh, never mind,
there it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNNeVu8wUak
a few dead ends, and i started to pessimistically think we were already deeper in the censorship hole.
maybe still a case of #downloadwhileyoucan ... though no one piece on this topic is adequate. ]

oh well, i typed all this out before finding it. posting anyway. n_n

anyone know where #AaronRusso's last movie can be acquired and seen and shown and shared?

#america #freedomtofascism
#censorship #sharestories #preserveknowledge #educateyourselvessoyoumayeducateothers #sothefuturemayknow #neverforget #neveragain

thought occurs upon reading:

In this interview by Alex Jones, recently deceased film maker and ex-politician, Aaron Russo maker of such films
as The Rose and Trading Places, recalls a conversation that occurred between himself & Nicholas Rockefeller
of the Rockefeller Banking Family, in October 2000, a full 11 months before the terrorist attacks of sept 11 2001.
Russo was a friend of the Rockefellers for many years but broke off the friendship, appalled at what they had
divulged to him about their plans for the world and then later released his final film.
America - Freedom to Fascism shortly before his death in 2007.


from https://thecrowhouse.com/video.html

... also... anyone know where's a good safe public torrent site with such things?


#DigitsPolls "Did you know about the OAS?"

"These aren't just ordinary organizations," Lynn explains. "They happen to be the prime organizations that run the new world order globalists' agendas against humanity, and they have hundreds of NGOs working with and through them."

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/04/01/framework-laundering-money-with-immunity.aspx #Mercola

#OAS #abovethelaw #hegemony #global #IOIA #ElectionFraud #UN #slavery #domination #corruption #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #oligarchy #NewWorldOrder #OldWorldFascists


* In Part 2 of her report, investigative journalist Corey Lynn describes key organizations pulling the strings behind the scenes, allowing them to “operate as ghosts without transparency or accountability”
* Unrestricted privileges and layers of immunity are enjoyed by powerful organizations worldwide, which use them to exert control over the globe
* A little-known entity headquartered in Washington, D.C. — the Organization of American States (OAS) — controls the western hemisphere
* OAS is involved in elections throughout the globe, carrying out “electoral observation missions”: it oversaw a recent election in Brazil that many residents consider stolen, and the U.S. requested OAS election services in 2016 for the first time in history
* The U.S. funds more than 50% of OAS’ budget; however, each of OAS’ “specialized agencies and entities” has its own budget and funding, with deep globalist connections



Three Steps to Fight Back — and Win

All is not yet lost, however, and Lynn offers three solid strategies to attack this globalist threat:

1.Share this information far and wide, via journalists, social media, podcasts and your community. "The louder we are and the more we push, the harder it becomes for them to push back, and they are forced to change directions and switch up their game, and they get sloppy," she says.

2. Tell your legislator that the immunities and privileges granted to OAS and other organizations need to be revoked, and "demand that their country pull out of the UN and OAS." Lynn adds, "They need to nullify the Federal Reserve and get out of the central banks and build state banks and a sovereign state that doesn't rely on the federal government."

3. Stop funding this enslavement system. This means not doing business with associated banks, stocks, apps and devices, and not shopping at big box stores or using convenience systems that act as forms of entrapment. Also, Lynn adds, "Stop complying with so-called rules, mandates, and regulations that are meant to break you. These people think they own you — prove them wrong."


#freespeechsaveslives #censorshipcostslives


"it's hard to believe other people didn't see it."

"it's so blatantly out there."

#whywegaveupourfreedoms #gooddoctors #DrKatLindley #nursing #nursingcare #criticalcare #urgentcare #administrativemeddling #medical #freedommedicalmovement #nursespeaksout #anotherdoctorspeaksout #anothernursespeaksout #nurses #nursesarethebest #totalitarian #totalitarianism #didntmakesense #storyunfolding #littlelies #logic #hardtobelieveotherpeopledidntseeit #myopia #SoBlatantlyOutThere #ifyoucantreatthereisnoneedforthevaccines #establishedbestpractice #somuchfear #turnOFFtheTV #crisismanagementtraining #fearuncertaintydoubt #followingorders #justfollowingorders #justdoingyourjob #criticalthinking #linearthinking #latteralthinking #challengingstatusquo #hierarchy #autonomy #NHS #USA #privatisationofNHS #backdoorprivatisation #worstoutcomes #changingdefinitions #orwellian #conspiracies #wakeup #bodilyautonomy #doctorautonomy #anxiety #tyrantssayifyouspeakoutagainsttheirtyrannyyouareaterrorist #democracysaysitisyourdemocraticdutytospeakouttopreventtyrants #flashbacks #freedomtradedforelusivesafety #westerncountriesarenaive #fear #allnazishadtodowasmakeyoufearandyougavefreedomaway #pandorasbox #obsoletion #medicineisnotexpensive #forprofithealthcare #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #middlemen #independentdoctors #isolation #bargaining #threats #fakecines #tactics #totalitariantactics #educateyourselvessoyoumayeducateothers #decentralise

her words early in this, remind me of conversations i heard nurses having with each other, when i was in hospital in 2002, where they seemed quite astute to the mask issue, aware of studies, and their own experiences, and the logic, prominently revealing how masks not only dont work to prevent (or even reduce) the spread of disease, but worsen outcomes, and how they were up against it with stupid harmful orders coming from administration, contrary to evidence. this was a long time coming in the crooks' pipeline.




#thehourislaterthanyouthink #SaveOurNHS #sociopathic #nuremberg #patientsrights #moreexpensivelessefficientworseoutcomes #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #forprofithealtchare #wealthextraction #privatisation #stealthprivatisation #NHS #freeatpointofservice #need #afullyinformedpatient #doctoralautonomy #patientsovereignty #administrativeusurption #health


one quick little quote from #DrBobGill (of #thegreatNHSheist #documovie and #saveournhs #campaign #advocacy fame)

"[Nationalised Healthcare, got copied around the world]... Because they realised there is no more efficient way of doing things. Can't be done. There is no healthcare service in the world that is privately delivered which looks after everyone. Privatised medicine, avoids sick people. Because they're expensive. The business model is not to spend more money on the sick.

You couldn't make it up, right? So we are copying, the most expensive, one of the worst performing systems which is endemically fraudulent, an estimate of 10% of US healthcare costs goes in fraud, double billing and all the rest to it. So it takes a certain type of person to knowingly do this to the nation, I hope you'd agree."


and pertinent opening line from the first question:

"we don't have a political oposition in this country"

and closing line to it too:

"because the labour party is standing in the way"

"Educate each other".
