

It's that time of the #year where I make a #calendar for the next one. I decided the theme for next year would be #pollinators. All #photographs are by me and were taken either in our front or back #garden. I suggest you print the pages double-sided and comb bind them so that you can hang it up. Hope you like the pictures. You don't? Well never mind, you can print out just the months instead.

Cover of my my new calendar

You can download the calendar here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CxmS099Xw0LbO29Ocvy6NLOP5zL9HbSX/view?usp=drive_link

Here are some reduced-resolution preview images.

January pic
February pic
March pic

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Insects #2024 #Cal24


Come and join Elsica.Social, your cosy fedi-home with a thematic focus on #botany, #nature, #wildlife, #horticulture, #bio & #earth #sciences, nature #photography, #exploring and #travel. If you know Latin names of random #plants, get up at 3am to walk into remote valleys to take #landscape #photos, spend all day in your #garden, like reading #science books or watching the latest #documentary about the #birds of Patagonia, you will feel at home here! Please share! https://elsica.social/

Photo: Evening in Richmond Park, London, UK, 2017. A path through ferns leads to a meadow, mystically covered in fog.

Evening in Richmond Park, London, UK, 2017. A path through ferns leads to a meadow, mystically covered in fog.


It's bright and #sunny today and a quick stroll through the #garden shows it's full of life.

The #grapes are ripening and there's a good crop this year..
Grapes ripening in the garden

Of course, not just the #fruit but the #vine #leaves are also edible in dishes like dolmades which I find particularly good for digestion.
Vine leaves

On the other side, the #RunnerBean #plants are #flowering and are being frequented by many #pollinators such as this #bee.
Been on runner bean flower

#MyWork #MyPhotot #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Summer #Flowers #Insects