

What's Behind the Rising #Conflict in Eastern #DRC

Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/explainer-what-s-behind-the-rising-conflict-in-eastern-drc-/6690258.html

More than 100 armed groups operate in eastern DRC, an unsettled region where conflict has raged for decades but has escalated in recent months.


Fueling the #insecurity is a complicated brew of geopolitics, ethnic and national rivalries, and competition for #control of eastern DRC's abundant natural #resources.


"The DRC produces more than 70% of the world's #cobalt" and "holds 60% of the planet's #coltan reserves," the industry website #Mining #Technology reported in February, speculating that the DRC "could become the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age."

#politics #crime #problem #war #terror #corruption #economy #finance #economy #capitalism #humanRights #environment #news #military #Africa


Whitewashing the #resistance to work, internalised #capitalism and class warfare. They finish the article with a person who lives at home and doesn't care that they'll work their whole lives and never own a home.

It's really annoying that the media keeps trotting out people who don't care about housing #insecurity, while at the same time running articles on how damaging it is to not have secure #housing. Food and shelter are the most basic human needs and #Australia is failing to meet them.

#australia #neoliberal-parasites



Amazon’s One-Stop Shop for Identity Thieves

Public Amazon registries could reveal enough information to steal the identity of someone who hasn’t been born yet.


Apparently, anyone can search Amazon's "registries." You don't need an Amazon account, so you don't have to identify yourself. Registries are for giving wedding gifts, baby showers, etc. You can already search baby registries for people who are now 16 years old. The parents' wedding registry will show the mother's maiden name, and we all know how useful this is.

These businesses come up with new, breathtakingly stupid ideas like this all the time. No one at the meeting ever (apparently) asks, "How is this going to help criminals?" What new hardware or software from a billion-dollar corporation has been introduced in this century that doesn't help criminals? Macros in word processor and spreadsheet documents. "Smart" phones. JavaScript. Everything we now call IoT.

People never seem to ask why we have to live this way. A few years ago I told coworkers about a news story I read that claimed 1 in 5 American adults have been the victim of some form of identity theft. I was misunderstood. Someone replied, "Yeah. That seems too low. It's more than 1 in 5." To me 1 in 5 seemed unbelievably high. What other crime has such a high crime rate?

I have to live in an Orwellian nightmare because the rest of you don't think there's any alternative. I'm not happy about this.

#privacy #security #surveillance #identity-theft #impersonation #insecurity #amazon #registries #amazon-registries