

La page de Don's Tunes, pur single mat blues

Il dit : "Depuis plus de 15 ans, ma mission est de collaborer avec des artistes de blues et de jazz moins connus, mais extrêmement talentueux, et de les promouvoir grâce aux vidéos et aux listes de lecture que je crée. Je m'efforce de vous offrir la meilleure sélection de musique avec un son authentique et audiophile et une émotion réelle.
Sur mon site web, vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur les artistes présentés sur la chaîne et lire des articles intéressants sur les légendes de la musique blues et jazz".

Je confirme humblement, c'est un vrai délice pour les oreilles fines. Parfait pour un dimanche tout frais.

#Art #music #blues #invidious



Again i stumbled over some more or less random youtube channel.

It's THEMAJESTIRIUM1 this time.

He seems to have the habit, to follow #FDNY and other rescue services around in New York City. And yes, he even has footage from way back then in late 2001.

Here, he catched a 5th Alert (aka really big fire) of #FDNY units for a "relatively small" Li-Ion Battery pack catching fire, which eventually burned down the whole building including laundromat and super-market/grocery store.


Yes and i know. Watching weirdo footage of accidents, fires and other disasters shouldn't be a thing. But in this case, he actually seems to have a relationship with the rescuers and firefighters overall. They seem to know him and let him stay on scene as far as he safely can.

And he takes on the task to not only show the flames or injured.. but the whole effort needed to remedy the situation overall..

So good, that he even get's thanks and compliments from fire fighting trainers/instructors in his comments which use his footage in class to teach important lessons.

And yes, he totally does a really great job of showing of the whole shebang ... not just "catasprophic entertainment".

#THEMAJESTIRIUM1 #youtube #invidious #FNDY #FDNYEMS #NYPD #EMS #Emergency #Services #New #York #NY #NYC #Educational #Content and #RandomShit .. still ;)


#Youtube à l'attaque contre les bloqueurs de pubs, et maintenant contre #Invidious !

YouTube hausse le ton contre les bloqueurs de pubs

"Google veut vraiment que vous preniez un abonnement à YouTube Premium. L'entreprise a commencé à envoyer des messages aux petits malins utilisant la plateforme avec un bloqueur de publicité : elle menace désormais de bloquer le lecteur vidéo après un certain temps [...] Il est possible de récupérer l'accès à la plateforme en désactivant son bloqueur de pub… ou en passant à la caisse."

Entrer une description pour l'image ici

"De tels popups ont déjà été aperçus ces derniers mois, ce qui laisse à penser qu'il s'agit d'essais réservés à certains utilisateurs. On peut imaginer qu'ils sont amenés à être déployés un peu partout : Google fait monter la pression autour des bloqueurs de pubs depuis quelques temps. Elle a notamment fait fermer YouTube Vanced en début d'année dernière, une app Android qui offrait un accès à la plateforme sans publicité. Plus récemment, Google a envoyé une lettre de menace à Invidious. Cette interface alternative open source à YouTube se veut plus respectueuse de la vie privée et n'affiche pas de pubs."

  • yewtu.be : Cloud provider terminated all my servers, service is down for the moment. Working on it. Sorry. Please use other instances on https://instances.invidious.io
  • y.com.sb : YouTube has recently started to care about alternative frontends like Invidious and is trying to block them. This currently only affects some public Invidious instances, so if you have the resources we recommend installing Invidious on your own personal computer or server: https://docs.invidious.io/installation/

This Syrian toymaker builds the most beautiful contraptions || We Were Here

This Syrian toymaker builds the most beautiful contraptions

صانع الألعاب السوري هذا يصنع أجمل البدع

"She has a dog!" ... lol

#Simone #Giertz visits a Syrian Toymaker in a refugee camp.

Lovely as Simone always is. ;)


#UNHCR #youtube #invidious #RandomShit ;)

International communication can be so easy .. sometimes..... with a little help. ;)


China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really

Hrmkay, i didn't follow serpentza and laowhy86 that close lately since they left china.

But this one made me curious:

China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really



#serpentza #china #fields #stones #youtube #invidious #RandomShit ;)

TIL: If at times your instance cannot load the youtube data for a link, it may be able to embed a invidious one seamless anyway. ;)


https://calckey.social/notes/9el0v5d2do nyaa@calckey.social - #Google is starting to roll out ad blocker prevention on #YouTube, Google does phased rollouts, so it might take a bit for it to affect you.

But you have options still, here's a few of them:

Piped: #Piped is a website frontend to YouTube that you can make an account on and store watch history, subscriptions, and playlists and share them with others. It blocks ads, has SponsorBlock by default. The GitHub is here (https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped). I recommend Adminforge (https://piped.adminforge.de) or Hostux (https://piped.hostux.net). You can use LibreTube (https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube) on Android to sync your playlists and subscriptions, and Yattee (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yattee/id1595136629) on iOS to do the same.

Invidious: #Invidious is a website frontend to YouTube, I do not know much about this one, but it is similar to Piped with some technical differences. YewTube (https://yewtu.be/feed/popular) is one instance that I know, and here is the Invidious GitHub (https://github.com/iv-org/invidious)

NewPipe: #NewPipe is a client for Android that can load YouTube without ads, and works entirely locally. Despite the name, it is not affiliated with and can not connect to Piped. Here is the GitHub (https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe), and it is also available on F-Droid (https://f-droid.org/packages/org.schabi.newpipe/)

FreeTube: #Freetube (https://freetubeapp.io/) is an ad-free desktop client for Windows, Mac, and Linux that can load YouTube and stores subscriptions and history locally.

For most of these options, you can export your YouTube subscriptions at https://takeout.google.com and can import them into them.