

Wie viele WLAN Steckdosen kann man wohl in so ein 2.4 GHz #WLAN einer #Fritzbox hängen ohne das die Fritzbox überlastet ist?

Im 2.4 GHz #Wifi sind sonst im Grunde nur so Legacy Sachen wie Drucker, Scanner und andere #IOT im Haushalt, wo es geht sind die auch nur im Gästenetz, das wäre bei den Steckdosen mit #Homeassistant wahrscheinlich auch möglich, wenn ich dem Server einfach noch das WLAN einrichte und da eben das Gäste WLAN, aber ich bin nicht sicher ob Gäste untereinander kommunizieren können.

Ich könnte auch ein einfaches separates WLAN aufbauen mit paar billigen Routern, aber wenn das nicht sein muss mag ich die Fritzbox als Router und WLAN #Mesh Master schon recht gern... weil einfach.


#Arduino Offers Up Two New #Uno Boards

Source: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/arduino-offers-up-two-new-uno-boards

The $27 Arduino R4 #WiFi sees the familiar Arduino Uno layout but with a slight revamp. The layout remains the same, but instead of a large #Atmel ATMEGA328P dominating the board, we see a 12 x 8 #LED matrix. This matrix is used to show images and scroll text in much the same way as micro:bit. Replacing the 16 MHz ATMEGA328P #microcontroller is a 48 MHz Renesas RA4M1 Arm Cortex-M4 #CPU, providing an on-paper performance boost. How it will be reflected in your projects remains to be seen.

#hardware #news #iot #maker


A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without #Amazon

Source: https://medium.com/@bjax_/a-tale-of-unwanted-disruption-my-week-without-amazon-df1074e3818b

I have a smart home, and my primary means of interfacing with all the devices and automations is through Amazon #Echo devices via Alexa. This incident left me with a house full of unresponsive devices, a silent #Alexa, and a lot of questions.

#technology #news #support #fail #problem #software #economy #smart #iot


Bonjour à tous-tes.

Je suis #nouveauici #newhere.

Je suis une boutique de réparation d'appareils de communication située à Salies de Béarn (64).
Je propose des services de réparations et de reconditionnement pour les téléphones, tablettes, ordinateurs portables, enceintes et autres appareils sans fil, consoles de jeux... Je vends des appareils et des accessoires neufs et reconditionnés.
Par ailleurs, je propose des services de conception et d'impression 3D.

Mes centres d’intérêts sont: #technique #reparation #reconditionnement #electronique #telephones #tablettes #ordinateurs #consoles #objetsconnectes #soudure #microsoudure #PCB #BGA #composants #ESS #economiecirculaire #vieprivee #numerique #licenceslibres #hack #android #ios #windows #gnu-linux #linux #DIY #impresssion3d #CAO
#tech #repair #refurb #electronic #phones #laptop #videogames #iot #soldering #microsoldering #privacy #digital #floss #opensource #3dprinting #CAD

Vous pourrez en apprendre un peu plus sur mon site vitrine: atm64.fr. Mon dépôt de travail public est sous Gitlab: Ici.

IRL (donc derrière le comptoir) je suis @regisburin@diaspora-fr.org (Coucou ! )

À bientôt, ici ou là ;-)


#LG, Whirlpool Target Customers Disconnected From ‘Smart’ Appliances

The appliance makers continue to invest in efforts to drum up revenue through internet-connected devices, but many customers aren’t logging on

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/lg-whirlpool-target-customers-disconnected-from-smart-appliances-11674232811

If a #customer changes their service provider or router or even their #password, that could cause the device to disconnect, he said.

No shit, Sherlock 🤔

Stay offline; stay secured; don't let them steal your data. Don't buy things, which don't need to be online but must be online.

#capitalism #internet #bigdata #online #security #smart #iot #problem #economy #news #service


Espressif's First Wi-Fi 6-Capable SoC, #ESP32-C6, Now Shipping Samples and #DevKit Boards

#BLE, Matter, Thread, and #Zigbee are supported now as well.

After its introduction almost two years ago, Espressif's 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 6-capable SoC, the ESP32-C6, is finally available (and shipping!) on their AliExpress store. There are limited quantities of standalone modules and complete development boards, but developers can finally get their hands on them!

#WiFi #DIY #IoT
