

With the war against Russia, the USA is conquering the oil and gas markets in Europe at great cost to the environment - ships instead of pipelines.

It is also conquering the oil and gas supplies in Iraq and Syria. No main stream publication covered the opening of the Iraq pipeline to the Med by Lord Brown of BP, nor the fate of iraqi or syrian oil fields - the latter after the US invasion under USA governance.

Top 10 Natural Gas Producers by Country

The US is by far the largest producer of natural gas in the world, representing nearly a quarter of global natural gas production. Its output has increased by more than 350 billion cubic meters in the past decade owing to the increasing cost of coal, and advancements in extraction technology such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking.

In addition to being a major natural gas producer, the US is also by far the biggest consumer of the fuel. In 2022, US demand for natural gas totaled 881 billion cubic meters, primarily for home heating and generating electricity.

In the first half of 2022, Reuters reported that the US became the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the country increased shipments to Europe due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

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