

Iran IRGC is moving it's long range ballistic missile Launchers to the western borders.

Several pictures shared on social media show the truc/trailers carrying covered missile Launchers towards the Iraqi borders.

No info about the types yet.

#Irsn #IRGC #missiles #Iraq


Iran's Press TV (not verified): Ayatollah Sistani: Ending occupation, giving Palestinians their rights only way to secure regional peace

— "Iraq’s top Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has condemned the bloody onslaught launched by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, calling on the international community to act swiftly to put an end to the atrocities committed by the regime in the besieged territory.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Ayatollah Sistani’s office described the ongoing situation in Gaza as a #catastrophe taking place before the eyes of the entire world.

The statement said almost no place in #Gaza is currently safe for the people after five days of bombardment which has left behind massive destruction and killed and injured some 6,000 people."


#Sistani #Iraq
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Good Occupation : Dutch War journalist Thomas van Linge proposes that US-backed forces in #Syria should seize the Syrian govt border crossing with #Iraq. It is partially related to restricting a land route from Iran to #Lebanon, thus cutting off support to factions focused on #Israel.

Isn't it just lovely how openly they promote illegal occupation of a country by US to make sure Israel can go on with it's ethnic cleansing of Occupied territories and total destruction of #Gaza.


#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


"U.S. Defense Officials have told the Israeli Government that U.S. Naval Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean will be used to Shoot Down Missiles that are launched by #Hezbollah in Lebanon and that U.S. Forces across the Middle East will Target a number of Pro-Iranian Groups in #Syria and #Iraq if this Escalates into a Regional Conflict."

Daddy wants to make sure his boy can play genocide uninterrupted.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Egypt has closed off the #Rafah crossing making it impossible for palestinians to leave Gaza

No food, water or electricity for the past 6 days these people have nowhere to go.

Over half a million people carrying what they can to run away from Hamas and IDF.

The moral guardians of the "free world are busy taking their pictures with the faacist coalition government turned into saints overnight.

They are guilty by association, guilty by birth, guilty for not revolting, guilty because they are simply Gazans.

Wave your Israeli flag and cry for the victims of Hamas, the monster child of Israel destroying #PLO in the 90s, who was the child of Israeli brutal occupation of Gaza and west bank in late 1960s.

Hamas will lose this battle, 1000a of innocent people have already died, many more will die before Israel feels satisfied with their thirst for blood to cover their failure to identify, promptly react and defend the citizens of their country, then trying to compensate by making up stories, lying (as Netanyahu has famously done all his life) and even used #AI to fake evidence to convince the world they are fighting #ISIS (the same one they have been helping in the past 8 years against Syrian government and #Hezbollah in #Iraq and #Syria).

Don't you dare remembering the past, this blood thirsty attack by Hamas was unprovoked, because they are simply evil and want to kill all the #Jews,

Trust the media, trust the #US president who trusted #Netanyahu and even claimed he had seen the gruesome images of mutilated and beheaded Israeli toddlers.

Believe in what the party tells you. Or you are with the #terrorists, with Hamas, ISIS, #Iran and ultimately #Putin.

In the mean time Palestinians are dying by bombs, hunger, thirsted, lack of medicine while the world is watching.

Never again was only for the westerners, brown people can die in masses and no one cares.

The Palestinians don't have a Moseseto direct them to promised land, only death and apartheid walls.

#SaveGaza #StopTheLies #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


At the same time when US coalition drones attacked and destroyed an amonition depot of Pro-Syrian groups, Israeli fighter jets attacked targets close to Syrian capital.

There is an open target on Syriaeonce again.

#Syria #Iraq #Israel #Iran #US #Politics #GoodOccupation
سانا: حوالی ساعت 23:50 روز 2 اکتبر 2023، دشمن اسرائیلی به مواضع نیروهای مسلح کشور سوریه در حومه شهر دیرالزور حمله هوایی کرد؛ این تجاوز منجر به مجروح شدن دو سرباز و خسارات مادی شده است.


Once again, US is acting as the air force of ISIS and AlQaeda in Iraq and Syria!

The drones from US coalition sources are bombing "Iran supported militia" as well as Syrian government locations.

Of course no one will see it as wrongful action, occupation of a country 7000 miles away from US borders is perfectly normal and accepted by the "civilized Europe".

Don't you dare comparing it with Russia fighting it's neighboring country, because that will make you a Putin supporting Russian troll..

#Syria #Iraq #NATO #US #Russia #Ukraine #Iran #AlQaeda #ISIS


Tragedy strikes Iraq after fire at a wedding | The Take

A fire broke out during a wedding in Nineveh governorate, Northern Iraq, in al-Hamdaniya’s Christian community. Within hours, the death toll had risen above ...#aljazeeralive #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #aljazeeralatest #latestnews #newsheadlines #aljazeeravideo #iraq #wedding #fire #iraqfire #iraqweddingfire #weddingfire #thetake #ajepodcasts #podcast
Tragedy strikes Iraq after fire at a wedding | The Take