

#Google don't like C++

Based on this experience we expect that high assurance memory safety can only be achieved via a Secure-by-Design approach centered around comprehensive adoption of languages with rigorous memory safety guarantees. We see no realistic path for an evolution of C++ into a language with rigorous memory safety guarantees that include temporal safety. As a consequence, we are considering a gradual transition of C++ code at Google towards other languages that are memory safe.

Source: https://research.google/pubs/secure-by-design-googles-perspective-on-memory-safety/

#Rust. #Go and #Java will be used.

#software #development #code #language #future #memory #security #bug #exploit #program #news


#Java Stacktraces sind die Hölle.

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.rolestrategy.RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.doAddRole() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [globalRoles, admin, com.cloudbees.plug...
Possible solutions: doAddRole(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)

Bestimmt gibt es eine Erklärung für diesen Wurstsalat - danke, ich bin nicht interessiert ;-)


Beschämt muss ich eingestehen, dass ich aus diesen sehr guten Bohnen #java nur relativ wenige richtig gute Tassen herausbekommen habe. 十全七美 muss ich sagen. Zu anspruchsvolle Bohne, daheim nicht sonderlich ertragreich.

Nur wenn die Zubereitung handwerklich gut gelungen war schmeckte dieser Kaffee. 亂七八糟 rächt sich sofort mit Mittelmäßigkeit (zu flüssig/sauer/bitter, you name it).

Die gewünschte Qualität war einfacher hinzubekommen beim Doppio. Dennoch, "Pur nicht für jeden", steht sogar drauf. Point taken.

Teurer Spaß, bloß weniger lustig. Vor dem nächsten Beutel werde ich dann mal weiter an mir arbeiten.

Danke fürs Zuhören.

#coffee #beans #java #myfirsttime #mediumroast #espresso


JabRef 5.10 Release | JabRef's Blog

We are thrilled to announce the release of JabRef version 5.10, a significant update to our beloved reference management software. This release comes with a plethora of new features, improvements, and fixes that make managing your bibliographic data smoother than ever. Have a look at the changelog for a full list of all changes.

#jabref #LatTeX #bibtex #biblatex #openSource #java



Ohio Prison System Bans Java Computer Manual, But Allows Hitler’s Mein Kampf | The Marshall Project

The department said in an email that coding books are banned because “the content was found to pose a threat to the rehabilitation of inmates, the security of the institution, and order or discipline of the institution.”

In the January 2019 memo stating the book was rejected from the prison mail room, the prison staff member who initially intercepted “Effective Java” wrote, “Java platform not allowed no receipt or proof for school.”

Smith, the department spokesperson, pointed out that people in prison have access to computers for educational programs and legal research, and that “allowing these types of printed materials presents a substantial risk of misuse” and poses a security threat.

Bloch disagreed. “Could you use [programming skills] for hacking? Well yes, but if you improve your English skills you could use it for social engineering,” he said. “That didn’t seem like a good reason to ban a book.”

#wtf #java #books #prison



It seems people are skittish enough now about Oracle that they are using OpenJDK instead at record rates, Oracle now only has 35% of the JVM install base. I made the "OpenJDK or bust" decision for any project I had sway over after watching a customer go through a licensing bait and switch with Oracle that cost them countless millions of dollars. After that I would never recommend their databases, Java, or cloud offerings. The problem though is that Oracle represents the overwhelming majority of the effort keeping OpenJDK and Java going. The more people run into the open source arms the more draconian I imagine Oracle will be. I'm mostly not using the JVM for projects right now but it is something to watch out for. #Java #openjdk #oracle https://sdtimes.com/software-development/eclipse-foundation-finds-significant-momentum-for-open-source-java-this-year/


I spent a lot of my career working with java and the JVM. In recent years it hasn't worked for me, especially as other cross platform systems met or exceeded its promises but without legacy encumbrances (hello Dart and .NET Core). While JVM is probably never going to be my go-to for new projects, Project Valhalla is still an impressive look at how the team wants to upgrade the JVM. The stuff about primitive/value types is fascinating. One thing I never heard of before is 32-bit tearing. Basically 64-bit type operations, including reads, are not guaranteed to be atomic so can never truly be thread safe. As someone who usually writes software that uses 64-bit values that seems like a non-starter for me but they are "going back to 1995" with this limitation on primitive types for performance reasons. Anyway, interesting read and hats off to the team trying to pull this refactor of the JVM off. #java #dotnet #DartLang #ProjectValhalla https://www.infoworld.com/article/3687670/project-valhalla-a-look-inside-javas-epic-refactor.html


Papst Franziskus I.

Franziskus I: In den vergangenen Stunden wurde die Insel #Java in Indonesien von einem starken #Erdbeben erschüttert. Ich spreche dieser geschätzten Bevölkerung mein Mitgefühl aus und bete für die Toten und Verletzten.
