


As #Gaza continues to be pounded and pulverized with unimaginable human cost, we may escape from ' here ' and 'now' to look back on the #Arab - #Jewish conflict through the eyes of Rabindranath Tagore ,the foremost poet and public intellectual of the time.Theodore Zeldin in his Hidden Pleasures of Life speaks of Tagore's amazing capacity to make friends across the globe and his remarkable ability to nurture such relationships and contacts .Tagore was a great admirer of the Jewish genius which came to full flowering in the early decades of twentieth century .He was greatly influenced by Bergeson the philosopher of creative evolution and was deeply interested in the revolution in Physics, brought about mainly by Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Tagore had also many Jewish friends who kept him informed about the entrenched anti semitism in #Europe and the problems the Jewish settlers faced in Mandate #Palestine .Tagore's love of the Jewish people had deeper roots .He belonged to a Hindu reformist sect that was fervently monotheistic and shared with the Jews a cosmopolitan culture,love of learning and creative pursuits. Rammohun Roy ,the founder of new Hindu monotheism and Tagore's "role model", was the first Hindu to learn Hebrew as he wanted to study the Old Testament in the original .One of his nephews ,Soyumendranath Tagore ,a Marxist, would later visit Israel in 1965 and write an unprejudiced book defending Israel's right to exist and the necessity to form full diplomatic ties with the beleaguered Jewish nation .He rightly saw #Israel could offer us more in the form of science ,agricultural technology and the art of living than any country in the Middle East .

 Tagore was familiar with the Zionist movement that sought to unite the Jews facing discrimination in most of the European countries and even envisaged a Jewish state in the country of their origin. #Zionism was a progressive movement which enjoyed the sympathy and support of most of the leading Jewish scientists and intellectuals including #Einstein. Tagore was not against Jewish immigration but Jewish statehood .Speaking to a Zionist interviewer in 1930 in New York he remarked ," What we poets have dreamt ,the Jews can create in Palestine if they free themselves of the western concept of nationalism." Tagore favored Jewish  migration as it would bring Arabs in closer contact with the West and wake them up from their torpor .It will also make technology transfer easier benefiting both the Arabs.The growing cooperation between Jewish settlers and Arabs will form the " basis of a new Palestinian civilization " .A few Zionists such as Schomith Flaum visited Santiniketan and became his  admirers . Tagore  heard about the success story of the Jewish settlers who had turned the arid desert lands green .He invited Jewish farmers to settle in Santiniketan and introduce scientific farming among local farmers. In 1936 Olsvanger a Jewish emissary visited India and found most Indian leaders had little understanding of Jews and hostile to their cause .The Indian National Congress was sympathetic to Arabs even when they had resorted to terrorism and acts of violence against the Jewish settlers .Tagore wrote to Olsvanger, " What interests me perhaps more than the work done by the Jewish settlers is the agricultural development of the country,the reclamation of marshy and sandy stretches, the application of the modern scientific method in dealing with the problems of soil and cultivation. As you know.. our agricultural problems have become quite formidable, and they can be tacked only  by an advanced technique and organization. " However, the Palestinian Jews were rather disappointed by his objections to a Jewish state and did not respond to his invitation to form a Jewish community at Santineketan .

Sclhlomith Flaum was a young Palestinian Jewish woman of Lithuanian origin who stayed at Santineketan and continued to correspond with Tagore .Her letter written on May 30 gives us glimpse of the growing conflict in Mandate Palestine. Her family had been savagely attacked by Arabs and she herself suffered injuries .She wrote with much self confidence and perhaps, a little arrogance " The Arabs wish that the Jewish immigration should stop in Palestine because they fear our superiority and progress in work We make out of desert a blooming and prosperous country in every way of which they themselves gain most ,as they do nothing ,just sit. .and smoke leisurely and peacefully their pipes " .In retrospect her criticism of the Arab way of life seems unjust .Arabs had a right to their leisurely pace of life in their own land which came under threat as Jews brought with them an invasive modernity based on capitalism and new technology.Tagore on his part failed to understand that Jewish settlers could not hope to protect themselves from the Arab wrath except through the instrumentality of the state .Arabs ,as #Muslims ,were unwilling to cede even an inch to the settlers .They out of hand rejected the recommendations of Peel Commission which proposed a Jewish homeland that constituted just 10% of the Mandate Palestine. Arabs - that is to say Arab males - of all descriptions still decline to accept Israel which is proudly in existence for 75 years. The Two State Solution is an insincere ruse - a step towards the total destruction of Israel. While other Arab states out of fear have de facto accepted Israel , #Hamas has not .It still dreams of unfurling the flag of Islam on all the four corners of Israel.So ,the 'poet's dream' will wither and violence will go on until either of the belligerent parties is totally defeated .It is tragic but almost inevitable.


This is the #serpent #seed and their #bloodlines represented by the menorah, (9 branches of the, "light barer", Lucifer/Azazel), and the bloodline crests. They are a #Baphomet #cult. The #star of David is actually the star of Baphomet as you will see in this #ancient #scroll.

Ancient #Jewish Scroll on #Reptilian Skin.

Ancient Jewish Scroll on Reptilian Skin


Polish lawmaker uses fire extinguisher on Hanukkah candles

A far-right Polish lawmaker was excluded from a parliament session after using a fire extinguisher to put out candles marking the Jewish festival of Hanukkah...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Extinguisher #Festival #Fire #GrzegorzBraun #Hanukkah #Jew #Jewish #Parliament #Poland #Polish #Satanic #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Polish lawmaker uses fire extinguisher on Hanukkah candles


You want PROOF? Look! ⬇️ There's your #proof .

You may have seen a story about Israel airstriking that Al-Jazeera reporter's family. It turns out that these people were in a Hamas Terrorist structure. If you know anything about how the I.D.F. works, you know that before they bomb a building, they call the locals and tell them to leave abd how they will hit the structure, and which nearby buildings will be safe. They then do "roof knocking," which is a first missile that makes a loud bang on the roof of a building. Then they do the actual airstrike. His family likely died out of being stubborn, or were executed by Hamas, as Hamas often forces innocents to such locations.

The MSM knowingly lies to people because they know the average American can get mad quickly, but actually has no interest in the region and so does not check to see if the data is correct.

Have you ever noticed just how many times Anderson Duper or any of a handful of other media personalities just happen to be in just the right location so that the building directly behind them is bombed? How does this happen all the time? Easy. I.D.F. has intel that a particular spot is a Hamas location, so they call the Arabs, warning them to leave, then they send in a roof knocking missile. Very very loud. It is the final warning. Then they blow up the building.

Think about it! Arabs make missiles that randomly kill or damage. Israel has rockets with pinpoint accuracy. Do you REALLY think they would spend all that money for fancy shmancy rockets to kill random civilians?!?! That would be like me using gold bullets to kill ducks. Makes zero sense.

So what happens is, Hamas will put elderly, women, and infants in a location about to be bombed, then the Palestinians can wail in the streets and the world blame Israel.

The land, by law, belongs to Israel. My desire is for Israel to go in on foot and tank and free the hostages, publickly execute any Hamas soldiers/ leadership, and then level and burn the land, to cleanse it. The Arabs there, most of them, are not generations long settlers. Most of those left years ago. The ones there now are violent and hate freedom and came there in the 1940's to 60's on construction jobs, and then just stayed. It would be like illegals coming to NYC, and then the media saying Manhattan was traditionally Mexican. Wait...WHAT?!?!!!?

Go online and find video after video of the "peaceful" palestinians beating innocent, captured Jews. It will probably have to be found on Bitchute.com or Rumble.com, because YouTube appears to hide or delete them. You can find videos that appear to show Jews picking on Palestinians, but are those videos heavily edited?


Here is an American explaining how America got the idea of roof knocking from Israel, and how civilians can die when not targetted.


Islam is a devlish system of death. They love death. The MsM usually edits things so you cannot see the heart of the true muslim. You have to go to Bitchute.com, Rumble.com, etc., to see accurate news.

If you follow me, or watch my YouTube or Rumble channel, you can see proof that I post, if YT doesn't censor it...again. They have deleted my comments endless times, shadowbanned me, and deleted a video where I simply asked a question about facemasks.

Many times they find HAMas is going in and out of a building, or the building conceals a bunker underneath that leads to tunnels.


If memory serves, they give them 15 minutes after the roof knock.


See how they already have a camera going, focused on the building BEFORE it is hit. They know when the rockets are coming, and where. Also notice the jumpcut to delete the 15 minutes.


If you understand how Islam works, you understand why/how "civilians" are killed. They are not innocent.

Many fundamentally do not understand islam. I would not suggest reading their trash, as it is of the devil, but their evil system teaches to befriend "infidels." They can go to their homes, have meals together, etc. This is the peace time. But then they grow in number in a country and the Imams begin to teach Defensive Jihad.  Basically, they are taught to be at peace with their host country, unless Islam or their false prophet is insulted. Then they can be violent. Once they grow larger, the Imams then teach Offensive Jihad.  This is the crazy terrorism and Sharia Law junk.

I once believed that there were peaceful and violent Muslims. But my friend, a former militant muslim from Pakistan taught me that the peaceful part is all part of the plan. Refuse to believe me? It is in their teachings.

Want to have some fun? Go on YouTube or anywhere muslims are, and ask them if they condemn their fake prophet for having sex with a 9 year old. He "married" Aisha when she was 6 years old. He says he first only fondled her when they bathed together, but once she turned the ripe old age of 9, he fully raped her. But he sure was a nice guy. He let only her continue to play with her dolls in his tent, wheras he did not with the others. So go ask muslims if they condemn the Profligate Muhammed's raping of Aisha. He also raped his sex slaves. Muslims refuse to condemn it, and in fact condone it, specifically saying it was acceptable.

Many sources call Aisha 9 years old when "married" to the false prophet. At least one says she was 7 years old. Sahil al-Bakari 51:58, 61:30, 51:33, 65:4, Sahil Muslim 33:11.

#Palestine #FreePalestine 🙄 #Hamas #Israel #Israeli #Jew #Jews #Jewish #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #Zionism #Judah #Juden #Palestinians #facts #media #OperationMockingbird #lies #lie #fact #IDF #IsraelDefenseForces #flattenPalestine #burnPalestine #war #Netanyahu #massacre ? #genocide 🙄 #Islam #muslims #AishaWas6 #Muhammed


Another day, another report on rising #antisemitism. Since 7 October, in #Canada

shots have been fired at #Jewish schools, a #synagogue and com­munity centre fire­bombed, #Swastikas painted on Jew­ish homes, Jew­ish #university stu­dents and fac­ulty intim­id­ated and threatened, Jew­ish busi­nesses van­dal­ized, and their cus­tom­ers sur­roun­ded by angry demon­strat­ors.

Tra­gic­ally, it's not as if any of these things are new — they've just exploded since Oct. 7. Year after year #Jews, des­pite their rel­at­ively small pop­u­la­tion, are the most tar­geted group in Canada for reli­giously motiv­ated #hate crimes.

As the fed­eral gov­ern­ment said long before the start of the Israel/hamas war: “Anti-semit­ism con­tin­ues to per­sist in Canada, mani­fest­ing itself through van­dal­ism and graf­fiti; cir­cu­la­tion of hate pro­pa­ganda; intol­er­ance and #racist lan­guage in places like Twit­ter, in com­ments sec­tions, web for­ums and blogs; bomb threats to Jew­ish schools and com­munity centres; intim­id­a­tion of Jew­ish uni­versity stu­dents; and the use of the Boy­cott, Divest­ment and Sanc­tions (BDS) move­ment to del­e­git­im­ize the State of Israel.”



#jewish #photography #wall
Photograph. Jews Praying at Wailing Wall. Jerusalem, Israel

Shrine in Jerusalem
The Western Wall, known in the West as the Wailing Wall, and in Islam as the Buraq Wall, is a portion of ancient limestone wall in the Old City of Jerusalem that forms part of the larger retaining wall of the hill known to Jews and Christians as the Temple Mount.


Why is #antisemitism so rife in #UK #Universities?

There have been more reported incidents of antisemitism on British #university campuses in a month than there were in all of 2022. At #Oxford University, where I am an undergraduate, acts of hatred, misinformation and a lack of empathy when we are vulnerable have turned student spaces into places of hostility.

Our #Jewish Society president had the mezuzah (a protective Jewish prayer scroll) ripped from his door. At a freshers’ event, one Jewish friend told me that she was called a “coloniser” and “race traitor” (the latter by virtue of her non-European descent). I know male students who have removed their kippot (skullcaps) and others who have hidden their Stars of David. On Instagram, I saw students posting pictures of paragliders, celebrating Hamas’s massacre. I waited five long days for my university to condemn “appalling attacks by Hamas” and stress “that there is no place for antisemitism or hate of any faith at Oxford”. An Israeli student whose relatives were murdered at the Nova festival has returned home, telling me she felt safer there than on campus.

Beyond Oxford, Jewish students have experienced similar incidents of antisemitism. In Manchester, posters with the words “kill more Jews” and “Yids” have been displayed. On Instagram, a university Jewish society was sent the message: “Wherever you are in the world, we will take you out of your homes and perform a dance of victory and happiness over your bodies”; another was sent a threat, accompanied by a video of beheaded babies, reading: “You must be killed all of u till the last naziest of you” [sic]; a university rabbi received a direct message that said: “You massacred innocent Muslims, I hope you die too.”


The psychological toll is huge: I do not sleep well and cry often. There are friends and tutors who have acknowledged my pain and their empathy has overwhelmed me. When a friend messaged offering to take notes if I felt unable to attend lectures, my eyes filled with tears. So I know it is possible for people to react differently, to not be led by preconceived notions about this conflict that harbour racism or a binary idea of who is good or bad. I urge fellow students, instead, to see us as just that – fellow citizens whose distress and pain must be taken at face value and countered with kindness, compassion and conversation in which no party experiences fear.


Abahlali baseMjondolo in solidarity with #Palestine

Black people were not seen as human beings in this country under #apartheid, and we, as impoverished black people, continue to have our humanity denied almost thirty years after apartheid. This is a very painful thing, and because we understand the pain of living under apartheid and as #poor people in this country, we understand something of what the Palestinians are going through. If you know the pain of living under #oppression, you will be in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.

We fully support the call to have the Israeli embassy removed from South Africa with immediate effect. We also support the calls by the South #African government to call upon the International Criminal Court to investigate Benjamin #Netanyahu for #war #crimes.

We are supporting the call for the boycott of Israeli products

We are in #solidarity with all our #Jewish #comrades in South Africa and around the world who are standing up against the oppression of Palestine and this genocidal attack on #Gaza.



#Israel #Peace


Bus Drivers Refuse to Take Hundreds of Jews to Pro-Israel Rally in DC

If Jews want to go out and celebrate the mass murder of little babies, they can walk!

Sickening, evil little rats!

We’ve had enough!

New York Post:

Hundreds of Jewish people headed to Tuesday’s pro-Israel rally in DC were left stranded when bus drivers staged “a deliberate and malicious walk-off,’’ a major Jewish organization said.

The “anti-protest” left a charted flight from Detroit — about 300 people — on the Dulles Airport tarmac for about 11 hours before being sent back home, causing them to miss the entire March for Israel event...

#Israel #Palestine #ZionistMurderCampaign #Genocide-in-Gaza #Jews #Jewish #MassMurder


A good read piece by Jonathan Freedland

Beware Suella #Braverman and all the other vultures bent on exploiting #Jewish and #Muslim pain

There is a special place in hell reserved for people who exploit the pain of others – and it’s becoming very crowded. It’s filling up with those who look at the war between #Israel and #Hamas, and the grief and fear it prompts in the hearts of Jews and Muslims especially, and see not tragedy but opportunity – a chance to advance their own interests. ...

... But nor does she care whether she ignites a tinderbox. British Jews have been in a state of anxiety and fear since the brutal murders committed by Hamas in southern Israel on 7 October. Antisemitic incidents have surged by more than 500% compared with the same period last year, each day bringing word of more. ... Islamophobic attacks have risen by a similar proportion. ...

In service of the cynicism and the exploitation is the distortion of the Israel-Palestine conflict, forcing it into a pre-existing ideological frame. In this field, Braverman has company. Witness the associate editor of the Spectator, Douglas Murray, who has long railed against what he sees as the threat that Islam and Muslims pose to Europe and the west. He is using the current crisis to press that case, telling one US interviewer this week that Humza Yousaf has “infiltrated our system”, and that he is not really first minister of Scotland, but rather “first minister of Gaza”. Murray has thoughts too on the future of #Gaza, writing that “it could be a good time … to clear all the Palestinians from that benighted strip”.

The pro-Palestinian left will look on all this and rightly be appalled. And yet the left is not free of its own tendency to flatten and squeeze Israelis and Palestinians into a shape that fits its worldview, even if that means riding roughshod over some pretty elementary facts. ... Activists from the Black Lives Matter movement have been quick to identify Israel-Palestine as simply another front in the battle for civil rights, one that can be smoothly mapped on to the racial politics of the US. ... It also rests on an assumption that Israeli lives are “white lives” – when in fact about half of all Israeli Jews are not white by any definition, but Mizrahi, with roots in north Africa and the Arab world, most of them the descendants of refugees pogromed out of their homes in Iraq, Yemen, Morocco or beyond in the aftermath of Israel’s creation in 1948. ...

The point is, this conflict has its own complex history and its own shape. It should not be bent and twisted to fit the doctrinal dogmas of others, and it should not be used by politicians and hucksters to push an agenda, build a brand or pursue their own selfish ambition. There are too many people grieving on the ground there and racked by fear here for that. If you’re looking for fuel to feed your own hellfire, back off – and find some other agony to exploit.



Rabbi interrupts US President Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire | AJ #shorts

Watch the moment a Jewish rabbi heckles US President Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. The crowd boos and tells her to leave the campaign event in Min...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Jewish #JoeBiden #USPresident #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #boos #campaign #ceasefire #demand #event #heckles #latestnews #newsheadlines #rabbi
Rabbi interrupts US President Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire | AJ #shorts


Mob storms #Dagestan airport in search of #Jewish passengers from #Israel - Airport in Russia’s Muslim southern region closed after hundreds storm tarmac and climb on to planes -

In the past day, local people have besieged a hotel in search of Jewish guests and stormed the airport after reports emerged that a flight from Tel Aviv was arriving in the city. Passengers were forced to take refuge in planes or hide in the airport for fear of being attacked ... Video posted to social media showed hundreds of young men, some carrying Palestinian flags or placards denouncing Israel, storming on to the tarmac of the Makhachkala international airport and climbing on to idling planes, attempting to break through the windows.

Airline employees were shown hustling passengers back inside planes as the crowds approached the aircraft. #Russia closed #Makhachkala airport on Sunday evening due to “intruders” at the airport.

“This is your captain,” one announcement said. “There’s an angry mob outside that doesn’t know where we’ve come from and why [we are here]. It’s possible we’ll also come under attack.”

Followers of Utro Dagestan, one of the Telegram accounts that regularly carries news mixed with conspiracy theories, were told to besiege the local airport, interrogate arriving passengers and demand that they denounce the Israeli government.

The account also called on local people to follow any arriving Israelis, take pictures of their vehicles and write down the addresses where they were staying."


“I wish the world could see the incredible outpouring of support #RabbiSamWoll and our #Jewish community have received, especially from our neighbors here in #Detroit. #Muslim and #Palestinian community leaders have sent messages of heartbreak and support, and shared that they are reciting duas — powerful prayers of supplication and worship — for Sam and her family.” #RabbiAlanaAlpert #Tchiyah #Michigan cc: @theforward@mstdn.social https://forward.com/opinion/566818/samantha-woll-death-muslim-jewish-solidarity/