

Mob storms #Dagestan airport in search of #Jewish passengers from #Israel - Airport in Russia’s Muslim southern region closed after hundreds storm tarmac and climb on to planes -

In the past day, local people have besieged a hotel in search of Jewish guests and stormed the airport after reports emerged that a flight from Tel Aviv was arriving in the city. Passengers were forced to take refuge in planes or hide in the airport for fear of being attacked ... Video posted to social media showed hundreds of young men, some carrying Palestinian flags or placards denouncing Israel, storming on to the tarmac of the Makhachkala international airport and climbing on to idling planes, attempting to break through the windows.

Airline employees were shown hustling passengers back inside planes as the crowds approached the aircraft. #Russia closed #Makhachkala airport on Sunday evening due to “intruders” at the airport.

“This is your captain,” one announcement said. “There’s an angry mob outside that doesn’t know where we’ve come from and why [we are here]. It’s possible we’ll also come under attack.”

Followers of Utro Dagestan, one of the Telegram accounts that regularly carries news mixed with conspiracy theories, were told to besiege the local airport, interrogate arriving passengers and demand that they denounce the Israeli government.

The account also called on local people to follow any arriving Israelis, take pictures of their vehicles and write down the addresses where they were staying."


“I wish the world could see the incredible outpouring of support #RabbiSamWoll and our #Jewish community have received, especially from our neighbors here in #Detroit. #Muslim and #Palestinian community leaders have sent messages of heartbreak and support, and shared that they are reciting duas — powerful prayers of supplication and worship — for Sam and her family.” #RabbiAlanaAlpert #Tchiyah #Michigan cc: @theforward@mstdn.social https://forward.com/opinion/566818/samantha-woll-death-muslim-jewish-solidarity/


Degree of Abrahamic Ideological Colonialism by Continent Region, 2023.

Given that Abrahamism is a metaphysical, jurisprudential, ethical, civilizational ideology native only to some small regions of the Middle East & that historically it has been imposed upon nations & peoples using force, coercion, deception & manipulation, it is fair to characterise it as having colonised peoples & nations outside of its native geographic & people-group origins.

#abrahamism #judaism #christianity #islam #abrahamicideologicalcolonialism #thewest #africa #middleeast #asia #europe #jewish #oceania #jews #afroasiatic #platonism #plato #neoplatonism #syncretism #israel #indoeuropean #westerncivilization #usa #uk #eu #un #nato #oneworldreligion #wef #saudiarabia #colonialism #ideology


#jewish #history #dna #europe #germany

"By the high medieval period, Talmudic commentators like Rashi began to use Ashkenaz/Eretz Ashkenaz to designate Germany, earlier known as Loter, where, especially in the Rhineland communities of Speyer, Worms and Mainz, the most important Jewish communities arose."
Judaism by Ashkenazim. In the late Middle Ages, due to widespread persecution, the majority of the Ashkenazi population steadily shifted eastward,moving out of the Holy Roman Empire into the areas that later became part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; these areas today comprise parts of present-day Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.[2
Ancient DNA from medieval Germany tells the origin story of Ashkenazi Jews
Research team analyzed genome-wide data for 33 Jewish individuals from 14th century Erfurt, Germany
November 30, 2022: Human History


The Global South is Lost

One unanticipated outcome of the recent flareup in the #MiddleEast is that it appears to have put the final nail in the coffin of the #ClownWorldOrder by making it clear that the so-called “rules-based order” does not actually have any genuine principles or rules, thereby ensuring widespread global preference for the sovereign nations of the #Multipolarity over the #Imperial #USA and its occupied #satrapies.

Attempts by the #US and its allies to “paint #Moscow as a global pariah” have been “poisoned” by the rush to support Israeli retaliation against #Hamas in #Gaza, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing more than a dozen officials.

“We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South,” one senior #G7 diplomat was quoted as saying. “All the work we have done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has been lost… Forget about rules, forget about world order. They won’t ever listen to us again.”

“What we said about #Ukraine has to apply to #Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility,” the official added. “The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?”

West ‘lost’ Global South over Israel, 18 October 2023

Now, this is apparently shocking news to the inhabitants of #ClownWorld as well as its rulers, but it was always inevitable. The “Israel exception” to decades of baseless assertions about #democracy and #human-rights and respect for #indigenous peoples was never going to survive the #Internet anyhow, nor was “the plight of the poor, oppressed #Jewish people who never did nothing bad to nobody” ever going to cut any ice with anyone but high-trust, soft-hearted ignoramuses with no sense of #history.

And it’s a particularly bad look for #Israel to be observed to be “defending itself” by continuously #expanding its #territory. Considering that a significant percentage of the #GlobalSouth has historical experience with #violent #colonization of its ancestral lands, it should not be much of a surprise that there is a natural tendency for them to instinctively side with the #Palestinians. Indeed, many #Jews supported the #blacks in #SouthAfrica on much flimsier historical claims than those possessed by the Palestinians.

But as the Financial Times points out, it is the #juxtaposition of #ClownWorld’s position on the #Russia-Ukraine situation with the #Israel-Palestinian situation that has probably been the most harmful. Ukraine’s #crimes against the #Russians in the #Donbass, and the 14,400 Russians killed there between 2014 and 2022, far exceed the various crimes committed by Hamas in the same timeframe, and yet the #global #media has spent the last 19 months decrying Russian actions that have been considerably more restrained than the total #ethnic #cleansing of the Palestinians now being threatened all over social media in response to a single Hamas raid.

Clown World is dying. One hopes the #GreatPowers of the Multipolarity will use their power and influence in a more circumspect and generally beneficial manner once it is gone.


#hamas #gaza #antisemitism #israel #pogrom #idf #zahal

Opinion | Israeli military action to defeat #Hamas is proportionate to the threat from Hamas

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

What is meant by ‘proportionality’ in war? Let’s begin with Michael Walzer, author of the seminal Just and Unjust Wars, explaining what proportionality, in international law and in just #war thinking, is not.

Proportionality doesn’t mean ‘tit for tat,’ as in the family feud. The Hatfields kill three McCoys, so the McCoys must kill three Hatfields. More than three, and they are breaking the rules of the feud, where proportionality means symmetry.

But if proportionate does not mean symmetry, what does it mean? Walzer again:

The use of the term is different with regard to war, because war isn’t an act of retribution; it isn’t a backward-looking activity, and the law of even-Steven doesn’t apply. Like it or not, war is always purposive in character; it has a goal, an end-in-view.

In other words, the goal pursued by military action must be proportionate to the ongoing threat faced. Israel’s goal is the removal of Hamas as the controlling political and military power in #Gaza is proportionate because 7 October made clear that Hamas now poses an existential threat to #Israel.

Israel’s goal is proportionate to the revelation that the mass slaughter of all the #Jews of Israel will be attempted again and again by Hamas and #Palestinian #Islamic #Jihad until successful, with whatever technology and weaponry can be acquired or supplied, under the guiding hand and financial support of a nuclear threshold state religiously committed to Israel’s destruction, #Iran.

Although Hamas has declared this eliminationist goal openly, again and again, western #liberal opinion has refused to take it seriously. What Paul Berman calls our ‘liberal naivete’ (‘No, they can’t mean that! No one can mean that!’) has routinely trumped what Hamas, as the kids would say, literally tell us, in words and, as on 7 October, in deeds.

Here is what Hamas has said.

Muhammed Deif, then the Hamas bomb-maker, now one of its leaders, said in 2005 after Israel’s disengagement from the Strip, ‘We promise that tomorrow all of #Palestine will become hell for you.’

Hamas ‘foreign minister’ Mahmoud al-Zahar said in 2006, ‘Israel is a vile entity that has been planted on our soil, and has no historical, religious or cultural legitimacy. We cannot normalise our relations with this entity.’

Ahmad Al-Jabri, the Hamas military commander killed by Israel on day one of the 2012 conflict, called Jews ‘rats’ to be killed in the cause of liberating ‘Jerusalem, the West Bank, and then Haifa, Jaffa, and Tel Aviv’.

And, infamously, the Hamas Charter, its set of founding principles and its programme, adopted in 1988 and never revoked, declares: ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until #Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it’, and ‘[Hamas] strives to raise the banner of #Allah over every inch of Palestine’, so ‘Jihad becomes the individual duty of every #Moslem. In the face of the Jews’ usurpation’. And no, ‘Jihad’ does not here mean ‘spiritual struggle’. It means the #slaughter of 7 October. And all the slaughters they plan for the future. ‘The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them’ says the Hamas Charter, quoting a hadith. ‘Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: “O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”’

On 7 October 2023 the word became deed. That day should have brought an end to the games that westerners play with these #genocidal Hamas statements, to their clever-clever ‘translating’ of them into mere ‘rhetoric’, the ‘language games’ liberation movements play, just another ‘text’ or ‘discursive surface’ expressing the degree of its oppression and never the depth and intensity of its eliminationist antisemitism.

If you want to play those games you will find abundant resources within western intellectual culture to do so. (Actually, you will find little else these days.) But Israel’s neighbourhood is a bit different to the Modern Languages Association annual conference. In that region, when someone says they intend to kill you, they really intend to kill you. All of you.

After 20 years of Hamas terror attacks, suicide bombers, indiscriminate rocket and missile attacks, terror tunnels, drones, incendiary balloons, came a long-planned, meticulously prepared pogrom on such a scale that one has to go back to the Holocaust to find as many Jews murdered on a single day. And a pogrom of such a nature – Holocaust survivors shot in the head, #babies shot in the head, decapitations, #woman #raped and #executed, Jews burnt alive, young Jews hunted down and massacred en masse at a rave, Jews surviving by hiding under the dead bodies of their parents, atrocity videos uploaded to the internet – to make reasonable comparisons between Hamas and the #Nazi Einzatsgruppen units who carried out the Holocaust in eastern #Europe. (I taught the Holocaust at university and I could write an entire article just on the parallels: the eliminationist #antisemitic #ideology, the spirit of bacchanalia among the perpetrators, the monstrous baby-killing, the echo of those smiley photographs of cruelty the #German #troops sent home during the #Holocaust in the atrocity videos Hamas ‘militants’ (copyright: BBC) uploaded, sometimes to the social media accounts of those they were murdering, and more.

And it isn’t just the future threat from Hamas that is existential. It is existential now. No country, not the #UK, not the #US, not #France, not anybody, would accept the permanent mass trauma of citizens faced with a permanent threat of pogrom, or the possible depopulation of swathes of its country as fearful citizens flee from that threat.

How Israel sets about achieving the goal of removing Hamas as the power in the Strip is, of course, limited by prudential concerns (which I wrote about last week) and by the non-negotiable effort to minimise #non-combatant #casualties and maintain humanitarian corridors (which Jack Omer-Jackaman and I argued for in Fathom). The ratio of combatant to non-combatant deaths achieved by Israel in previous military operations to restore deterrence in face of Hamas’ indiscriminate rocket attacks has been consistently better – far, far better – than anything achieved in its wars by the US, the UK, not to mention #Russia. Every effort should be made to make it so again.

In the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, pogroms didn’t have consequences for the pogromists because the Jews were powerless because stateless. Well, not any more. Since 1948 there is a Jewish state with the IDF on its ramparts. Hamas is going to find out that pogroms now have consequences. Its total removal from Gaza will be a proportionate response to its total threat it now poses to the only #Jewish homeland in the world.



Predictably, #antisemitism has spiked in Europe this week. Recorded incidents in the UK have quadrupled, while two synagogues were vandalised with pro-Palestinian graffiti in Spain and Portugal. Some #Jewish schools are closed and others have increased security.

Yes, of course it's possible to criticise #Israel without being antisemitic. But it's important to recognise how deeply the two are intertwined. #jewdiverse

שבת שלום!


"We're devastated by the loss of life and trauma that is taking place against our #Jewish and #Palestinian siblings and cousins," said Rabbi Alana Alpert, who leads Congregation T’chiyah.

"As we condemn this violence, we refuse the urge to dehumanize, to rally around any false notion of 'sides' or to obscure the roots of this violence. We demand freedom and safety for all inhabitants of the land." #Israel #Palestine #Michigan



In order to be "diverse" and "inclusive" we must first understand human diversity in all its facets, including but not limited to phenotypic characteristics. This effort necessitates comparisons and contrasts.

#gracekelly #popepiusXII #phenotypes #dei #diversity #inclusion #ethnicity #genotypes #indoeuropean #afroasiatic #europe #usa #neareast #middleeast #african #asian #uk #jew #jewish #jews #abrahamism #religion #abrahamicideologicalcolonialism #control #proportion #probability #representation #evolution #adaptation #humandiversity


Statistical improbability, mass murder, societal control systems, oppression, ideological weapons, depopulation, usurpation, applied psychology, geopolitical controlled opposition, supranational elite scions, covert mass surveillance, crimes against humanity, global power structure.

#statistics #massmurder #china #societalcontrolsystems #oppression #ideologicalweapons #depopulation #usurpation #appliedpsychology #un #geopoliticalcontrolledopposition #supranationalelitescions #usa #ccp #masssurveillance #criminals #uk #crimesagainsthumanity #power #globalism #elites #puppetpoliticians #judeoangloamericanestablishment #judeoangloamericanempire #study #xijinping #maozedong #jewish #jew #jews #henrykissinger #billgates #klausschwab #disenfranchisement


#ww11 #holocaust #jewish #memorials.
In front of his old home in Neunkirchen, Germany.
Born: September 16, 1897
Birthplace: Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, Austria
Death: December 13, 1938 (41)
Prittlbach, Dachau District, Bavaria, Germany (Murdered by Nazis )
Place of Burial: Vienna, Austria


#jewish #children #art #ghetto #ww11

The young artist didn’t survive the Terezin Ghetto in WW11, but her art did.

Children’s Drawings from Terezín. Ruth Gutmannová (13 April 1930 – 6 October 1944): Underwater World
Inv. No. JMP 131.806
- Watercolor on paper, 22 x 30 cm, Signed on the verso: Gutmann Ruth, L 410, Heim 28, 13 Jahre. Provenance: created during the drawing classes in the Terezín Ghetto organized between 1943 and 1944 by the painter and teacher Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898–1944); in the Jewish Museum in Prague’s collection since 1945. Acc. No. JMP 131.806