

Noctis Draven sur X :

This was us, this was me. On my profile landing page is a small video of myself in Iraq. I was one of the few soldiers who managed to sneak a camera into the combat zones. I have over 20 hours of footage the world has never seen, I will never show it.

Maybe when I die I will release it. However this footage below is an example of what our time in Iraq was. We as Americans and Coalition forces invaded a land and people under false pretense of WMDs that were never found and dangers to America that did not exist.

There is a famous quote that states, "History is written by the victors." This is what the west has tried to deliver to the world. The truth is America and Coalition forces were the bad guys, we were not the good guys. What did we accomplish in our over 20 year invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan?

We killed over one million people and secured power for Israel along with losing over seven thousand American lives and leaving countless Americans permanently disabled.

I will not hold back the truth because now our American government seeks the same thing. They seek to send Americans into war for Israel and regional power but the soldiers will be told it is to defend America.

Ask any Iraq/Afghanistan veteran why we were there, ask them. Any veteran of these wars that are honest and worth their salt will tell you just as I do, we fought for nothing. There was no threat to America and the people were better off before we invaded.

Any veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan that says these invasions were justified is lying, I will absolutely stand by that and any bastard who was there who says otherwise I will call a liar to their face.

So here we are again, heros heading to the Middle East to fight and die for Israel. Yes, Israel, nothing less, nothing more, just Israel 🇮🇱.

People call me un-American for being this way, but do you know my response? I spit on you, for supporting this, I spit in your face. I say YOU are un-American for sending OUR boys to die for politicians and Israel. YOU give OUR lives not for America but for Israel and you dare call ME un-American? My words, my actions do not require American lives, YOURS DO you bastards!

Where is HAMAS in America? Where is Hezbollah in America? Where? Exactly, they do not exist here.

No more lives for lies.

Speak it with me,
#UkraineRussianWar #ukraine #russia #Zelensky #putin #nato #BRICS #Trump #biden #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #Israel #Gazagenocide #gaza #WW3 #Iran #Venezuela #Iran #KamalaHarris #kursk #China



Revealed: Russia anticipated Kursk incursion months in advance, seized papers show

Russia’s military command had anticipated Ukraine’s incursion into its Kursk region and had been making plans to prevent it for several months, according to a cache of documents that the Ukrainian army said it had seized from abandoned Russian positions in the region.

The disclosure makes the disarray among Russian forces after Ukraine’s attack in early August all the more embarrassing.

The documents, shared with the Guardian, also reveal #Russian concerns about morale in the ranks in #Kursk, which intensified after the #suicide of a soldier at the front who had reportedly been in a “prolonged state of #depression due to his service in the Russian army”.


#RussianArmy #soldiers #StopRussianAggression #Ukraine


Immer mehr bestärkt sich in mir das Gefühl das die #Kursk Offensive der #Ukraine so dermaßen detailliert und langfristig geplant wurde, das, wenn alles vorbei ist, sie in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen wird.


"U.S. President Joe #Biden's administration is engaged in urgent discussions with Congress to allow it to use up $6 billion in military aid for Ukraine before a Sept. 30 deadline," Reuters reports, citing a number of sources familiar with the situation

"The effort comes at a high-risk moment for Ukrainian forces, who are advancing into #Russia's #Kursk region while trying to hold off Russian forces threatening the eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk," the publication writes.

Most of the $7.8 billion allocated in April has not been used, and "officials scrambling to find a way to keep the remaining $6 billion from expiring as the Sept. 30 deadline - the end of the 2024 fiscal year - approaches".

Meanwhile, congressional sources told #Reuters that the flow of #weapons to #Ukraine has slowed this year.



Regarding #Kursk, there has actually been an attack on #Russia; Russian people have been killed, and slaughtered whereby civilians have been taken from their homes in trucks and executed. There is even footage of #Ukrainian soldiers with #SS helmets and with the detachment of Adolf #Hitler’s Leibstandarte Regiment on their sleeves, harassing an old man, who was later killed.

The West is trying to push Russia to the limit, knowing that the Second World War is an extremely sensitive subject for Russian society where every family is related to a victim, a fallen soldier, a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, or aunt who was killed during the Great Patriotic War against #Nazi Germany, in which more than 26 million people died. The recent action in the Kursk region, where most Russians perceive that the U.S. and its #NATO accomplices are involved, is a brazen provocation. Indeed, more than a provocation, it has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

from here


Russia has not provided a #humanitarian #corridor from Kursk

Russia has not provided a humanitarian corridor for its citizens to leave Kursk more than three weeks after Ukraine began its incursion into the region

We talk a lot with the locals. Even show them photos of destroyed Ukrainian cities, show films about the crimes committed by the Russians at the beginning of the war.

They have different opinions. But for the most part they don't understand. They say that they want peace, that it is beyond politics, that everything stops or that they are given a corridor - the opportunity to leave the combat zone, which Russia does not provide,


#WarCrimes #StopRussianAggression #Kursk #civilians #HumanRights #Ukraine


Alles klar?
Welt: UKRAINE-KRIEG: Russen preschen weiter an der #Ostfront vor! Ukraine droht Einkesselung im Donbass
Scott Ritter: #Ukraine on the Brink of Total Collapse as #NATO Crumbles Before Our Eyes!
WELT Netzreporter: UKRAINE-KRIEG: Schock für #Putin! Massiver ukrainischer Drohnenangriff trifft Moskau!
HistoryLegends: The Ukrainian #Front in Donbas is Collapsing...
Russen erleiden Verluste in #Kursk | BILD-Lagezentrum
Larry C. Johnson: The #US is Failing on Two Fronts?
Bereitet die Ukraine eine Invasion #Weißrusslands vor? ‪@VisualPolitikDE‬
Harvest Time🔥Heavy Clashes Near Vuhledar⚔️#Kharkiv And #Belgorod Under Fire💥Military Summary 2024.09.1


#Ukraune #Russia war: Both sides have clarified that the towns of Gordeevka, Viktorovka, Vnezapnoe and Uspenovka are under Ukrainian control, north #Kursk region, Russia.

In the center, Russian forces have recaptured the vital town of Martynovka – confirmed moments ago by Apti Alaudinov, Commander of the Russian 'Akhmat' Special Forces. The capture of Martynovka gives Russia access to the R200 highway, which will make supplying Sudzha much easier.

In the south Borki and Spalnoe are under Ukrainian control. Russian sources claim Ukraine does not give up trying to take Giri, sending wave after wave.

Excluding grey-zones and DRG operations, the area of confirmed Ukrainian control is 470 sqkm.

"Our troops have advanced 35 km overall, 1150 sqkm of area and 82 settlements in the Kursk region, Russia, is under our control," – Ukrainian Commander-In-Chief, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

The Indian Embassy in Russia urges its citizens to leave the #Bryansk, #Belgorod, and Kursk regions of Russia immediately.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has declared a state of emergency in Belgorod oblast.


Russian POWs on their capture in Kursk Oblast: Commanders just disappeared

Their experience of the first days of the Ukrainian incursion shares common themes

  • Chaotic communication
  • Commanders disappearing
  • Total lack of preparedness

On Aug. 6 our outpost was hit by three rockets, which we later found out were HIMARS, said Nikolai. “Two rockets hit the command center, killing two conscripts and two officers. Another rocket landed close to our dugout, collapsing it partially, making it unsuitable for further shelter.”

All of the POWs interviewed by the Kyiv Independent said that they were surprised at the treatment they received in captivity, which went against Russian propaganda narratives saying they would be tortured or killed.

According to the deputy head of the facility, the POWs receive meals three times a day and tea twice, though the lack of a cigarette ration can be painful for them.


#Kursk #POWs #Russian #conscripts #Ukraine


Russian troops reportedly leave Burkina Faso [West Africa] due to Kursk incursion

A Russian private military company with links to Russia's Defense Ministry is#withdrawing from Burkina Faso due to Ukraine's incursion into #Kursk Oblast, French newspaper Le Monde reported on Aug. 29.

According to Le Monde, the 100-strong unit known as the Bears Brigade arrived in the West #African nation of Burkina Faso in May to support the junta of Captain Ibrahim Traore, who came to power in a coup in September 2022.


#StopRussianAggression #KurskIncursion #Ukraine


Maria #Zakharova, 28 August

💬 The terrorist essence of the Kiev regime is becoming more and more odious.
Bankova's Western curators with maniacal fury do not stop pushing their Kyiv puppets to prolong the insane and suicidal adventure of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine in the #Kursk region.
On August 21, the head of the so-called European diplomacy, #Borrell, said that "lifting restrictions on the use of opportunities against the Russian military" would lead, allegedly, to strengthening Ukraine's self-defense, saving lives, reducing destruction in Ukraine and advancing peacekeeping efforts.
I am sure that if this phrase had been broadcast to a Ukrainian audience, Borrell would have simply been booed or pelted with something.
On August 22, Deputy Pentagon Spokesperson Sabrina #Singh spoke even more frankly and aggressively. According to her, Washington's approaches allow Ukraine to carry out counterstrikes to "protect" against Russian attacks from border regions, which include Kursk and Sumy. Now the head of the #US defense department allegedly intends to discuss with the Ukrainian side whether the Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to "hold" territories in the Kursk region.
Western officialdom literally distorted everything and, in fact, agreed that the strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on #Russia, that is, military aggression, terror, would allegedly contribute to achieving peace.
What world? Actual, on the ground? Everyone sees perfectly well what is happening there. #Peace at the negotiating table? With whom? With those who kill civilians? With those who mock women, old people? With THESE or what? Who will sit down at the same negotiating table with them?
In fact, all these statements by both Borrell and the US Defense Department are nothing more than justifying and encouraging the crimes of the Kyiv regime.
<… >
Evidence of Kyiv's monstrous war crimes against the Russian civilian population is multiplying. As a rule, I cite data from Russian law enforcement agencies, and today I will cite data from a Western organisation, Reporters Without Borders. This structure, which, as a rule, does not say anything good about our country, has already counted more than 1000 cases of the use of Nazi symbols by the Ukrainian military who invaded the Kursk region.
❗️ Horrific evidence of captured militants continues to arrive that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gives direct orders to the military to kill civilians and loot on Russian territory.
A lot of facts of looting of residential buildings and shops by the Ukronazis are recorded. One of the prisoners even had crosses and jewelry stolen from residents of Kursk villages. Religious paraphernalia - antique icons stolen in the Kursk region - appeared on sale at Ukrainian online auctions. Moreover, it is openly indicated that these are "trophies".
There are also many photos of residents of the Kursk region killed by Ukrainian militants who did not have time to evacuate, which show that many of them were shot at point-blank range.
Thus, it is not an isolated but a massive and purposeful nature of the atrocities and acts of looting committed by the ukrobanderites on Russian territory that is revealed. The guilt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in serious crimes has become even more obvious to the world audience. Kiev propaganda is not able to retouch the truth.
Against this background, the attempts of Ukrainian propaganda to concoct fakes about the allegedly harmless and attentive to the needs of the civilian population interventionists who invaded our land look absolutely cynical. These fakes are instantly exposed.



Kontrollbesuch von IAEA-Chef Rafael Grossi im AKW Kursk

Russland - IAEA-Chef Rafael Grossi zu Kontrollbesuch im AKW Kursk

Der Chef der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde, Rafel Grossi, ist zu einer Inspektion zum AKW in Kursk gereist. Moskau spricht von ukrainischem Beschuss.#Russland #Kursk #AKW #RafaelGrossi #IAEA #Besuch #InternationaleAtomenergiebehörde
Kontrollbesuch von IAEA-Chef Rafael Grossi im AKW Kursk


Welche Ziele verfolgt Belarus im Ukraine-Krieg?

Belarus - Welche Ziele verfolgt das Lukaschenko-Regime im Ukraine-Krieg?

Die ukrainische Offensive in der russischen Region Kursk hat auch die politische Lage im Nachbarland Belarus verändert. Minsk reagiert darauf widersprüchlich.#Belarus #Lukaschenko #Kursk #Russland #Krieg #Ukraine
Welche Ziele verfolgt Belarus im Ukraine-Krieg?