

freaking Biden wants to set the whole world on fire : Marines provide more details on short-notice deployment to Middle East

Marine spokesman Lt. Col. L. L. Gilbert told Marine Corps Times at the time that approximately 20 Marines would “temporarily provide routine air defense support to a larger, layered air-defense effort within the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.” Back then, he declined to elaborate further, citing operational security.

Now, the #Marine Corps has specified that 17 Marines from the expeditionary unit’s low-altitude air-defense detachment were deployed to #Kuwait in support of U.S. Army Central, the Army formation focused on the Middle East and surrounding countries.

The spokespersons’ statements didn’t offer more specifics about the impetus for the deployment.

Gilbert declined to name the air-defense system the detachment used. That information is sensitive, he said.

“What I can say is that ‘Low-Altitude Air Defense’ captures both the proper title of the unit and the characterization of their mission,” he said in a follow-up statement to Marine Corps Times on Monday. “It is also accurate to say, as we have before, that they served as a cog in the wheel of a larger, layered air-defense effort within the (area of responsibility).”

#Syria #Russia #Iran #Israel #Biddn #WarMonger


The Sudanese Air Force is continuing to conduct #Airstrikes against the Positions of the Rapid Support Force (RSF) that are in or near Khartoum International Airport in the Sudanese Capital; these Airstrikes come as it was said the U.S/Coalition Evacuation Operation was going to begin soon and that it would be utilizing this Airport.

It was assumed that the evacuation of employees of the diplomatic missions of the United States , Great Britain , #France and China from Sudan would pass through the #Khartoum airport. However, the United States embassy said that it was unsafe to conduct a coordinated evacuation at the moment due to the ongoing fighting and the active work of air defense and aviation.

The evacuation of citizens and embassies of $Jordan , #Libya , #Saudi
Arabia and the #UAE passes through Port Sudan , which is already beginning to receive warships from other countries. According to the Saudi Foreign Ministry, more than 150 people have already been successfully evacuated, including citizens of Saudi Arabia, #Kuwait, #Qatar, UAE, #Egypt, #Tunisia, #Pakistan, #India, #Bulgaria, #Bangladesh, the #Philippines, #Canada and #BurkinaFaso.

The Chinese state calls the Saudi embassy to discuss the possibility of saving Chinese citizens in Sudan through Saudi army ships.
#Sudan #africa #civilwar #politics


#music #alternative #electronic #experimental #kuwait #sweden

Prosthetics by Van Boom

  • ....26 minutes of sonic catharsis that voices a distinct political agenda without words or clear overtures. Incorporating sounds from his native Kuwait, Van Boom’s music channels, into violent contrast, the way the country succeeds economically with how it handles arts, culture, expression and personal freedom. Although Kuwait is the fifth-richest country for gross national income per capita, the government’s approach to human rights and repression of minorities, dissidents and foreign workers lingers in the background. It’s this tension that provides the backdrop for Van Boom’s impressive, often frightening debut album. [...] The self-awareness you can feel in these eight tracks works as an abstract interrogation against the political system, and a tribute to safe spaces. Even without words, Van Boom manages to express these reflections and elements of otherness that keep him from belonging in his own society, where the gritty noise and harsh metallic textures work to break down chains and obligations.

Vielleicht lohnt sich die Erinnerung daran, dass 2021 nicht nur der Jahrestag von 9/11 ist, sondern dass auch zehn Jahre zuvor viel geschah. Damals fand nicht nur der #Krieg um #Kuwait statt, sondern Ende des Jahres 1991 wurde die #Sowjetunion, schon damals nur noch ein Gespenst ihrer selbst, aufgelöst. Erinnert sich noch wer an Boris #Jelzin, der im August den Panzern die Stirn bot? Zwei Jahre zuvor war der letzte Rotarmist aus Afghanistan abgezogen, im Westen herrschte Jubel über diese Niederlage Moskaus am #Hindukusch, und die von den #USA ausgerüsteten Mudschaheddin galten in der antikommunistischen Denkschablone als wahre Freiheitskämpfer.
Die Niederlage in #Afghanistan war zwar nur eine der vielen Ursachen für den Zerfall der Sowjetunion, aber sicher eine wichtigeren. Doch 1991 war auch das Jahr, in den Osama #binLaden mit seinen in Afghanistan gestählten Dschihadisten dem #Westen den Krieg erklärte, weil ungläubige US-Soldaten von heiligem saudischem Boden aus einen Krieg gegen den #Irak führten. Damals nahm niemand die #al-Qaida so wirklich ernst, aber zehn Jahre später bewies die #Terror|gruppe, wie ernst sie es meinte. Dschihadisten haben einen langen Atem und wissen sehr genau um die Schwächen westlicher #Politik und westlicher Kriegsführung.

https://jungle.world/blog/von-tunis-nach-teheran/2022/08/rueckblick-jahrestage-der-niederlage #udssr #gewalt #drogen #geschichte #kabul #syrien #russland #iran #migration #flucht


🇬🇧 Kriminalisierung Geflüchteter überall:

Hammad Al Shamari, ein Bidoun aus #Kuwait, wurde zu 2½ Jahren Haft wg. Beihilfe zu illegaler Einreise verurteilt, weil er sich & 25 andere in 1 kl. Boot über den #Channel gesteuert hatte.

@SimonJonesNews via @zedhas3
