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Over 1.5 BILLION f#ace #masks now believed to be polluting oceans thanks to 2020

Disposable face masks can take more than 450 years to break down. As 2020 draws to a close, one of the most recognizable symbols of the year may be the protective face mask. As the "novel coronavirus" swept across the globe earlier this year, billions of people began wearing the face coverings, with one study estimating that no less than 129 billion face masks were being used every month around the world.
However, as face masks have become ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, they’ve also grown to litter every corner of our neighborhoods, from storm drains to creeks, parks to beaches. And now, it turns out that our oceans are swimming with face masks, according to a new report from marine conservation NGO OceansAsia.

“Once #plastic enters the #marine #environment, it’s very difficult to move,” Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff, the group’s director of #research, told Denver 7.

“The fact that we are starting to find masks that are breaking up indicates that this is a real problem, that #microplastics are being produced by masks,” Bondaroff said.

The Hong Kong-based group estimates that some 1.56 billion face masks will have flooded our #oceans in 2020 alone – a grim statistic that they have witnessed firsthand since face masks began washing up on a small island off the coast of the Chinese mega-city since the start of the pandemic.
The masks could become yet another major contributor to the ongoing crisis of plastic #pollution in our #ocean, with disposable face masks taking as long as 450 years to break down.

The #single-use masks that are recommended by #health authorities and used as personal protective equipment in hospitals across the world are made of multiple layers of #polypropylene, which are thin fibers of plastic ( #NOW IN YOUR #LUNGS ~B).

And with 52 billion masks being manufactured in this year, with the average weight of each single-use polypropylene surgical face mask being 3 to 4 grams, we could be looking at anywhere from 4,680 to 6,240 metric tons of new marine plastic pollution.


#People around the #world are becoming more aware of the ‘no virus’ argument as the “ #science#of #virology has been #exposed. However, there is often a language barrier when it comes to reaching some countries. Many of the best-known critics of virology are in the English-speaking world and have developed strong alliances with large followings.

The good news is that the movement for truth is truly international and this video will look at some of the advancements being made in regions that are perhaps lesser known to most of our English-speaking audience.
And could the #madness of #COVID-19 end up bringing the world closer together?
Source: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/no-virus-is-international/See less

#virusscam money making from mass murder is the height of evil Dr death and nurse fear
get paid by gates and co to kill


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#mask #madness continues until death


After Being #Restrained #By #Hospital Security! 13 mins

"Newly released footage shows #how #StephanieWarriner #died following a mask dispute with hospital #security #guards.

She went to #Toronto General Hospital in May 2020 seeking medical help for chronic breathing issues and ended up dead all because her COVID-19(84) mask was under her chin instead of over her mouth.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers this latest case involving a #deadly mask dispute that is turning into a common theme in #Canada over the past 3 years as this is not an isolated incident."


#pressfortruth #news #stephaniewarriner #hospitalsecurityservices #died


A Tech #News Site Has Been Using #AI To #Write Articles, So We Did The Same Thing Here

Source: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/cnet-articles-written-by-ai-chatgpt-article

The use of AI in #journalism raises questions about the #transparency and #ethics of such a practice as well as the potential impact on the authenticity and accuracy of news. Additionally, it also raises concerns on the implications this might have on #SEO and #Google searches. The lack of response from #CNET regarding their use of AI in writing articles has only added to the concerns and sparked a wider conversation about the future of journalism and the role of AI in it.

Now we only need AI to give likes and write comments. Then we need AI for outrage and start shitstorms and AI that appeases and is diplomatic. Then we can play the #internet completely automatically. We ourselves can then sit back and no longer have to go through all the #madness. What a wonderful world this could be... 😉

#chatgpt #technology #press #future #humanity #question #problem


#Religion #Madness #Iran

Dutch article, sorry, it describes the new law signed into action in Indonesia declaring any sex outside of marriage unlawful.
Another country refusing to learn from history, and going the way Iran did. This one steered by the raving Muslim lunatics, but do not forget the religious zealots that Trump brings to the front in the US would love to go the same path. He did say it himself, if it was up to him the constitution would be demolished.. Hail Emperor Trump I guess..


killed because he wouldn't wear a mask... #mask #madness... wear a mask or else... obedience masks... not about health... wearing masks makes you stupid... not just sleepy and causing headaches... co2 poisoning is a real thing... breathing your own exhaust is bad for you... not good for anyone... believe it or not... it is not about health... it is about obedience... even if it is stupid and causes harm... no mask... no swab... no test... no needle... no mark of the beast... no way (:~:)