

no #science or #democracy with #censorship.

glad i copied this comment i just made...

(they've got me on ignore, so diaspora silently auto-deletes my comment.)

... i had a suspicion... from the content of the original post.

Of course; why would you have stopped wearing them?

perhaps the studies done in the 1990s, and other times, that showed they not only did not reduce spready of pathogens and disease, but increased them, and increased both nocebo stress, and overconfidence, worsening outcomes both directions, such that warnings were put on packaging that they did not protect nor prevent spread... or any of the other studies that showed the same results... or any of the recent studies likewise showing it has no effect at preventing spread, or that show harms from breathing in fibers deep into the lungs, and create a warm wet microbe incubation layer, and chronic low level hypoxia imparing both immune system and cognitive reasoning capacity...?

... i remember nurses talking about this when i was in hospital in 2002, aware of the studies^, as much as aware of the P.N.A.C. and its plans for the fraudulently patented sars cov 2...

so i never even started.

^ my ignorance-censorred comment to this https://dnext.societas.online/posts/d7b95500de95013a565b101b0efced44 post from 9 months ago that said:

#UK #Covid-19 cases are rising – should we wear #masks again? | #NHS | The Guardian

Of course; why would you have stopped wearing them?


#Health #Pandemic

i wish you well in being able to present more information for those with stubborn prejudicial confirmation bias and la-la-la-la-not-listening-to-you ignorance-censorship reflex, so they can entertain an idea past their willful ignorance and arrogance.

i welcome any new information... especially if it contradicts and challenges my information. ... remember when that was the public-scientific norm? it can be again, and we can continue to evolve the #noosphere.

perhaps i should spend a day colating such studies... ... ugh... so slow. cant other people just do their own #research charging through, churning through research papers? why i gotta keep #references? ... oh that's right. science.

silly scruffy artist scatter-brain me. oops. shouldnt have presumptively expected higher things of other people, especially those with lower aptitudes. double especially those who've succumbed to the #psychelogical #traps.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3vY2LyQn1A "Masks: The jury returns" by #DrJohnCampbell

#masks #ORLY

" #TheData " sounds a lot like " #TheScience ". like there's only one. "the", rather than "this". :P

I recall hearing from nurses discussing this in 2002 (yes, 2002, that's not a typo of 2020) that studies into this going back decades showed they not just null effective, they're harmful.

seems to me it blatantly obviously always was a psyop.

gets you re-breathing bacteria and creating an incubation layer,
prevents ability to sneeze/cough in a directed cone away from people.
causes multi-directional exhalation (including sneezes and coughs),
which go over your flesh (and the incubation layer) and into your mucous membranes, over your clothes, hair, and people around you.
gets you breathing an increase of particulate matter (mask fibers, which themselves may be laced with bacteria).
and, this cannot be stressed enough, spreads stress. stress! health harming stress.

would so loved for more of you to have considered this, and not succumbed to the terror and being complicit in the terror and the conformity. cant get there (the past) from here, okay, so maybe hencefoth, we'll be more aware?

... some are still caught up in the momentum of the plan, the momentum of the terror, the momentum of the confirmation bias, and wont likely spend a day reading such studies.

"this is how science progresses". ha! what a regression. what a corruption. what an abuse. of both "science" (or at least the name of), and of us. #ProblemReactionSolution

it was always a power-grab misdirect psyop.

remember 2019... people were rising up against these crooks... were done with "the terrorism thing"...

as one middling insider (i forget who/when (perhaps as early as 2003)) said, caught on video, something like: "When the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms".

#science #democracy #censorship
#thisiswhattyrannylookslike #areyoudoneyet?
#enjoyingtotalitarianismyet? #enjoyingthecull?
#totalitarianism #massformationpsychosis #theyarenotdoneyet #dontfallfortheplacation #dontfallforthemisdirect #corporatestateterror
#plentymorecontingencyplansyet #worlddomination #dominators
#covid19wasalwaysascam #lookupoperationlockstep #lookupthePNAC

"I was wrong all that time" and still are.

we all always are.

there's always more.

evoke the necessary #humility (and better than I am with this blindingly irate #DigitsRants post, i suggest, heh) for #science.
drop the harmful absolute #certainty of #scientism and #dogma.



completely evil government of #Germany still requires #masks on public transport
enter image description here

In November, a Bavarian doctor was handed a one-year sentence and ordered to pay a €50,000 fine for providing medical exceptions to mask rules to children.

In several other cases, doctors have been fined for providing patients with fake exemptions to mask rules or with falsified vaccine passports.

As was the case in many countries, masks became a symbol in Germany for what opponents of Covid restrictions saw as illegitimate infringements of their rights.

Demonstrations against the restrictions were often broken up by police because participants refused to obey the requirement to wear a medical mask.

Germany is one of the few countries in Europe that still requires mask wearing on public transport.



The making of the new world religion
The Science is an undiagnosed religion

People don't realise they follow a belief system. I'd say that was true with old science in most cases, although The Science is far more religious.

  • No questioning, and dissent is relegated to the 'dangerous' category
  • The Science Pope, Facui. He changed his mind back and forth and #people #followed #obediently
  • Paraphernalia like #masks and #PVC screens
  • Rituals like 6 foot apart and bleaching of hands #666 beast system #mark digital id

#masks #cancer
Scientists Studied 12 Masks — Every One Contained This Cancer-Causing Compound
In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in at least one layer, at levels that “exceeded the acceptable exposure level.” YouTube has updated its policies about what constitutes “misinformation” and now allows you to say masks don’t work. The face masks that were supposed to protect your health may turn out to be detrimental to it, as increasing evidence points to toxins within their fibers. Titanium dioxide is one such toxin, one that’s particularly troubling in face masks because it’s a suspected human carcinogen when inhaled.


Effectiveness of Face Mask or Respirator Use in Indoor Public Settings for Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection — California, February–December 2021 | MMWR

No big Surprise. Wearing a good #ffp2 mask indoors is very good at preventing being tested positive
#covid19 #masks #ffp2



#Germany's new normal: masked train conductor assaults maskless passenger

It’s a video clip of a Deutsche Bahn Gestapo Officer (a newly created official position formerly known as “train conductor”) barking orders at a maskless woman, over and over, like in a Spielberg film, then finally physically assaulting the woman … #newnormal #brainwash #masks #propaganda #tyranny #public #transport #scamdemic https://odysee.com/@WelcomeToTheDelusion:d/German-transport-attack:d


#covid-19 #masks
Well, with evidence like that…
Currently, I’m one of the rare weirdos at my university wearing a mask. I’ll be wearing it when I teach. I’m mystified by the reluctance of administrators to follow simple, painless health rules.


Well, it's past time for me to have another eye exam, so I contacted the VA hospital. Their waiting list is long enough, that I'm allowed to go to a commercial eye doctor. I wanted to go where I went the last time - to The Eye Doctors - because I was very pleased with how those glasses turned out. The VA hospital's community-care office said that they couldn't send me there this time, and made an appointment with a different doctor. A little suspicion led to two phone calls, which confirmed the suspicion. The VA hospital still requires masks, The Eye Doctors doesn't, and the new doctor does. Since I have some money from my tax returns, I decided to bag the VA hospital's politically-motivated decision, and pay for the visit to The Eye Doctors myself. (You're off the hook for the bill this time, taxpayers. You're welcome.) #vahospital #veteranaffairs #masks