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Forced #sterilization in the #CzechRepublic
Forced sterilisation, a serious violation of human rights, occurred across the former communist bloc, both during and after the socialist period. This #study examines the case of the #Czech Republic, where legislation regarding compensation to the victims of forced sterilisation was only passed in 2021, despite a 2005 finding by the Ombudsman that at least 50 women had been subject to the procedure. My research shows that long-standing discrimination against Roma people and public lack of interest in the issue were largely to blame for this delay.
#humanrights #justice #politics #news #fail #health #women #rights #roma #history #government
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Bill to make forced and coerced #sterilization a criminal offence before Senate committee
Sen. #YvonneBoyer, the bill's sponsor, said she heard from hundreds of people who have been a #victim of coerced and forced sterilization. She told the committee that most recently she received a call in December from an #Indigenous mother who was sterilized without consent.
#politics #canada #fail #justice #racism #health #law #humanrights #women #news
The #West has disastrously low #birthrates that are particularly bad among the Indo-European (White) people-group.
Meanwhile, according to 2015 #UN #data, we are sterilizing ~30% of our reproductive #population & around another 40% is using #contraception.
I could understand this situation if our birthrates were excessive, or if there was legitimate #overpopulation, but our birthrates are disastrously low & we are importing mass #immigration, so clearly we are not overpopulated.
This is a #depopulation agenda without a #democratic mandate from the people.
#thewest #indoeuropean #uk #usa #sterilisation #sterilization #fertility #depopulationagenda #theelite #eu #europe #technocracy #technocrats #overpopulation #antihuman #elites #puppetpoliticians #antinatalism
did you hear this yet?
#whitneywebb #mattehret #fabians #fascists #labour #conservative #banking #puppets #nations #sovereignty #somethingfishy #fakefree #libertarian #deepstate #5thcollumn #fakeleft #fakeright #fakeconservative #fakelibertarian #fakeprogressive #progressive #destabilisation #othering #fakescience #thecorporation #eugenics #bankers #sterilization #rhodes #canada #rockerfeller #technoctatic #fascistic #fakeliberal #research #wef #brilliantsumary #history #politics #skullduggery #thefabiansociety #wefylp #thinktank #cfr #morethanourflesh #transhumanism #ai #hgwells #alduoushuxley #digitaldictatorships #classism #therats #potkettle #bravenewworld #bravenewworldrevisited #projects #manifesting #presentsituation #depopulation
#5g #sterilization
#tortured to death by the local council misconduct
Misconduct in public office - #Make this viral and make that #complaint ~ Mark Steele
#Mass #Death, #Sterilization & #Poverty: Oligarchs Take Over With #Depop Pseudoscience & Communism
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I Invented Gilead. The Supreme Court Is Making It Real.
I thought I was writing fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale.
Margaret Atwood (The Atlantic)
(...) Although I eventually completed this novel and called it The Handmaid’s Tale, I stopped writing it several times, because I considered it too far-fetched. Silly me. Theocratic dictatorships do not lie only in the distant past: There are a number of them on the planet today. What is to prevent the United States from becoming one of them?
For instance: It is now the middle of 2022, and we have just been shown a leaked opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States that would overthrow settled law of 50 years on the grounds that abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, and is not “deeply rooted” in our “history and tradition.” True enough. The Constitution has nothing to say about women’s reproductive health. But the original document does not mention women at all. (...)
Women were nonpersons in U.S. law for a lot longer than they have been persons. If we start overthrowing settled law using Justice Samuel Alito’s justifications, why not repeal votes for women?
Reproductive rights have been the focus of the recent fracas, but only one side of the coin has been visible: the right to abstain from giving birth. The other side of that coin is the power of the state to prevent you from reproducing. The Supreme Court’s 1927 Buck v. Bell decision held that the state may sterilize people without their consent. Although the decision was nullified by subsequent cases, and state laws that permitted large-scale sterilization have been repealed, Buck v. Bell is still on the books. (...)
Thus a “deeply rooted” tradition is that women’s reproductive organs do not belong to the women who possess them. They belong only to the state.
Wait, you say: It’s not about the organs; it’s about the babies. Which raises some questions. Is an acorn an oak tree? Is a hen’s egg a chicken? When does a fertilized human egg become a full human being or person? “Our” traditions—let’s say those of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the early Christians—have vacillated on this subject. At “conception”? At “heartbeat”? At “quickening?” The hard line of today’s anti-abortion activists is at “conception,” which is now supposed to be the moment at which a cluster of cells becomes “ensouled.” But any such judgment depends on a religious belief—namely, the belief in souls. (...)
It ought to be simple: If you believe in “ensoulment” at conception, you should not get an abortion, because to do so is a sin within your religion. If you do not so believe, you should not—under the Constitution—be bound by the religious beliefs of others. But should the Alito opinion become the newly settled law, the United States looks to be well on the way to establishing a state religion. (...)
The Alito opinion purports to be based on America’s Constitution. But it relies on English jurisprudence from the 17th century, a time when a belief in witchcraft caused the death of many innocent people. (...)
Similarly, it will be very difficult to disprove a false accusation of abortion. The mere fact of a miscarriage, or a claim by a disgruntled former partner, will easily brand you a murderer. Revenge and spite charges will proliferate, as did arraignments for witchcraft 500 years ago.
If Justice Alito wants you to be governed by the laws of the 17th century, you should take a close look at that century. Is that when you want to live?
Tags: #abortion #abortion_rights #freedom #dicatatorship #books #atwood #reproduction #womens_rights #constitution #sterilization #forced_sterilization #reproductive_rights #human_rights #religion
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The Long Shadow of #Eugenics in #America
The Relf case happened almost 50 years ago, in another century, and many people would prefer to see it as a dark moment in history that could never happen now. But coerced contraception, including #sterilization, has continued into the 21st century. In 2013, the Center for Investigative Reporting found that physicians under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sterilized nearly 150 female inmates from 2006 to 2010 without required state approvals for the tubal ligations the women received. According to the reporting, prison staff coerced or pressured #women they believed likely to return to #prison.
#crime #HumanRights #law #justice #history #USA #fail #ethics
#CurrentAffairs #Health #Wellbeing #History #Truth #Freedom #Science #Anarchy #Anarchist #Anarchism #Anarchismo #News #Eugenics #Reality #Fact #UNagenda21 #Depopulation #Sterilization #Europe #USA #Earth #World #Food #Africa #Asia #Hispanics #SouthAmerica #India #Pakistan #Medical #Vaccine #Vaccines
Remember when the govt sprayed DDT on children, and said it was so safe you could eat it, and then later told us it's carcinogenic?
— Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation) (@critica18495985) September 13, 2021
#CurrentAffairs #Health #Wellbeing #History #Truth #Freedom #Science #Anarchy #Anarchist #Anarchism #Anarchismo #News #Eugenics #Reality #Fact #UNagenda21 #Depopulation #Sterilization #Europe #USA #Earth #World #Food #Africa #Asia #Hispanics #SouthAmerica #India #Pakistan #Medical #Vaccine #Vaccines
Every doctor i know today got an email from their medical board threatening to revoke their license if they “spread misinformation” about COVID vaccines. The boards get to define “misinformation” however they choose. Is it “misinformation” to discuss known serious adverse rxns?😳
— elizabeth bennett (@ebennett74) September 9, 2021
From Source.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
A vaccine passport means that if you have been double jabbed and have Covid you can go to events, but if you have not been double jabbed and don’t have Covid you cannot go to events.
#CurrentAffairs #Health #Wellbeing #History #Truth #Freedom #Science #Anarchy #Anarchist #Anarchism #Anarchismo #News #Eugenics #Reality #Fact #UNagenda21 #Depopulation #Sterilization #Europe #USA #Earth #World #Food #Africa #Asia #Hispanics #SouthAmerica #India #Pakistan #Medical #Vaccine #Vaccines
Minister Vandenbroucke: “You can absolutely deny freedoms to people who do not allow themselves to be vaccinated”
According to Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit), it is not feasible to make a corona vaccine for the entire population. But someone who does not want to be vaccinated can be denied freedoms. That is what the minister said in Terzake.
#CurrentAffairs #Health #Wellbeing #History #Truth #Freedom #Science #Anarchy #Anarchist #Anarchism #Anarchismo #News #Eugenics #Reality #Fact #UNagenda21 #Depopulation #Sterilization #Europe #USA #Earth #World #Food #Africa #Asia #Hispanics #SouthAmerica #India #Pakistan #Medical #Vaccine #Vaccines