Why would you want to block #NFT users?
Three reasons.
1) Because it is designed in a foolish way, the NFT system has a shocking amount of impact on global warming. The more demand there is to buy and sell NFTs, the higher the value of energy-wasting ("proof of work") cryptocurrencies goes and the more coal and oil these networks will burn. I don't want to be in a community with people who support that.
2) The NFT market is rife with scams and art theft.
3) In short, NFT users are just irritating to be around. People who bought NFTs have to keep hyping other people to buy NFTs or the NFTs they bought will lose value. Twitter NFT cliques are rife with sockpuppet accounts, dogpiling and indifferentiable monkey clones. Blocking NFT users just makes #Twitter nicer.
Source: https://github.com/mcclure/NFTBlocker
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