

#YuriiSheliazhenko #nonviolence #NonviolentResistance #Ukraine #WorldBeyondWar



In the UK? Read below to support peace

White poppies - 3 ways you can help this year’s Remembrance campaign

Each year the #PeacePledgeUnion provides a vital alternative voice at #Remembrance time. We remember all #victims of #war, #civilian as well as #military, we challenge the #militarism on display in the mainstream media, and we plan a #peaceful kind of remembrance, symbolised by the #WhitePoppy.

Peace Pledge Union

So many of our members and supporters do extraordinary work spreading the word about #WhitePoppies and starting those important conversations. Here are three ways you can help in the coming weeks.

  1. Remember to order your white poppies! 
    With Remembrance Day less than a month away, it's not too early to start wearing your white poppy. Please think of giving one to a friend or family member. You can order white poppy packs of 5, 10, 25 and 100 via our online shop: https://shop.ppu.org.uk/

  2. Approach somewhere local that may want to distribute white poppies. 
    It could be a shop, cafe, library, place of worship, school, union branch, anywhere you think might be interested. You can have a look at the places that already stock them here: https://www.ppu.org.uk/remembrance/white-poppy-outlets
    If you find somewhere interested, please let us know at mail@ppu.org.uk. Outlets are welcome to buy white poppies to sell or for donations, as they choose. 

  3. Plan a way to mark the day. 
    Whether by laying a white poppy wreath, pausing for two-minutes' silence at a memorial or planning a remembrance ceremony, there are many ways to remember in a spirit of peace and #nonviolence. It doesn’t need to be complicated to plan something. Watch this video compilation to see the many ways people marked Remembrance Sunday last year: https://youtu.be/VJXwcMR1GsY

Keep an eye on our events page for ceremonies near you, and please let us know at mail@ppu.org.uk if you are planning a ceremony, as we’d be happy to publicise it: https://www.ppu.org.uk/events

#peace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


All people, and by extension all living beings, should be granted basic needs and good treatment. A bad person is still a person. A criminal still deserves basic needs. A murderer still deserves air to breathe. A thief still deserves money. A person who doesn't work still deserves food. No one deserves to be bullied, not even a bully, no one deserves to be treated with violence, not even a person who commits violence. Forgiveness and rejection of violence is the virtue of the wisest, unconditional love and mutual help is the only way forward. This is the mentality of a truly advanced society. Eye-for-an-eye is the most primitive way of governing a society ( #US ), a short sighted way perpetuating revenge, constant conflict and justifying violence and wars. Ends never justify the means. Stop the conflict, start the love.

#love #peace #nonviolence #pacifism


The Break the Cycle of Violence Act is unlike any other piece of gun control legislation introduced in recent history. Instead of creating more gun laws for the police to enforce, the bill instead suggests tackling gun violence by actually reallocating funds towards evidence-based community violence prevention programs instead of relying on police to solve the issue.


#GunControl #StateViolence #PoliceViolence #CommunityAction #nonviolence


Selon moi, l'histoire des réseaux sociaux commence comme un espace de liberté où s'exprime aussi les mauvais penchants des humains plus impunément que dans "la vraie vie". Résultat, notre époque est marquée par la haine en ligne, le harcèlement en ligne...
L'appel à la bienveillance, dans ce contexte, est selon moi une tentative d'équilibre. Nous ne sommes pas très compétents dans ce domaine. Comme le foot, la paix, ça s'apprend, et c'est pas facile. Nous commençons à nous en rendre compte, et à valoriser les gens bienveillant. Et c'est tant mieux !
Mais placer la bienveillance "en vitrine" pour masquer la haine, ou exiger que nous soyons tous, et toujours, bienveillants dans un "monde de brute" n'aide pas.
Je reste cependant profondément lié à la bienveillance comme ingrédient d'une vie meilleure, dont le monde actuel bien besoin.
#bienveillance #nonviolence #cnv #non-violence


War is Over (for the 5th time)


“How can you have a #war on #terrorism when war itself is terrorism?” ~ #HowardZinn

“There is no instance of a #nation benefitting from #prolonged #warfare.” ~ #SunTzu, #TheArtOfWar

“Until the #philosophy which holds one #race #superior and another #inferior is #finally and #permanently #discredited and #abandoned, #everywhere is war. And until there are no longer #first-class and #second-class #citizens of any nation, until the #colour of a man's #skin is of no more #significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the #basic #humanrights are #equally #guaranteed to #all without regard to race, there is war. ~ #HaileSelassie

“The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between #nonviolence and #nonexistence.” ~ #MartinLutherKingJr.

“If we don't #end war, war will end us.” ~ #HGWells

#redactedtonight #leecamp #biden #combat #presidents #propaganda #illegal #occupation #iraq #quotes


#L'art de la non-violence

Comment utiliser sa tête plutôt que ses poings ? Comment agacer un non-violent ? Comment s'en sortir sans perdre ses dents ? Peut-on garder sa dignité en abandonnant la force ? Autan de questions qui trouvent (ou pas) des réponses dans cette réflexion philosophique.
Attention peut heurter la sensibilité des gens gentils.


#nonviolence, #non-violence, #CNV, #arts-martiaux, #budo, #武道


Responding to and defusing COINTELPRO -- any good guides?

The question popped up on Hacker News and I addressed it briefly there. I know of a number of resistance movement publications, with the Albert Einstein Institution having among the more comprehensive libraries, though it seems oddly silent on the matter of mitigating counterintelligence, defamation, or other disruption techniques.

On PrisonPlanet Forum's "COINTELPRO - The naked truth" I find some useful recommendations (see "WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT"):

  • Check out the authenticity of any disturbing letter, rumor, phone call or other communication before acting on it.

  • Document incidents which appear to reflect covert intervention, and report them to the Movement Support Network Hotline: 212/477- 5562.

  • Deal openly and honestly with the differences within our movements (race, gender, class, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, personality, experience, physical and intellectual capacities, etc.) before the FBI and police exploit them to tear us apart.

  • Don't rush to expose a suspected agent. Instead, directly criticize what the suspect says and does. Intra-movement witch hunts only help the government create distrust and paranoia.

  • Support whoever comes under government attack. Don't be put off by political slander, such as recent attempts to smear radical activists as "terrorists." Organize public opposition to FBI investigations, grand juries, show trials and other forms of political harassment.

  • Above all, do not let them divert us from our main work. Our most powerful weapon against political repression is effective organizing around the needs and issues which directly affect people's lives.

On the fourth point: triggering internecine conflicts is itself one of the tactics of COINTELPRO, as is turning different groups against one another -- at one point the FBI attempted to trigger discord between the Communist Party USA and La Cosa Nostra through a falsely planted letter (Operation HOODWINK).

Any y'all have suggestions?

#counterintelligence #nonviolence #resistance #defense #mitigation #fightingtheman