

A video shared on British The Sun , showing how a team of Ukrainians went to rescue injured fighters. What was amazing is that one of the fighters was seen wearing an #ISIS patch!

I'm sure there is a perfect explosion for it. Just wait and see how #NATO bootlickers come to defend of this.

#Afghanistan war and western "support" gave us #Osama and 9/11, what will this conflict give us? Who will be the Osama of this US fuckup?

#Ukraine #Politics


I called it, didn't I?

Clinton helped creating the Taliban to stop the influence of Iran in Afghanistan and help surround Iran with enemy states.

But, just like Osama and Saddam, the Taliban turned on them and the rest is just history.

Now again, Taliban seems to be working as the useful idiots of the "leader of the free world" to fight against the baddest guys, so the same monsters who attacked Biden for letting the "terrorists" have so much American hardware, are now calling for a united front to stand behind the old friends, turned to enemies to btreat them as friends again.

I freaking hate to be right about these pigs.

The anti Iran centric policies of US has killed millions of innocent people in the region and around the world and it is not going to end here or any time in near future.

#Iran #Taliban #Biden #Afghanistan #History #Politics #osama #Saddam


🇱🇾 Und in #Libyen:

Der berüchtigte #Osama, #EU finanzierter, von der #UNO gesuchter, #Schleuser+#Folterer & seine Männer halten 85 Geflüchtete aus #Äthiopien u. #Eritrea gefangen, die am 29. März auf See abgefangen und ins #Zawiyah-DC gebracht wurden.

via @GiuliaRastajuly


#Libya #traffickers #torturers #detaining #torturing #Ethiopian #Eritrean #refugees