

Pantheon - Tv-series


"Pantheon" emerges as a groundbreaking addition to the realm of adult animated science fiction, offering a nuanced and profound exploration of digital immortality through its central concept of "Uploaded Intelligence." The series is a tapestry of rich narratives, thoughtfully entwining the lives of its characters amidst a backdrop of technological advancement and ethical conundrums.The series stands out for its unique blend of suspenseful storytelling, emotional depth, and philosophical inquiry. It challenges viewers to contemplate the ramifications of extending life beyond the physical realm, delving into themes of identity, consciousness, and the ethical boundaries of technological innovation. The animation style, rich in detail and expression, complements the narrative's complexity, bringing to life the show's futuristic vision and its underlying emotional currents.

In conclusion, "Pantheon" is not just a visually stunning piece of animation; it is a thought-provoking odyssey into the potential futures of human connection and identity in an increasingly digital world. Its intricate storytelling, combined with a profound thematic exploration, makes it a landmark series in the adult animated genre.


Enjoyable and captivating. Wow, animation can be great to watch too 😁
I liked the vision the series presented and perhaps its warning as well, we are heading in a direction where this topic will become relevant.

#Pantheon #TV-Series #Animation #Sci-Fi


#RgVeda and we want to be careful about whether this degrades everything:

93-94. (?) The Pitṛs named Ājyapās are the sons born of Pulaha who was born of Kardama, the Prajāpati. They reside in those worlds which can go wherever one desires. They move about in the sky in various forms and shapes. The groups of Vaiśyas who seek benefit worship these Pitṛs in Śrāddha.

  1. Their mental daughter is well known by the name Virajā. She was the chaste wife of Nahuṣa and the mother of Yayāti.

  2. The Pitṛs named Sukālas are the sons of the noble-souled Vasiṣṭha, son of Hiraṇyagarbha (Brahmā). The Śūdras worship them.

  3. Those worlds where they stay in the #heaven are #Mānasa by name. Their mental daughter is Narmadā, the most excellent river.

  4. She sanctifies the living beings as she proceeds along the Dakṣiṇāpatha (southern tract and territory). She was the #wife of #Purukutsa and the #mother of #Trasaddasyu.

  5. It is after accepting these that Manu the lord of the Manvantara initiates the Śrāddha rites everywhere.

It's of course a little weird, hard to tell who is intended to be human. Maybe weirder to think of Arya kings as "wedded" to the southern #Narmada #River.

#Rudra is reborn in each of these #Manvantaras, and #Agni and the #Pitrs are the only thing that stays the same.

Individuals change names, classes change jobs, for example Sadhyas are now Adityas, everything else is a flux besides Agni and Pitrs.

So those are two branches that use his two wives, ##Svaha and Svadha, for the #ending of #mantras. They are his #power or, i. e. Svaha carries mantras to #Devas, Svadha to the Pitrs, Sraddha Rite, which upon examination is about #Time rather than #ancestors. Agni shows manifested units of time, the #day, #year, etc., whereas Pitrs are much like #Father-Time, duration in the abstract.

Most streams of Purana have dissipated all this, such as:

Sādhya (साध्य) refers to a group of deities that was once worshipped in ancient #Kashmir (Kaśmīra) according to the Nīlamatapurāṇa.—Various groups of the deities like #Ādityas, #Vasus, #Sādhyas, #Viśvedevas and #Maruts have their place in the #pantheon of the #Nīlamata but nothing significant is said about them.

Or they may be found shuffled in to #Shiva #Ganas that have nothing to do with this.

Where discussed, they may include:


Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 24. 27; 38. 3.

and importantly:

Viṣṇu, Nārāyaṇa, lying in sleep in the vast mass of water.*

  • Vāyu-purāṇa 23. 108.

live in Bhuvarloka; Nārāyaṇa, their overlord

in the [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods; according to Yāska [Nirukta, by Yāska xii, 41] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the #earth and #sun;

in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas

The easily-copied rosters of Sadhyas are:

Manas, Mantṛ, Prāṇa, Nara, Pāna, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Daṃśa, Nārāyaṇa, Vṛṣa, Prabhu

Mana, Anumanta, Prāṇa, Nara, Apāna, Vīryavān, Vīti, Naya, Haya, Haṃsa, Nārāyaṇa, Vibhu, and Prabhu

The latter, from #Brihadaranyaka #Upanishad, is in the context that they take birth at will, consciously. The same group of entities changes names and kingdoms; the twelve #souls have #continuity. And so they remember that they once were, on the ideal or ideational plane:

Prāṇa, Apāna, Udāna, Samāna, Vyāna, Cakṣus, Śrotram, Rasa, Ghrāṇa, Sparśa, Buddhi and Manas.

There for example is #Mind's Eye, #Caksus, which is unlike #Indra, because #ordinary #vision requires a physical #eyeball and a #psychological response to stimulus, may be easily tricked. This is i#ncorporeal vision that represents #Perfect #Sight.

"Later #mythology" means the Sadhyas appear in #Mahabharata numerous times, but, barely have any references in Bhagavata Purana.

" #Narayana" is in #Rg-Veda as the author of Purusha Sukta. That's it


The #anime #series #Pantheon raises the ethical questions we should ask ourselves when using #AI.

source: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/195339-pantheon

Initially, the first half of the first episode starts like a teeny high school drama. You have to sit through it if you don't want to see something like that, because in the end it's all about the big world conspiracy.

The ethical questions that are addressed include:
1) Can poor people be abused as experimental subjects?
2) If you can only upload a brain to the cloud by destroying it, should you do so anyway?
3) What rights does a human #consciousness have in the cloud that can simply be reset or switched off?
4) If an AI escapes from a protected cloud to the internet, what should you do?
5) Can you copy a human consciousness, dissect it and then ultimately only use the parts you need to solve the problem?
6) Can consciousness in the cloud still be considered human?
7) Should we do everything that is technologically possible or should we be aware of the ethical problems before doing so?
8) ...

I find the series highly topical because ultimately the tech billionaires in #SiliconValley are dreaming of this opportunity and are researching it in order to become immortal. Elon #Musk's company #Neuralink is working on #brain implants that will make it possible to upload in the #future.

enter image description here

#scifi #entertainment #technology #dystopia #conspiracy #economy #ethics #moral #humanity #question #cloud #internet


Nuln of the water

A new digital painting. One of the sinister Gods I have invented for my roleplaying game. Nuln of the water. A nightmarish entity who is associated with fresh water, crabs, squid fish and death.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill tag.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #penandpaper #roleplaying #evilGod #pantheon #Nuln #GURPS #cc #creativecommons #freeculture