

US: Dramatic video shows a Texas police officer brutally beating a man who refused to turn over his phone to police. The victim was not suspected of a crime and was voluntarily cooperating with police.

I can't imagine the level of publicity this story would receive if it was filmed in #Iran and it was the #IRI's notorious #IRGC who did that!


Video obtained by PAR reveals how #police in a small #Texas town used violence to force a man who was not suspected of crime to turn over his phone. The warrantless seizure raises more questions about the use of illegal tactics by police in rural communities.

#Politics #Video #PoliceBrutality



Body of Iranian Protester Who Died in Police Custody Showed Signs of Torture

In #Iran, the body of a 23-year-old #protester who recently died in #police custody showed signs of severe #torture, according to his family.

The body of #HamedSalahshoor, who was a taxi driver, was exhumed by his family after security forces buried him, claiming he died of a heart attack after he was detained in late November and disappeared for four days.

After viewing his remains, Salahshoor’s family said his face was smashed; his nose, jaw and chin broken; and that he had stitches going from his neck to his navel and over his kidneys. 

#Politics #PoliceBrutality #IranProtests #IRI #Onhumanity



Another victim of the regime brutal crack down on protesters in Iran!

#Karwan_Qader_Shokri, a 16 years old boy from #Piranshar, the kurdistan province of Iran was reported dead by his family after being shot by live rounds by the IRGC military forces.

There are more reports of casualties by IRGC forces using live amo toward demonstrators that the regime claims using AK47 and even 50 caliber machine guns against it's targets.

#Iran #IranProtest #Politics #RIP #IranUprising #PoliceBrutality


Police in Iran have launched an investigation after a video showed riot police repeatedly kicking and then shooting a man

As the old Persian proverb says:

  • The soup was so salty that even the king tasted it.

Regime is desperate to show they are acting with civility toward protesters. And TBF compared to their actions during the 1980s and then 2009 riots, they have not used their worse paramilitary groups yet.

Mainly because they know that the moment they use IRGC troops with military weapons, the situation will get out of hands.

They have only acted extremely violent in Baluchistan and Kurdistan, mainly because of the historical conflict in those 2 regions as well as the attacks by separatist groups in those regions targeting IRGC and border patrols.

There are many voices inside the regime calling for abolishing the moral police. They are still in minority but some big names among the clerics have put their voice behind the idea.

One comment was specially important.

The Islamic term of "Amr be maEruf VA nahy az moknksr" (demand righfulness and oppose immoral act), has a limit, if a person doesn't want to be corrected, it is not our job to save their sole, the almighty god will punish them on judgment day.

This means that the whole function of moral police should be changed into an advisory role rather than enforcing or punishing those who do not complying with the Hijab rules.

Unfortunately, these ideas are some 40 years too late and the current situation can't be changed slowly and gradually. The people demanding the resignation of Khamenei and change of theocracy, so there will be nothing in between the 2 lines other than a major conflict, or total collapse of the regime (highly unlikely).
#Iran #iranprotests #PoliceBrutality
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #Politics



#Iran: 17-yr-old #SadafMovahedi died from internal bleeding after being beaten with a baton by security forces on her way back from school. Her family is being threatened to stay silent.

What kind of monster beats an innocent young girl in the head? This is a disgusting ISIS level inhumanity.

These actions will blow back on their face, Iran is about to explode in massive outbreak of violence.

It is just horrifying to watch from distance.

#MahsaAmini #صدف_موحدی #IranProtests #IranUprising #PoliceBrutality #Inhumanity #Politics #Religion


Iranian authorities have responded to ongoing protests with "horrific" impunity, including using live ammunition on young university students and children, says Raha Bahreini of #Amnesty.

#Iran #Politics #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #PoliceBrutality


Two more victims of brutal crackdown of protesters in Iran.

#Iran #MahsaAmini #IranProtrsts #PoliceBrutality #Politics
This time, two Afghan teenagers. Who were shot and beaten by IRI security forces.

  • Mohammad Reza Sarvari , 14yo , shot dead
  • Setareh Tagic, 16yo, beaten to death

It breaks my heart and burns me inside to see these beautiful kids fall victim of this brutal and inhumane regime.

PS. Afghans don't have the right to become Iranian citizens, despitr the fact that these kids were born and raised in Iran, they never have a chance to gain citizenship in the only country they know. Even public don't see them as Iranians, no matter how long they have lived in the country. But in their death, they put the flag of Iran over the announcement and treat them like their own.


Another miss-information piece by a US based Iranian expat who is supposedly against sanctions and for US signing the JCPOA, but sadly, so terribly wrong in so many of his analysis and posts about Iran both domestically and internationally!

#iran #Politics #PoliceBrutality #PoliticalMurder #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranProtests

The amount of publicity this con-artist is getting is truly upsetting. Nothing in his tweet is true, not according to any Iranian sources I have followed since the start of the uprising. But it doesn't stop 18k people to like it or 8.4k people resharing it.

These people are being used by the Iranian regime as proof of the foreign campaign directed at regime change to justify their bloody crackdown on the uprising followed the death of #MahsaAmini almost 3 weeks ago.


Students rally as Iran protests enter third week

There is no sign of protests slowing down.

Students rallied at universities across Iran on Saturday and strikes were reported throughout the country's Kurdish region, as demonstrations ignited by the death of a woman in police custody entered their third week.

#Iran #IranProtest #Politics #MahsaAmimi #Activism #PoliceBrutality


Iran says nine nationals of European countries detained for role in unrest

people from Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and other countries for their role in the protests against the death of a young woman in police custody, the Intelligence Ministry said on Friday.

The nine unidentified persons were detained "during the riots or while plotting in the background", the ministry said in a statement carried by Iranian media.
#iran #iranprotest #MahsaAmini #IRGC #PoliceBrutality #WokensRights



#India : This poor old flood refugee tried raising voice for the ruling political party in @SindhGovt1 and that's how they treated him after this. Please help raising voice for him

They don't even bother hiding their brutality.

#Floods #Protest #PoliceBrutality #Politics


The United Nations has decried the death in custody of Mahsa Amini after she was arrested by Iran's "morality police" and the violent crackdown on the protests over her death.

5he situation is is going from bad to worse.

Reisi who pushed for his Taliban style breakdown on "immoral" behavior after his election, let loose the mad dogs of moral patrol or sharia police all over the country.

His goal was to break the spirit of women who were using the little freedom they had received under previous "moderate" president to show that IRI is based on 7th century mindset in regards to women's rights.

But unlike their progress in the 80s and 90s, women are no longer willing to give in and accept to be treated like subjects and fighting back.

This is the spirit of Iranian women who shown they are much stronger and fearless than 5he.men and are now leasing the massive protests across the country.

I'm not sure what the outcome wi be, but in the current situation in the country, it just moving toward a collapse of the regime, at least in some areas of yhe country.

#iran #politics #protest #policebrutality #reisi #womensrights


Iran exploding!

#Iran #HumanRights #Reisi #PoliceBrutality #Uprising #Demonstrations

The death of the young woman after she was caught by the Sharia police has sparked a massive backlash across the country, specially in the Kurdish regions of the country.

Women shave their head and share the video of it on Telegram or TikTok and many men have done the same thing in solidarity with women who shave their heads.

There are many videos of women burning their head scarf and walking among demonstrators without a head cover.

The disastrous economical situation in the country as well as horrible handling of the COVID in the country has pushed people to a point that one spark was enough to push them over the edge.