

Ich schaue gerade: Waltz with Bashir (https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/8885)

Als junger Mann war Ari Folman als Wehrpflichtiger der israelischen Armee im Libanonkrieg stationiert und wurde 1982 Zeuge des berüchtigten Massakers von Sabra und Schatila, bei dem christliche Milizionäre palästinensische Flüchtlinge töteten und die israelische Armee nicht eingriff. Jahre später hat er die Ereignisse verdrängt. Weil es dennoch in ihm brodelt, geht er gegen das eigene Vergessen vor. Mit Hilfe von Zeitzeugen versucht er sich zu erinnern und fördert dabei Erschütterndes zu Tage.

#Yatse #WaltzwithBashir #israel #palestina #libanonkrieg #sabra #schatila #christlichemiliz #militär


Rockets launched from Gaza fell in Sderot

I thought Israel had evacuated everyone from Sdrot as one of the first cities before the mobilization of reservists?!

These desperate launch of rockets that only cause fear and anger is not going to help Palestinians in any way.

But I guess, it is their desperate show of defiance against the military might of Israel, to show that they are still fighting.

If the peace deal between Arafat and Shamir was not just a sham sell out by Arafat to gain status in delusion of having a Palestinian state, and included real issues such as status of #Jerusalem, disbanding of illegal settlements and the compensation or plan for millions of refugees to have the right to return, there could be a real #peace between the two nations.

Unfortunately, #Shamir was killed and Ariel #Sharon the butcher of #Sabra and #Chatila became PM of Israel and killed #Arafat together with any hope of a real Palestinian state. Ever since then, situation has gone from bad to worse and more than half the population of occupied territories who were born after that "peace deal" have only seen betrayal after betrayal, followed by uprising, brutal crack down and expansion of illegal Jewish #settlements.

The corrupt and useless #PA who turned into extended hands of apartheid regime lost it's power to the radical Hamas that gave Israel the excuse to put a deadly blockade against Gaza and turning into the world largest prison.

From then, we have only seen the spiral of violence on both sides, with the rise of serial liar and corrupt politician #Netanyahu who now have legitimized #Kahanist terrorist group in Israel while the "world" not only given up on a just and lasting peace between the 2 groups, but an unconditioned support of the most extreme form of #fascism in Israel while condemning the same escalation among Palestinians.

10s of thousands of people have died (the vast majority of them Palestinians), many more maimed by #IDF shooting on knee-caps and eyes of protesters for decades (an escalation of #Sharon's breaking the bones of palestinian kids to prevent them from participating in the first #Intifada).

Today we see the bloodiest escalation of this conflict, a level of violence that has gone beyond any laws of war and once again, the "world community" seems to be only condemning one side while cowardly "aaking" Israel to be merciful.

The mullahs in #Iran joyfully watching the conflict turn into a regional war in their wet dream of liberating Palestine or turn the world on fire (like their American evangelical christians) to enter the dooms day and return of #Mahdi (12rh imam of Shia) or #Jesus for the christian crazies.

All with 0 care about the suffering and death they are causing.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


The actor playing Marvel's #Mossad agent Sabra is a former Israeli solider and a fan of war criminal Shimon Peres!

#Israel #Entertainment #Movie #SuperHero #Politics #Apartheid #Occupation

Amazing that they picked the Name #Sabra, one of the 2 refuge camps where Israeli allies murdered some 3500 Palestinians most of them women and children, while Israeli forces under the command of Ariel Sharon had blocked the entrance to those camps preventing Palestinians to fleee or receive help for almost 3 days.

But I'm sure the #Marvel fans don't know and don't care about that.



40 years ago, an Israeli-allied armed group attacked the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon’s capital Beirut.

In June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon with the stated aim of destroying the PLO.

#OTD #Palestine #Lebanon #Politics #History #CrimeAgainstHumanity

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an umbrella of Palestinian political parties, created in 1964 with the aim of liberating Palestine through armed struggle.

The #PLO withdrew from Lebanon by September 1, 1982, two weeks later, Israeli forces besieged Sabra and Shatila.

They provided cover for a right-wing #Lebanese militia called the #Phalange to carry out the mass killings that continued for 43 hours.

As many as 3,500 people - mostly Palestinians - were killed. Here’s a look at what happened

#Refugees of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps were victims of the 1948 #Nakba, fleeing the violent ethnic cleansing of Palestine by #Zionist militias as #Israel was formed.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution declaring the massacre an “act of #genocide”.

Though no one has been held accountable for the crimes of the #Sabra and #Shatila #massacre.
