

Hey everyone, I'm #newhere! I'm studying #holistic #environmental #sciences.

My interests are #earth #environment #climate #cleanliness #art #music #reading...I actually have a lot of interests, and these are just limited to what I usually do.

I'm also interested in #psychology #psychological-memes #cooking-tutorials #make-up #biology #chemistry #film #tv #spiritual-practices #motivational #self-improvement #life-hacks #helping #charity #peace

Thanks @anyspace@sysad.org my love, for the invite.


A quotation from Gracián, Baltasar

The greatest of sages can commit one mistake, but not two; he may fall into error, but he doesn’t lie down and make his home there.

[En un descuido puede caer el mayor sabio, pero en dos no; y de paso, que no de asiento.]

Baltasar Gracián y Morales (1601-1658) Spanish Jesuit priest, writer, philosopher
The Art of Worldly Wisdom [Oráculo Manual y Arte de Prudencia], § 214 (1647) [tr. Maurer (1992)]

#quotation #quote #error #experience #learning #mistake #progress #self-correction #self-improvement #wisdom
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations: https://wist.info/gracian-y-morales-baltasar/55994/