

#movies #series
funny on #arte but you do not find it
https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/104747-005-A/mafia-queens-staffel-1-5-11/ 6 the part by random

just sent these assholes a mail

ever heard about tags. resp hashtags ? ..
or a certain search field on your site ... ever checked it (if it ever works at all...)
ever heard about that ???
when I want to watch #Mafia_Queens , I only find the link via Perlentaucher.de
... your site is being maintained by some poor..... sorry: happppppy click-bait workers in India ???
would not surprise me
real match with our/or better: YOUR holy #EU
this site is so incredibly dumbly handled
(and why in English - UK is out.................................................)
this site is a joke
greetings to Ursula .


#Capitalism and #health care - the eternal #contradiction ...

The #series "The #Dropout" is about the huge #scandal surrounding #ElizabethHolmes and her startup #Theranos.

More info here: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/122066-the-dropout

In Elizabeth's childhood her parents got into financial difficulties and she had to move because of that. This strengthened her will to become successful and always financially independent. She dropped out of #university to start her medical startup. However, it quickly became clear that her #idea of #blood tests was appealing but not technically feasible. Instead of admitting this to herself, she raised more and more #venture #capital and continued her #research. The research, however, did not go into a finished product but into a #scam to simulate a working product. She justified the #fraud to herself by saying that it would allow her to continue researching and that her research would eventually benefit #society. In the process, she created an environment of non-trust in her #company. Employees were actively prevented from exchanging information and there was a company secret service that monitored and spied on employees. Employees were intimidated and silenced with non-disclosure agreements.

#economy #pharmacy #technology #fail #science #problem #finance #crime


In the new season 3 of "Love, Death & Robots", episode one gives us the most realistic #future #dystopia for #humanity at the moment.

In the episode we accompany 3 robots that are on a pleasure trip to learn more about humans. The humans wiped themselves out several years ago. We already know the 3 robots from season 1 episode 2.

enter image description here

Preppers have built camps in the wilderness with 'lots of guns and ammo. First they exterminated all the wild animals and then slaughtered each other.

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Tech millionaires have converted former drilling rigs into homes. They wanted to live by fishing. However, the seas were overfished and polluted, so they starved to death on their artificial islands.

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The #government took refuge in underground bunkers.

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In the bunker, the artificial production of #food bogged down after a while, so they switched to #cannibalism.

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This is the #spaceport from where the billionaires left for #Mars.

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Those who could not afford a ticket were dealt with by the #defence #system.

The robots conclude that humanity has acted illogically. With all the money that they have put into actions to allow only a small group to #survive, they could have saved the whole #planet.

#aramgeddon #apocalypse #endtime #entertainment #series #robot #AI #technology #earth #problem #environment #nature #extinction #finance #capitalisms #politics #economy #robot #climate #space


Perovskite solar company Tandem PV raises US$6m to build Californian manufacturing facility

US perovskite company Tandem PV has closed on the first half of a US$12 million Series A raise after raising US$6 million for building a pilot manufacturing facility in its headquarters of San Jose, California.
#solar, #cells, #funding, #tandem, #perovskite, #series, #pv, #news


The second season of the French hacker series #Stalk is online :)

A mysterious new female freshman hacker sets the two groups fighting for the presidency of the student council against each other. The master hacker is set up in a trap and suspended. Now he must investigate the background, gather evidence of his innocence to prevent looming disaster.

watch online (French): https://www.france.tv/slash/stalk/

info: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/100604-stalk

#tv #series #France #Hack #Hacker #entertainment #software


If you think this #pandemic is the worst thing that could ever happen, think again...

You can watch the series "Station Eleven" to see a real worst case scenario for a pandemic.

-> https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/90972-station-eleven

Even though many confused people preach the end of freedom or the end of the world, we are still trapped here in the paradisiacal version of hell.

In Africa, the next #Covid version is being incubated, which will then quickly spread northward because of #globalization. We should have shared our #vaccine fairly, but that's not how #capitalism works. Therefore, no vaccine against malaria exists yet and the #AIDS medicines only provided relief for poor people when the #patents expired.

#streaming #apocalypse #series #problem #entertainment #corona #humanrights


Bonjour tout le monde, je suis #nouveauici.

J'ai décidé de quitter la sphère "Meta" et sa zuckerberguitude...
Mes centres d'intérêt sont #broadcast, #chanson, #chansonfrancaise, #français, #france, #frasncais, #french, #photo, #photographer, #photographie, #photography, #radio, #series, #séries, #song, #suisse, #suisseromande et #switzerland.
Je suis un scribe radionaute illustré, c'est-à-dire un auteur journaliste radiophonique photographe!
Mes émissions:
Six heures- Neuf heures, le samedi • Ecrans, une chronique hebdomadaire à propos des séries télévisées
Airs de rien, une thématique autour de la chanson

A bientôt!


Role-Reversal Photo Series Challenges Traditional Gender Stereotypes


Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series

Photographer Eli Rezkallah challenges gender stereotypes in his ongoing series, "In a Parallel Universe." The first subject of the series was gender reversal recreated through vintage advertising to show the disparity between traditional roles assigned to men and women.

Rezkallah is a fine art photographer and the founder of Plastik Studios and Plastik Magazine, based in Beirut, Lebanon. Rezkallah founded the studio at the age of 19 and saw his magazine become the first visual arts magazine in the Arab world, born out of a clear vision that Rezkallah wanted to convey and share with the rest of the globe.

Although dedicated to his studio work, Rezkallah also pursues personal photography, such as in his "In a Parallel Universe" series. After overhearing a family member mention that "women belong in the kitchen," Rezkallah felt ignited to respond to this outdated perspective through photography.

Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series

"Not only was I enraged, but I was also hurt and confused as to how the people that we love can say things that are so dangerous out of sheer habit," he says. "It made me want to tell those people: 'what if this was you? What if society functioned in a way that put you at a disadvantage or in a compromising position?'

The idea materialized through a series of role-reversal advertising-themed images, using traditional marketing materials from decades ago but in stark reversal. Rezkallah imagined women as a powerful force in the image, while men are assigned supportive roles that traditionally have been given to women.

Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series

Rezkallah tells PetaPixel that "people reacted positively to the project because it was like getting revenge -- a lot of people from all genders felt empowered by the subversion in these photographs."

Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series Eli Rezkallah's gender reversal series

Both for his personal and professional work, it takes a sketched idea to start with which is followed by the production phase and use of intricate sets. Rezkallah says that when it comes to styling he is "very hands-on" with it. The difference now is that Rezkallah has relocated to the United States and has to communicate with his team in Beirut via video calls and meetings.

Rezkallah's personal work currently entails working on his first book and his first solo art show in New York this spring. "It will cover my journey into art, growing up in Lebanon during the war, and how my mental state informed my work," he says. "It's already been therapeutic going through the process, and I look forward to sharing it."

More of Rezkallah's work can be found on his personal Instagram, Plastik's website, and the studio's Instagram page.

Image credits: Photos by Eli Rezkallah.

#inspiration #spotlight #ad #advert #editorial #elirezkallah #gender #lebanon #project #series #stereotype #vintage