

Bounce theory

I imagined subatomic particles interacting with each other within the diffuse confines of nuclei.These atomic entities occupy space-time by engaging in oscillatory activity. One could say they are "bouncing" in space-time.

Imagine a balloon that has been filled with small, light plastic balls. The balloon is then inflated and placed under a piece of cloth that is in constant oscillation. The oscillations of the cloth produce small jumps in the balloons, which in turn produce movement of its inner elements. The angle, force and frequency of bounces of the balloons on the cloth would all determine the position of the smaller elements. The combination of the aforementioned variables is non-deterministic, but the individual principles involved in the oscillation of the cloth, the bounce of the balloon, and the movement of its inner particles, are deterministic.

The principles that determine the motion of subatomic particles are deterministic, but the "bounces" aren't, because the fabric of space-time oscillates as well, making the point of bounce random. This could account for why deterministic principles are hard to apply to the measurement of position in time and space of subatomic particles. We are not taking into account the "bounce"

#theory #idea #science


Diskursverschiebung nach rechts: Apokalypse und Genderwahn
Welche Gemeinsamkeiten haben die superkonservative Evangelische Nachrichtenagentur #Idea und die neurechte #JungeFreiheit? Das zeigt sich vor allem an Autor Peter Hahne. Zwei junge evangelische Theolog:innen warnen vor #rechtspopulistisch|em Gedankengut in christlicher Publizistik.


"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning


A quotation from Tarkovsky, Andrei

Never try to convey your idea to the audience — it is a thankless and senseless task. Show them life, and they’ll find within themselves the means to assess and appreciate it.

Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) Russian film director, screenwriter, film theorist [Андрей Арсеньевич Тарковский]
Sculpting in Time (1986) [tr. Hunter-Blair]

#quotation #quote #art #audience #creation #idea #interpretation #meaning #polemic
Sourcing and notes: https://wist.info/tarkovsky-andrei/56367/


#Capitalism and #health care - the eternal #contradiction ...

The #series "The #Dropout" is about the huge #scandal surrounding #ElizabethHolmes and her startup #Theranos.

More info here: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/122066-the-dropout

In Elizabeth's childhood her parents got into financial difficulties and she had to move because of that. This strengthened her will to become successful and always financially independent. She dropped out of #university to start her medical startup. However, it quickly became clear that her #idea of #blood tests was appealing but not technically feasible. Instead of admitting this to herself, she raised more and more #venture #capital and continued her #research. The research, however, did not go into a finished product but into a #scam to simulate a working product. She justified the #fraud to herself by saying that it would allow her to continue researching and that her research would eventually benefit #society. In the process, she created an environment of non-trust in her #company. Employees were actively prevented from exchanging information and there was a company secret service that monitored and spied on employees. Employees were intimidated and silenced with non-disclosure agreements.

#economy #pharmacy #technology #fail #science #problem #finance #crime


I CAN See the Future
There is no path toward a positive outcome in my life. Every door is #suffering and #death. The only "choice" I have in my "life" is when and how horribly I am going to #die. It is impossible to know which is the least awful #future. I just know that all possible futures are awful. I don't have any #idea what to do about it. There are lots of low odds, horrible events that could kill me, but the most likely is a #HeartAttack. There is no way around it. I think I could put it off a few years one way or the other, but it's inevitable at this point. I am going to have a heart attack that will either kill me or leave me broke and homeless. There are several ways I can get there:

70% likelihood - I will not be able to find a job. I will be living on the verge of homelessness. I have a heart attack. This is the situation where I am most likely to die outright, because I will be arriving in the Emergency Room as a poor person, and the staff will be much more likely to just let me die. But if I don't, I will lose all my money, be totally broke, and homeless when I get out. Then I will be permanently #unemployable, in #debt, and #homeless

27% likelihood - I get some kind of horrible job that doesn't provide enough money for "health insurance". I have a heart attack. I rack up an enormous hospital bill, but it is somewhat based on reality. It exceeds all my savings, nevertheless. I am fired, of course. I am released from the hospital in time to deal with my #eviction. I am left unemployable, indebted, homeless.

3% likelihood - I get a "good" job that pays for "health insurance." I have a heart attack. Any job that is good enough to pay for health insurance will be stressful enough to bring a heart attack sooner. Nevertheless, since I am "insured" I receive better, and thus, much more expensive care in the hospital. That is, right up to the moment I am #fired. Then I will burn through my savings very quickly. But the higher standard of care means the bill I am now stuck with will be much, much higher (possibly millions of dollars). I will be released from the hospital in time to be evicted, and be unemployable, massively indebted, unemployable, and homeless. And in this state, the debt will be such that I will be barred from credit, and public aid in all likelihood. In some ways, though this is the most survivable scenario, it is also the worst.


#Hack the #Press - Clever Ways to get Free Media Coverage ...

1) Organise a fake press conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiWlvBro9eI
2) Nudity is good for getting on the front page of the tabloid press. Femen
3) You don't necessarily have to be naked. It also works like this: Texas
4) If you get a traineeship, simply stand in front of the cameras at the right moment. Harper
5) ...

#journalism #hacker #news #knowledge #subversion #protest #politics #change #idea

Bhopal Disaster - BBC - The Yes Men