

Now for something completely different!

I'm not sure how I feel about this....
The #GoogleDoEvil gods are really churning out #YouTube #Shorts - I suppose to compete w/TikTok. Now they've tapped my shorts!

Mick from Moscow, Brooklyn, and Central Park: SMILING PEOPLE LIVE LONGER

That said, who could not like this? Yes, I took the vid, but never made a YT "Short" (as an altered-for-gimmick grab).
Eh, will this make me a star as YT shorts take my (old) vids and turn them into cute clips? Meh... "We'll see." This is Mick.

#accordion #Mick #CentralPark #Moscow #musician #smile #smiling #myphoto #Fenfotos #short


He couldn't see anything. It was frightening.. He couldn't feel anything either.. Except for his body..

And he could breathe .. at least....... and he could see a faint dred shimmer when he exhaled.... which was even more frightening.

He was near to panic and pulled up his upper left work hand before his face... And he saw it... glowing mildly dred as his blood circlulated trough his veins, clearly visible.

He took a very deep breath and exhaled slowly... He could hear the moisture in his breath turn into ice not far away from him.

It got very cold.. he closed his eyes and was rewarded with a warm light dred glow in his eyes. But there was nothing else.

Nothing to hear.

Nothing to feel.

Nothing to smell.

Just the faint glow of it's very own body heat, dissipating out in whatever this cold was......

#Scifi #Short #tetrachromat #tetrachromacy #randomshit #ifrared #infrarot #sight #sehen


Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969)

animated short subject by Marv Newland

The running time of this cartoon is 1 minute, 39 seconds

Among fans of cartoons and animated films of all kinds, this is famous. In case some of you young people haven't seen it yet, here it is. Note that the choreography here is by Newland himself.


#cartoon #cartoons #animated #animation #animated-short-subject #film #movie #humor #humour #funny #comedy #1969 #classic #animated-film #marv-newland #video #movie #short #short-subject #famous-cartoon #bambi #bambi-meets-godzilla



There you go!

We made this film 7 years ago with Oren Ginzburg & David Mitchell but sadly the story is the same as ever.
When will people realize that forced development isn’t “progress”? Tribal peoples must be allowed to choose how they live. Stop stealing #Indigenous lands.

Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.

The government of #Ethiopia, which is one of the biggest recipients of American and British overseas aid, is forcibly resettling thousands of self-sufficient tribal people, including #Mursi, #Kwegu and #Bodi, leaving them with no land, cattle herds or livelihood. Unable to sustain themselves they say they are now just ‘waiting to die’. The Prime Minister justified this plan, in a country renowned for famine, by claiming it will give the tribes ‘a modern life’.

The beneficiaries of this ‘development’ are being arrested, beaten and raped. Their grain stores are being destroyed in an effort to force them to give up their lands and their ways of life. The result will be a humanitarian catastrophe.

Happy and Thriving

Tribal peoples living on their own lands generally thrive. Research shows that the world’s richest billionaires are no happier than the average #Maasai herder. However, many governments view tribal peoples’ self-sufficient ways of life as ‘backward’ and embarrassing, often coupled with a desire for the tribes’ lands. Tribal people are forced to comply with other people’s notions of ‘progress’ – usually by becoming settled farmers and having to join the mainstream market economy.

The #DongriaKondh from India grow over 100 crops and harvest almost 200 different wild foods, which provide them with year-round, rich nutrition even in times of drought. They have rejected attempts to be assimilated into the mainstream.

Forced to Change

Tribes, such as the #Penan of #Malaysian #Borneo, are pushed into alien settlements and told to practise ‘modern’ agriculture, despite having an encyclopaedic knowledge of their own environments, which have sustained them, and the biodiversity of their forests, for generations. They are moved to make way for giant dams. These moves are justified by the notion that a transition from hunting and gathering to farming is ‘progress’.

Devastating Consequences
Tribal peoples forced to abandon their traditional food growing, hunting and gathering practices lose their self-sufficiency and are left at the mercy of markets they do not understand and which often exploit them.

As in the There You Go film, tribes faced with this sort of ‘development’ go from independent, thriving communities – kings of their own land – to scraping a living at the very margins of society. Faced with these pressures, and the up-rooting of their ways of life, tribal societies often break down, leading to devastatingly high rates of addiction, suicide and chronic disease.

Land and Choice

This does not mean that tribal people don’t want change: like all peoples, they are constantly changing and evolving. But they must choose and control the direction of this change, not have it imposed upon them by outsiders. The most important factor, by far, for tribal peoples’ well-being is whether their land rights are respected. Once their land is secured they are in a strong position to make their own choices about their ways of life and what ‘development’ they want.

#ThereYouGo #short #documentary #film #animation #environment #capitalism #greed #profit #progress #exploitation #land-grabbing #tribal #peoples #OrenGinzburg #DavidMitchell #SurvivalInternational


‘Ice has a memory’ ~ an Inuit poem contemplates scientific exploration of Greenland


' #Greenland is the #world’s #largest #island, a #sprawling #landmass covered by a notoriously #receding #ice #sheet. With a population of just 56,000, it’s also one of the #least #populated places on #Earth. The vast majority of these #Greenlanders are #Greenlandic #Inuit, with roots on the island stretching back centuries. Recent decades, however, have brought a new kind a visitor – #climate #scientists with #complex #devices for #drilling and #prodding the Earth. Setting up #temporary #camps that tend to leave #permanent #marks, they aim to peer into the deep past #preserved in the #ice, hoping that it will offer hints about the climate’s precarious #future.

An #impressionistic work of #nonfiction with #science-fiction influences, #Utuqaq (‘ice that lasts year after year’) juxtaposes images of a #scientific #expedition to Greenland’s ice sheet with a #poem about the visitors, narrated in #Kalaallisut, a variant of Greenlandic Inuit language, by #AviajaLyberth. As the filmmaker #IvaRadivojevic’s #otherworldly and often #beautiful #exploration unfolds, two distinct perspectives on the #stark #white #landscape slowly emerge. #climatechange #short #documentary #stunning #poetic #arctic #film