

The #Saudi based AlArabia news paper has published a story that US has agreed to allow 3 countries (#Iraq, #Japan #SouthKorea) to release Iran's frozen assets worth $10B in exchange for Iran releasing 3 #US citizens from it's prison.

العربیه مدعی شد: عراق، ژاپن و کره جنوبی دارایی‌های ایران را آزاد خواهند کرد

🔸شبکه عربستانی العربیه مدعی شد:

🔹آمریکا در ازای آزادی سه زندانی منابع مالی ایران در سه کشور عراق، ژاپن و کره را که حدود ۱۰ میلیارد دلار تخمین زده می‌شود، آزاد می‌کند.


the insanity is not going away but gets more insane every day !

#Covid19: Global reports, news and updates
Dr.Campbell shows fatality rate in #china is 0.000207 (!!) but still many countries ( #Italy, #Uk, #France, #Japan, #US, #SouthKorea, #India)will start testing Chinese travellers.India will quarantine positive cases and doing #random #tests on #international #travellers, #Thailand demands from the 5th of January ALL international travellers to show proof of 2 clotshots(?)and encouraging the population to mask up again



In 2018, South Korea spawned Asia's first and most successful #MeToo movement. But in its wake, a wave of anti-feminism coursed through the country, fuelled by young men who were concerned that, in their hyper-competitive society, women were gaining the upper hand.

#southkorea #gender #gender-equality #politics
As South Korea abolishes its gender ministry, women fight back


US sides with Germany and Italy in opposing anti-Nazi resolution

#Germany, #taly, #Austria and #Japan were among the 50 members of the #UN General Assembly who voted against the Russian resolution to condemn glorification of Nazism, joining the annual opposition by the US and Ukraine.

The final vote on Thursday afternoon was 120 in favor, 50 opposed and ten abstaining. In addition to the former Axis powers, other notable “no” votes included #Canada, the #UK, #France, #Spain, #Poland, #Czechia, #Poland, #Hungary, and the three Baltic states. #Switzerland, #SouthKorea, and #Türkiye were among the notable abstentions.

Moscow proposes the resolution every year, urging the UN to combat the “glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

The resolution calls on UN members to take appropriate action to counter historical revisionism and the denial of crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War.

The US and Ukraine have voted against the Russian-proposed resolution for years. They were the only “no” votes in 2021, while 49 others abstained, mainly Washington’s allies. On that occasion, the American envoy said the resolution was incompatible with the free speech guarantees of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, and accused Moscow of “disinformation narratives” about neo-Nazism in the Baltic states and Ukraine.

Explaining its opposition after committee debate last month, the US called the resolution “not a serious effort to combat Nazism, antisemitism, racism, or xenophobia – all of which are abhorrent and unacceptable,” but rather a “shameful political ploy” to justify the conflict in Ukraine.



South Koreans are going to become "younger" as their traditional #age system is scrapped. There's something sad about a #tradition being abolished in the name of global #standardisation. I remember a Korean student explaining to me that he was 30 in Korean years, when the records said he was 29. In South Korea, you are traditionally 1 when you are born.

#globalisation #culture #monoculture #Korea #SouthKorea



Wot’s in the shots? Graphene oxide? Nanobots?
Rebecca Weisser
5 November 2022

What is in the #Pfizer #vaccines? Recently, #Dr David #Nixon, a #Brisbane #GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of #vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a #dark-field #microscope.

That’s a more radical decision than it might sound. According to Sasha Latypova, a scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, the contract between Pfizer and the US government prohibits independent researchers from studying the vaccines. They claim it would ‘divert’ these precious resources away from their intended use fulfilling an ‘urgent’ need.

Is that true in #Australia? Who knows? All the Commonwealth Department of #Health has said about its contract with Pfizer is that it is commercial-in-confidence.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration performs tests on all #Covid vaccines for composition and strength, purity and integrity, identity and endotoxins, but it provides scant details other than the batch numbers tested and whether they passed. (Spoiler alert: they did.)

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control specifically states that all #Covid-19 vaccines are free from ‘metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’ and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors’.

Notably, this list does not include #grapheneoxide which has been widely investigated for biomedical applications. Some researchers sing its praises, its ‘ultra-high drug-loading efficiency due to the wide surface area’, its exceptional ‘chemical and mechanical constancy, sublime conductivity and excellent biocompatibility’. But there’s a catch. ‘The toxic effect of graphene oxide on living cells and organs’ is ‘a limiting factor’ on its use in the medicine.

So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are #strange #mechanical #structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like #circuitry and #microchips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by #electromagnetic #radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in #NewZealand, #Germany, #Spain and #SouthKorea.

CONTINUE: https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/11/wots-in-the-shots/


enter image description here
during the eclipse. #Uranus made an appearance, too. The 7th #planet from the #sun is #blue, and its #azure disk popped out from behind the #Moon during the #eclipse. Bum-Suk Yeom sends this picture from Iksan, #SouthKorea:

"I used a 150 mm refractor to catch Uranus emerging from the shadowed edge of the Moon," says Yeom.

Ths was the end of a lunar occultation of Uranus visible from parts of North America and Asia. Normally, the faint planet would be hard to see near the edge of a full Moon, but Earth's shadow darkened the lunar disk enough for easy visibility.


#SouthKorea #apologises after #missile fired in response to #NorthKorea test crashes

source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/05/south-korea-apologises-after-missile-fired-in-response-to-north-korea-test-crashes

Instead, it ended in embarrassment when a short-range #Hyumoo - 2 ballistic missile crashed to the ground inside an air force base near the South Korean coastal city of #Gangneung.

Although the missile did not explode, the noise and subsequent fire caused some Gangneung residents to believe the North had launched an #attack, according to media reports. There were no reports of injuries.

#military #fail #politics #news


kosmi on Twitter: "[1/2] Super #Typhoon #Hinnamnor on his way to #Taiwan, #China, #SouthKorea and #Japan. Multispectral image taken yesterday ( Aug. 30 ) by @CopernicusEU #Sentinel3 satellite. All 21 OLCI bands. Data processed in @sentinel_hub Open🖼️in new tab for 300 m/px resolution 😶🔎 https://t.co/rOBeZIJcsW" / Twitter

uhOh That does not look good


As we approach International Conscientious Objectors’ Day, I hope you will read:

South Korean NGOs: Stop the War in Ukraine! Give Peace a Chance!

On February 28, more than 390 South Korean NGOs held a press conference in front of the #Russian Embassy in South Korea calling on #Russia to stop its invasion of #Ukraine and calling for peace. Following their press conference, the NGOs representatives delivered their statement to the Russian Embassy.

#solidarity #SouthKorea #SouthKorean #Korean #SouthKorean #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection