

Which #SadiqKhan won the #election for #LondonMayor, beating #Tory candidate #SusanHall, after a very fractious campaign, the quote of the day belongs to one of the minor candidates standing, #CountBinface (as far as I can tell, no relation to a former parliamentary candidate, #LordBuckethead), who still beat the #BritainFirst candidate, #NickScanlon and said,
"It looks like I have defeated Britain First in an election.
“Come on, you have to cheer about that
down with fascism, up with Ceefax, what can I say?”

(For the uninitiated, Ceefax was the BBC's former teletext service.)

#UK #Politics #England #London


In the extensive #BBC coverage of local #elections in the #UK, I’ve seen and heard not a single reference to local issues or how local councils performed. It is all interpreted only as an indication of popularity of national politics.

I understand the connection to national politics, and I’m not asking this to be denied. However, this is both bad journalism and biased coverage. It’s bad journalism as it ignores a large part of what local elections are about, and fails to hold local government to account on anything they do.

It’s biased as it projects national issues on local elections, and supports the main national parties, with no value given to smaller parties, local parties and independent candidates, who might pay an important role locally. In effect, the BBC is encouraging people to vote according to national issues, not local.

#ukpol #media


« L’affaire #Assange au regard du droit : 14 ans de persĂ©cution judiciaire »
Jeudi 16 mai 2024 Ă  19h30 – Salle Olympe de Gouges, #Paris 11e (mĂ©tro PĂšre Lachaise)

L’évĂ©nement aura lieu quelques jours avant l’audience dĂ©cisive du 20 mai Ă  Londres qui tranchera quant Ă  la possibilitĂ© d’un ultime appel du fondateur de #WikiLeaks au #Royaume-Uni pour empĂȘcher l’extradition vers les #États-Unis. Ce sera donc aussi un rassemblement de #soutien, l’extradition Ă©tant une menace rĂ©elle et imminente en cas de rĂ©ponse nĂ©gative de la Haute Cour britannique.

Les intervenants seront :
-- Christophe Marchand, avocat de Julian Assange depuis 2015, il le reprĂ©sente devant la Cour europĂ©enne des droits de l’homme ( #CEDH) ;
-- Deepa Driver, observatrice juridique (elle a suivi toutes les audiences d’extradition) et universitaire dans le domaine de la rĂ©glementation financiĂšre et de la responsabilitĂ© des entreprises et des États ;
-- William Bourdon, avocat pĂ©naliste spĂ©cialisĂ© dans le droit des #mĂ©dias et la dĂ©fense des lanceurs d’alerte ;
-- Éric Alt, magistrat et administrateur de l’association de #lutte contre la #corruption #Anticor.

La #conférence commencera à 19h30 mais les portes ouvriront dÚs 18h30, avec les stands des différents partenaires et une buvette.

#FreeAssange #UK #USA #Journalism